sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential software-properties-common vim git curl apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates dirmngr unzip
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-discover avahi-utils libnss-mdns
sudo npm install typescript rimraf node-gyp -g
sudo npm install ts-node -g
sudo apt-get -y install mpg321
was IQAduIO is now owned by foundation
used pins
2 i2c 3 i2c 18 i2s 22 mute/unmute 23 ? rotray 24 ? rotray 25 ? IR Sendor 19 i2s 20 i2s 21 i2s
var player = require('play-sound')(opts = {})'http://staging-tempus.local/audio/rameseize/anticlock.mp3', { mpg123: ['-g', 10] }, function(err) {
if (err) throw err
"audioPath": "", // mp3 to play
"options": {
"screen": "ROOM_SCREEN_NAME", // ignore clue's that do not match our ROOM_SCREEN_NAME
"volume": 10, // 0 to 100 percent, or use DEFAULT_VOLUME
"motor": true, // turn on motor during audio if true
"motorDuration": 2000 // motor run time in ms, should aprox match the audio duration
TODO: use puzzle data for default volume control? some way to remote restart the process some way to remote reload the data internally catch no network at startup and retry nicely