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XV Cloud Native Workshop

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Lab 0

This lab is meant to setup the Openshift cluster, it should only be executed by the person running the workshop.

Lab 0.1 Provide AMQ Streams Operator and Kafka Cluster

Install Operator:

  • AMQ Streams
  • Version: 2.5.1-2 provided by RH

Create the following Kafka cluster:

kind: Kafka
  name: kafka-cluster
    version: 3.5.0
    replicas: 1
      - name: plain
        port: 9092
        type: internal
        tls: false
      - name: tls
        port: 9093
        type: internal
        tls: true
      offsets.topic.replication.factor: 1
      transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 1
      transaction.state.log.min.isr: 1
      default.replication.factor: 1
      min.insync.replicas: 1 "3.5"
      type: ephemeral
    replicas: 1
      type: ephemeral
    topicOperator: {}
    userOperator: {}

Provide an Openshift Serverless Operator:

  • Openshift serverless operator
  • Version 1.32.0

Install knative serving

oc new-project knative-serving

Create the serving configuration:

kind: KnativeServing
    name: knative-serving
    namespace: knative-serving

Check knative serving status and wait until everything is reported as true

oc get -n knative-serving --template='{{range .status.conditions}}{{printf "%s=%s\n" .type .status}}{{end}}'

Lab 1

Lab 1.1 Deploying Order Service

The order service requires a postgresql database to store order data.

In order to deploy the database, it is possible to use the provided openshift templates.

It is not required to configured persistence so the template PostgreSQL (ephemeral can be used).

Configure a PostgreSQL ephemeral database.

To do this, go to the Developer view and click "Add" to search the catalog and search for PostgreSQL (Ephemeral)

Configure the template with the following values:

  • Databse Service Name: orders
  • PostgreSQL Username: quarkus
  • PostgreSQL Password: quarkus
  • PostgreSQL Database Name: orders

Click Create to have the service created.

The Openshift template will deploy an ephemeral PostgreSQL database with the provided configuration.

Next step is to deploy the order-service.

To do that, create a build configuration for the service:

oc new-build --name order-service --binary=true

The provided Dockerfile is not created in the default directory, due to this it is required to modify the path specified in the build configuration.

Modify the created BuildConfiguration resource to add:

  type: Docker
    dockerfilePath: src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm

Compile the service locally before running the OCP build. In this case, the dockerfile requires a compiled application:

mvn clean package

Start the build from the order-service:

oc start-build order-service --from-dir=. --follow

And deploy it:

oc new-app --name=order-service --image-stream=order-service:latest

This will provide a Deployment and a Service for the order-service.

Make sure the deployment is blue and that the service is running by executing a curl:

curl http://order-service:8080/entity/orders

Lab 1.2 Deploy UI

To interact with the services deployed, a simple NGINX application is implemented.

To deploy it, it is only required to create a BuildConfiguration and an ImageStream:

oc new-build --name ui-service --binary=true

So it is possible to build the UI image from the ui-service folder:

oc start-build ui-service --from-dir=. --follow

Create a new application from the created image:

oc new-app --name=ui-service --image-stream=ui-service:latest

Expose the application to consumers outside the cluster, to do that, create route resource with a unique hostname (replace <userid>)

kind: Route
  name: ui-service
  host: ui-service-<userid>.<cluster-suffix>
    kind: Service
    name: ui-service
    weight: 100
    targetPort: 8080-tcp
  wildcardPolicy: None

A route should be created, to check its hostname run:

oc get routes

Validate that it is possible to access the application:


Now orders can be placed from the UI to the order-service which will insert data into the ephemeral orders database.

Lab 1.3 Deploy Price Service

The price service is similar to the order service and it requires a postgresql database to store order data.

In order to deploy the database, it is possible to use the provided openshift templates.

It is not required to configured persistence so the template PostgreSQL (ephemeral can be used).

Configure a PostgreSQL ephemeral database.

To do this, go to the Developer view and click "Add" to search the catalog and search for PostgreSQL (Ephemeral)

Configure the template with the following values:

  • Databse Service Name: prices
  • PostgreSQL Username: quarkus
  • PostgreSQL Password: quarkus
  • PostgreSQL Database Name: prices

Click Create to have the service created.

The Openshift template will deploy an ephemeral PostgreSQL database with the provided configuration.

Next step is to deploy the price-service.

To do that, create a build configuration for the service:

oc new-build --name price-service --binary=true

The provided Dockerfile is not created in the default directory, due to this it is required to modify the path specified in the build configuration.

Modify the created BuildConfiguration resource to add:

  type: Docker
    dockerfilePath: src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm

Compile the service locally before running the OCP build. In this case, the dockerfile requires a compiled application:

mvn clean package

Start the build from the price-service:

oc start-build price-service --from-dir=. --follow

And deploy it:

oc new-app --name=price-service --image-stream=price-service:latest

This will provide a Deployment and a Service for the price-service.

