A php client that handles HMAC auth to Modulr API
Installation is done via Composer:
composer require crowdproperty/modulr-hmac-php-client
After updating composer, add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php
'providers' => [
Publish the package config to your application with the following artisan commands:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CrowdProperty\ModulrHmacPhpClient\ModulrServiceProvider"
You can use CrowdProperty\ModulrHmacPhpClient without laravel. You can call the class ModulrApi
directly for example:
$api = new CrowdProperty\ModulrHmacPhpClient\ModulrApi();
$api->customers()->createCustomer((string) $customer);
The vedor publish command will generate a modulr
config file located in your config
folder. You may changes these values in your .env
Available config options are:
MODULR_API_NAME - Not required
MODULR_API_KEY - API Key provided by Modulr Finance
MODULR_HMAC_SECRET - HMAC Secret provided by Modulr Finance
MODULR_ENVIRONMENT - Which envirnment to use. Defaults to sandbox
MODULR_DEBUG - Enable debug mode. Defaults to false
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use CrowdProperty\ModulrHmacPhpClient\Facades\ModulrApi;
use CrowdProperty\ModulrHmacPhpClient\Model\Address;
use CrowdProperty\ModulrHmacPhpClient\Model\Associate;
use CrowdProperty\ModulrHmacPhpClient\Model\Customer;
class DemoController extends BaseController
public function __construct()
$customer = new Customer();
$associate = new Associate();
$address = new Address();
$response = ModulrApi::customers()->createCustomer((string) $customer);