This package is the basic open source version of CryptoCoin Explorer 4.0.
The purpose of a block chain explorer is to setup and maintain a web application friendly database of a cryptocoin block chain. A basic database loader and explorer web server is included.
This package is intended to be a foundation in creating a feature rich explorer. However, it can be used as a basic explorer as-is.
The closed source production version in development is much more robust and feature rich. In the time up to the roll out/upgrade of from 3.5 to 4.0, some features will be added to this open source package.
- Python 2.7
- MySQL-Server
- Simplejson
- PyMySql
- Interrupting cow
- Requests
- All the requirements for the Database Loader
- CherryPy >= 3.6
- Jinja2
- DBUtils 1.1
Python 2.7: (sudo) apt-get install python-dev
MySQL Server: (sudo) apt-get install mysql-server
Simplejson: (sudo) apt-get install python-simplejson
Jinja2: (sudo) apt-get install python-jinja2
Requests: (sudo) apt-get install python-requests
- Alternate:
Interrupting cow:
DBUtils 1.1:
Located in the the docs folder
- dbload.rst (Setup, configuration and operation of the database loader)
- web_server.rst (Setup, configuration and operation of the web server)