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A simple REST api for interacting with a file system, using redis as a backend


You can use the pre-built jar's found in the releases tab on github, if you do this you only need to run java -jar <jarfile> -h to get started. Otherwise:


You will need Leiningen 2+ installed.

The following will build and run a standalone jar for marlin

git clone
cd marlin
lein uberjar
java -jar target/marlin*standalone.jar -h

Once built you can copy/move this standalone jar file wherever you like.


marlin is designed as a very simple REST API that can be put on top of a filesystem and allow external services access to the files being housed.


The design goals of marlin are:

  • Ability to PUT files into a filesystem which will automatically partition the directory heirarchy in a sane way, while at the same time ensuring that the file sent is what was intended (through a SHA1 hash which is required to be sent with the file).

  • Ability to GET files with no fuss

  • Ability to GET metadata about files (their size and sha1 hash) with no fuss

  • Ability to DELETE files

  • Ability to have multiple instances of marlin running on a single machine, each with its own upload point on the filesystem

  • SSL support (thanks ring!!!)

  • Dead simple configuration and deployment


Once you've compiled marlin you can use the -d flag to have it dump default configuration (complete with comments) to stdout. If you save this configuration and change it, you can have marlin load it using the -c flag.

Marlin requires a running copy of redis (2.6+) to function. Some form of disk persistence is optimal, which one you decide to go with (snapshot or append-log) will depend on your expected usage. Note that marlin has (or, it will soon) a command to sync what's in redis with what's actually present on the filesystem, so technically persistance isn't needed. But if you have a lot of files this could take a while, so weigh your options.


marlin operates an HTTP-REST-API on the port specified in the configuration. The following calls are supported:

PUT /<filename>?hash=<filehash>

Puts the data in the body of the request in a file called filename, and double-checks that the data has the sha1 hash of filehash. Returns 200 on success.

GET /all?json=[0|1]

Returns the list of all filenames currently being housed. If json is 0 (or ommitted) the list is simply newline separated, otherwise it comes in the form of a json list.

GET /<filename>

Returns the contents of filename, or 404 if it doesn't exist.

GET /<filename>/all?json=[0|1]

Returns a map of all the attributes marlin has in redis about filename, or 404 if it doesn't exists. If json is not set the map is returned as a newline separated list of key value lines.

GET /<filename>/<attribute>

Returns the value filename's attribute in redis. Current supported attributes are size and hash. Returns 404 if the file or attribute don't exist.

DELETE /<filename>?delay=<delay>

Delete filename, and all of its meta-data in redis, from the filesystem, if it exists. Always returns 200. If delay is specified marlin will wait that many milliseconds before executing the command.


  • Gooder logging


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