Made by:
- Chris Rosenblatt (
- Josh Kassman (
- Vikas Tatineni (
Project Name: Hello Mentors
Youtube Video:
Project Description: An all-in-one mentor organization system for hackathons. Hello Mentors has 3 main features:
- For Organizers: Hello Mentors allows you to check in and check out mentors, view your currently online mentors and their skills, and view all active tickets so you can always keep track of what's going on.
- For Mentors: Hello Mentors allows you to see all available tickets and any tickets you have claimed. This way you can keep track of what tickets are available and you can find what you've signed up to do.
- For Hackers: Hello Mentors allows you to submit a ticket to get a mentor's assistance. You can also see the list of currently online mentors so you know if a mentor with your skills is available. You can also see your currently open tickets and when they opened.
Technologies used:
- JS
- Bootstrap
- Node.js
- Express
- Passport.js
- Winston
- SendGrid
- Docker
- DigitalOcean