usage: aethereal
-artifactId <artifactId> artifactId of the artifact to be analyzed
-download Download all JARs locally
-downloadPath <path> Relative path to where the dataset should be
-groupId <groupId> groupId of the artifact to be analyzed
-local Fetch artifact information from a local copy
of the Maven Dependency Graph
-m3 Serialize the M3 models of all JARs
-remote Fetch artifact information from Maven Central
For library org.sonarsource.sonarqube:sonar-plugin-api
Number of versions: 55 [min: 5.2-RC3, max: 6.7-RC1]
Number of clients: 365
Number of links: 365
Orphan libraries: 4 [[org.sonarsource.sonarqube:sonar-plugin-api:jar:5.3-RC1, org.sonarsource.sonarqube:sonar-plugin-api:jar:5.3-RC2, org.sonarsource.sonarqube:sonar-plugin-api:jar:5.3, org.sonarsource.sonarqube:sonar-plugin-api:jar:5.2]]
Matrix density: 0.01818181818181818
Clients per library: [avg: 5.927272727272728, min: 0, max: 38]
From Maven:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="nl.cwi.swat.aethereal.Main" -Dexec.args="-local -download -m3 -groupId org.sonarsource.sonarqube -artifactId sonar-plugin-api"