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Remove lens for Campaign (#995)
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arcz authored Mar 23, 2023
1 parent a446a6c commit a10704c
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Showing 10 changed files with 125 additions and 119 deletions.
139 changes: 74 additions & 65 deletions lib/Echidna/Campaign.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
module Echidna.Campaign where

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (replicateM, when, unless)
import Control.Monad (replicateM, when)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch(..), MonadThrow(..))
import Control.Monad.Random.Strict (MonadRandom, RandT, evalRandT)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, asks, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState(..), StateT(..), evalStateT, execStateT, gets, MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState(..), StateT(..), evalStateT, execStateT, gets, MonadIO, modify')
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Random.Strict (liftCatch)
import Data.Binary.Get (runGetOrFail)
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import Data.IORef (readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Map (Map, (\\))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
Expand All @@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ import Echidna.Types.Signature (makeBytecodeCache, MetadataCache)
import Echidna.Types.Test
import Echidna.Types.Tx (TxCall(..), Tx(..), getResult, call)
import Echidna.Types.World (World)
import Echidna.Types.Corpus (Corpus)

instance MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (RandT g m) where
throwM = lift . throwM
Expand All @@ -54,26 +54,26 @@ instance MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (RandT g m) where
-- | Given a 'Campaign', checks if we can attempt any solves or shrinks without exceeding
-- the limits defined in our 'CampaignConf'.
isDone :: MonadReader EConfig m => Campaign -> m Bool
isDone c | null c._tests = do
isDone c | null c.tests = do
conf <- asks (.campaignConf)
pure $ c._ncallseqs * conf.seqLen >= conf.testLimit
pure $ c.ncallseqs * conf.seqLen >= conf.testLimit
isDone c = do
conf <- asks (.campaignConf)
let res (Open i) = if i >= conf.testLimit then Just True else Nothing
res Passed = Just True
res (Large i) = if i >= conf.shrinkLimit then Just False else Nothing
res Solved = Just False
res (Failed _) = Just False
let testResults = res . (.state) <$> c._tests
let testResults = res . (.state) <$> c.tests
let done = if conf.stopOnFail then Just False `elem` testResults
else all isJust testResults
pure done

-- | Given a 'Campaign', check if the test results should be reported as a
-- success or a failure.
isSuccessful :: Campaign -> Bool
isSuccessful Campaign{_tests} =
all (\case { Passed -> True; Open _ -> True; _ -> False; }) ((.state) <$> _tests)
isSuccessful Campaign{tests} =
all (\case { Passed -> True; Open _ -> True; _ -> False; }) ((.state) <$> tests)

-- | Given an initial 'VM' state and a @('SolTest', 'TestState')@ pair, as well as possibly a sequence
-- of transactions and the state after evaluation, see if:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,9 @@ updateTest vmForShrink (vm, xs) test = do
-- | Given a rule for updating a particular test's state, apply it to each test in a 'Campaign'.
runUpdate :: (MonadReader Env m, MonadState Campaign m)
=> (EchidnaTest -> m EchidnaTest) -> m ()
runUpdate f = let l = tests in use l >>= mapM f >>= (l .=)
runUpdate f = do
tests' <- mapM f =<< gets (.tests)
modify' $ \c -> c { tests = tests' }

