This tool is basicaly a GUI based on lokiReborn and 家庭hyuga source code.
How to use BnsDatTool
- Dat Files
Just select the .dat file and click unpack for repack just select repack folder and click repack.
- Bin Files
Same as .dat files but there are no way to repack a .bin file.
- Translate
You shoud folow this sequence (Extract->Export->Merge->Translate->Pack).
- Multithread extract supported
Boost extract file speed by multithread.
Select local file click Extract. Export it will create a "Translation" folder on same directory as local file and export untranslated file to translation.xml. Merge select your translated xml file it will merge with untranslated xml file. Translate it will create a _new.bin file with translation.xml. Pack it will repack your new local file. Done!