Make sure the deployment is blue and that the service is running by executing a curl:

curl http://price-service:8080/entity/prices

Lab 2 Configure Kafka Event to Calculate a Price

The price of each of the orders placed will be calculated as an average of all prices in the price database.

In order to configure a Kafka Consumer that processes the event of an order placed it is necessary to deploy the dotnet-consumer-service.

Before deploying, make sure the the kafka configuration in the file applicationSettings.json is correct:

  "KafkaConfiguration": {
    "Brokers": "kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.workshop.svc.cluster.local:9092",
    "Topic": "order-placed",
    "ConsumerGroup": "workshop_consumer_group"

Mind the topic and consumerGroup should be correct if you want to process the order placed events.

To deploy the Kafka Consumer service in Openshift, it is as simple as to create a build configuration as done with other services:

oc new-build --name dotnet-consumer-service --binary=true

And run the build:

oc start-build dotnet-consumer-service --from-dir=. --follow

If the build is successful, deploy the application:

oc new-app --name=dotnet-consumer-service --image-stream=dotnet-consumer-service:latest

Un comment the price proxy pass in the nginx configuration to allow prices to be shownin the web UI:

#location ~ ^/entity/prices {
#  proxy_pass http://price-service:8080;

And re run the ui service build:

oc start-build ui-service --from-dir=. --follow

To publish and Event on order placed, uncomment the following line in the order service:


And rebuild the order-service application:

oc start-build order-service --from-dir=. --follow

At this moment, each new order added will place an event on the topic that will be processed by the consumer and a price will be stored by the price service.

A useful tool is to consume a topic from Kafka cli, if you have access to the kafka cluster it is possible to run:

/ --topic order-placed --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Which wil regiser a cli consumer on that topic.

If you want only to check the number of events published:

bin/   --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic order-placed | awk -F  ":" '{sum += $3} END {print "Result: "sum}'

Lab 3 Knative Price Service

To explore the capabilities of the Knative Serving framework, it is possible to configure the price-service as a Knative Serving component. This will scale back to 0 the number of pods of the price service if there is no requests sent to the service.

In order to do this, create a Knative Service:

kind: Service
  name: price-service-kn
  labels: cluster-local
      - image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/workshop/price-service
        - containerPort: 8080

To check the knative serving url that needs to be used:

$ oc get ksvc
NAME            URL                                               LATESTCREATED         LATESTREADY           READY   REASON
price-service   http://price-service-kn.workshop.svc.cluster.local   price-service-00002   price-service-00002   True

Change the dotnet-consumer-service to send prices to that URL instead of price-service:8080

Rebuild the dotnet-consumer-service:

oc start-build dotnet-consumer-service --from-dir=. --follow

And evalute how the price service is only scaled up when a price is sent from the Kafka consumer.

For serverless or event driven architectures, Quarkus Native images should be considered since that start time is less and the memory footprint is also reduced. This is very important if we consider the service density that may exist in a microservice architecture.

To do a native quarkus build, create a new build configuration for the native image source:

oc new-build --name native-price-service --binary=true

Make sure that the dockerfile path is set to the correct Dockerfile.native:

  type: Docker
    dockerfilePath: src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native

Clean previous maven builds:

mvn clean

And start the build process for native-price-service using the same codebase as with price-service:

oc start-build native-price-service --from-dir=. --follow

Mind that although native images are better in the runtime, the build process can take a lot of memory, this application can take up to 6GB of memory to be built.

Before deploying the native image, evalute the performance of the current knative service while it is scaled down to zero pods:

sh-4.4$ time curl http://price-service-kn.q049twfyy29zifjpdmfzle9vpvzlbmrvcibby2nvdw50cyxpvt1pucb-hpm2j5.svc.cluster.local/entity/prices?orderId=1
real    0m11.578s
user    0m0.006s
sys     0m0.003s

Also check memory consumption on the metrics tab on the pod (it can be around 250MB).

Change the Knative service to pull the native-price-service image instead of the price-service image by editing the YAML in the OCP console to (make sure your image URL is correct):

kind: Service
  name: price-service-kn
  labels: cluster-local
      - image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/workshop/native-price-service
        - containerPort: 8080

Evalute the performance of the service now:

sh-4.4$ time curl http://price-service-kn.q049twfyy29zifjpdmfzle9vpvzlbmrvcibby2nvdw50cyxpvt1pucb-hpm2j5.svc.cluster.local/entity/prices?orderId=1
real    0m1.107s
user    0m0.005s
sys     0m0.005s

And the memory consumption of the container which should be around 50MB.


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