-- | Given an initial 'VM' state and a way to run transactions, evaluate a list of transactions, constantly
-- checking if we've solved any tests or can shrink known solves.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,26 +141,24 @@ updateGasInfo ((t, _):ts) tseq gi = updateGasInfo ts (t:tseq) gi
execTxOptC :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m, MonadState (VM, Campaign) m, MonadThrow m)
=> Tx -> m (VMResult, Gas)
execTxOptC tx = do
(vm, Campaign{_coverage = oldCov}) <- get
let cov = _2 . coverage
((res, newCov), vm') <- runStateT (execTxWithCov tx) vm
_1 .= vm'
(vm, camp@Campaign{coverage = oldCov}) <- get
((res, txCov), vm') <- runStateT (execTxWithCov tx) vm
let vmr = getResult $ fst res
-- Update the coverage map with the proper binary according to the vm result
cov .= Map.mapWithKey (\_ s -> (set _4 vmr) s) newCov
-- Update the global coverage map with the union of the result just obtained
cov %= Map.unionWith Set.union oldCov
grew <- (== LT) . comparing coveragePoints oldCov <$> use cov
when grew $ do
case of
SolCall c -> _2 . genDict %= gaddCalls (Set.singleton c)
_ -> pure ()
_2 . newCoverage .= True
return res
-- Update the tx coverage map with the proper binary according to the vm result
let txCov' = Map.mapWithKey (\_ s -> (set _4 vmr) s) txCov
-- Update the global coverage map with the one from this tx run
let newCov = Map.unionWith Set.union oldCov txCov'
put (vm', camp { coverage = newCov })
when (coveragePoints oldCov < coveragePoints newCov) $ do
let dict' = case of
SolCall c -> gaddCalls (Set.singleton c) camp.genDict
_ -> camp.genDict
modify' $ \(_vm, c) -> (_vm, c { newCoverage = True, genDict = dict' })
pure res

-- | Given a list of transactions in the corpus, save them discarding reverted transactions
addToCorpus :: MonadState Campaign m => Int -> [(Tx, (VMResult, Gas))] -> m ()
addToCorpus n res = unless (null rtxs) $ corpus %= Set.insert (n, rtxs)
addToCorpus :: Int -> [(Tx, (VMResult, Gas))] -> Corpus -> Corpus
addToCorpus n res corpus = if null rtxs then corpus else Set.insert (n, rtxs) corpus
where rtxs = fst <$> res

-- | Generate a new sequences of transactions, either using the corpus or with
Expand All @@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ randseq memo seqLen deployedContracts world = do
else seqMutatorsStateful (fromConsts mutConsts)
-- Fetch the mutator
let mut = getCorpusMutation cmut
if null camp._corpus
if null camp.corpus
then pure randTxs -- Use the generated random transactions
else mut seqLen camp._corpus randTxs -- Apply the mutator
else mut seqLen camp.corpus randTxs -- Apply the mutator

-- | Given an initial 'VM' and 'World' state and a number of calls to generate,
-- generate that many calls, constantly checking if we've solved any tests or
Expand All @@ -199,40 +199,49 @@ callseq initialCorpus vm world seqLen = do
put (vm', ca)
pure r
-- Then, we get the current campaign state
ca <- get
camp <- get
-- Then, we generate the actual transaction in the sequence
metaCacheRef <- asks (.metadataCache)
metaCache <- liftIO $ readIORef metaCacheRef
txSeq <-
-- Replay transactions in the corpus during the first iterations
if length initialCorpus > ca._ncallseqs
then pure $ initialCorpus !! ca._ncallseqs
else randseq metaCache seqLen vm._env._contracts world
-- Replay transactions in the corpus during the first iterations
txSeq <- if length initialCorpus > camp.ncallseqs
then pure $ initialCorpus !! camp.ncallseqs
else randseq metaCache seqLen vm._env._contracts world

-- We then run each call sequentially. This gives us the result of each call, plus a new state
(res, (vm', camp)) <- runStateT (evalSeq vm ef txSeq) (vm, ca)
let -- compute the addresses not present in the old VM via set difference
diff = Map.keys $ vm'._env._contracts \\ vm._env._contracts
-- and construct a set to union to the constants table
diffs = H.fromList [(AbiAddressType, Set.fromList $ AbiAddress <$> diff)]
-- Save the global campaign state (also vm state, but that gets reset before it's used)
put camp -- Update the gas estimation
when conf.estimateGas $ gasInfo %= updateGasInfo res []
-- If there is new coverage, add the transaction list to the corpus
when camp._newCoverage $ addToCorpus (camp._ncallseqs + 1) res
-- Reset the new coverage flag
newCoverage .= False
-- Keep track of the number of calls to `callseq`
ncallseqs += 1
-- Now we try to parse the return values as solidity constants, and add then to the 'GenDict'
types <- gets (._genDict.rTypes)
let results = parse (map (\(t, (vr, _)) -> (t, vr)) res) types
-- union the return results with the new addresses
additions = H.unionWith Set.union diffs results
-- append to the constants dictionary
let dict = camp._genDict
genDict .= dict
{ constants = H.unionWith Set.union additions dict.constants
, dictValues = Set.union (mkDictValues $ Set.unions $ H.elems additions) dict.dictValues
(res, (vm', camp')) <- runStateT (evalSeq vm ef txSeq) (vm, camp)

-- compute the addresses not present in the old VM via set difference
newAddrs = Map.keys $ vm'._env._contracts \\ vm._env._contracts
-- and construct a set to union to the constants table
diffs = H.fromList [(AbiAddressType, Set.fromList $ AbiAddress <$> newAddrs)]
-- Now we try to parse the return values as solidity constants, and add then to the 'GenDict'
results = parse (map (\(t, (vr, _)) -> (t, vr)) res) camp.genDict.rTypes
-- union the return results with the new addresses
additions = H.unionWith Set.union diffs results
-- append to the constants dictionary
updatedDict = camp.genDict
{ constants = H.unionWith Set.union additions camp.genDict.constants
, dictValues = Set.union (mkDictValues $ Set.unions $ H.elems additions)

-- Update the campaign state
put camp'
{ genDict = updatedDict
-- Update the gas estimation
, gasInfo = if conf.estimateGas
then updateGasInfo res [] camp.gasInfo
else camp.gasInfo
-- If there is new coverage, add the transaction list to the corpus
, corpus = if camp'.newCoverage
then addToCorpus (camp.ncallseqs + 1) res camp.corpus
else camp.corpus
-- Reset the new coverage flag
, newCoverage = False
-- Keep track of the number of calls to `callseq`
, ncallseqs = camp.ncallseqs + 1
-- Given a list of transactions and a return typing rule, this checks whether we know the return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,17 +287,17 @@ campaign u vm world ts dict initialCorpus = do
execStateT (evalRandT (lift u >> runCampaign) (mkStdGen effectiveSeed)) camp
memo = makeBytecodeCache . map (forceBuf . (^. bytecode)) . Map.elems
runCampaign = gets (fmap (.state) . (._tests)) >>= update
update c = do
runCampaign = do
testStates <- gets (fmap (.state) . (.tests))
CampaignConf{testLimit, stopOnFail, seqLen, shrinkLimit} <- asks (.cfg.campaignConf)
Campaign{_ncallseqs} <- get
if | stopOnFail && any (\case Solved -> True; Failed _ -> True; _ -> False) c ->
Campaign{ncallseqs} <- get
if | stopOnFail && any (\case Solved -> True; Failed _ -> True; _ -> False) testStates ->
lift u
| any (\case Open n -> n <= testLimit; _ -> False) c ->
| any (\case Open n -> n <= testLimit; _ -> False) testStates ->
callseq initialCorpus vm world seqLen >> step
| any (\case Large n -> n < shrinkLimit; _ -> False) c ->
| any (\case Large n -> n < shrinkLimit; _ -> False) testStates ->
| null c && (seqLen * _ncallseqs) <= testLimit ->
| null testStates && (seqLen * ncallseqs) <= testLimit ->
callseq initialCorpus vm world seqLen >> step
| otherwise ->
lift u
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lib/Echidna/Output/JSON.hs
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Expand Up @@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ encodeCampaign :: C.Campaign -> ByteString
encodeCampaign C.Campaign{..} = encode
Campaign { _success = True
, _error = Nothing
, _tests = mapTest <$> _tests
, seed = _genDict.defSeed
, coverage = mapKeys (("0x" ++) . (`showHex` "") . keccak') $ DF.toList <$>_coverage
, gasInfo = toList _gasInfo
, _tests = mapTest <$> tests
, seed = genDict.defSeed
, coverage = mapKeys (("0x" ++) . (`showHex` "") . keccak') $ DF.toList <$> coverage
, gasInfo = toList gasInfo

mapTest :: EchidnaTest -> Test
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/Echidna/Transaction.hs
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Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ genTx :: (MonadRandom m, MonadState Campaign m)
-> Map Addr Contract
-> m Tx
genTx memo world txConf deployedContracts = do
genDict <- gets (._genDict)
genDict <- gets (.genDict)
sigMap <- getSignatures world.highSignatureMap world.lowSignatureMap
sender <- rElem' world.senders
(dstAddr, dstAbis) <- rElem' $ Set.fromList $
Expand Down
35 changes: 16 additions & 19 deletions lib/Echidna/Types/Campaign.hs
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Echidna.Types.Campaign where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,22 +36,22 @@ data CampaignConf = CampaignConf

-- | The state of a fuzzing campaign.
data Campaign = Campaign { _tests :: [EchidnaTest]
-- ^ Tests being evaluated
, _coverage :: CoverageMap
-- ^ Coverage captured (NOTE: we don't always record this)
, _gasInfo :: Map Text (Gas, [Tx])
-- ^ Worst case gas (NOTE: we don't always record this)
, _genDict :: GenDict
-- ^ Generation dictionary
, _newCoverage :: Bool
-- ^ Flag to indicate new coverage found
, _corpus :: Corpus
-- ^ List of transactions with maximum coverage
, _ncallseqs :: Int
-- ^ Number of times the callseq is called
makeLenses ''Campaign
data Campaign = Campaign
{ tests :: [EchidnaTest]
-- ^ Tests being evaluated
, coverage :: CoverageMap
-- ^ Coverage captured (NOTE: we don't always record this)
, gasInfo :: Map Text (Gas, [Tx])
-- ^ Worst case gas (NOTE: we don't always record this)
, genDict :: GenDict
-- ^ Generation dictionary
, newCoverage :: Bool
-- ^ Flag to indicate new coverage found
, corpus :: Corpus
-- ^ List of transactions with maximum coverage
, ncallseqs :: Int
-- ^ Number of times the callseq is called

defaultCampaign :: Campaign
defaultCampaign = Campaign mempty mempty mempty defaultDict False mempty 0
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lib/Echidna/UI.hs
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Expand Up @@ -213,12 +213,12 @@ isTerminal = (&&) <$> queryTerminal (Fd 0) <*> queryTerminal (Fd 1)
-- | Composes a compact text status line of the campaign
statusLine :: CampaignConf -> Campaign -> String
statusLine campaignConf camp =
"tests: " <> show (length $ filter didFail camp._tests) <> "/" <> show (length camp._tests)
"tests: " <> show (length $ filter didFail camp.tests) <> "/" <> show (length camp.tests)
<> ", fuzzing: " <> show fuzzRuns <> "/" <> show campaignConf.testLimit
<> ", cov: " <> show (scoveragePoints camp._coverage)
<> ", corpus: " <> show (corpusSize camp._corpus)
<> ", cov: " <> show (scoveragePoints camp.coverage)
<> ", corpus: " <> show (corpusSize camp.corpus)
fuzzRuns = case filter isOpen camp._tests of
fuzzRuns = case filter isOpen camp.tests of
-- fuzzing progress is the same for all Open tests, grab the first one
EchidnaTest { state = Open t }:_ -> t
_ -> campaignConf.testLimit
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions lib/Echidna/UI/Report.hs
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Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ ppCampaign :: MonadReader EConfig m => Campaign -> m String
ppCampaign campaign = do
testsPrinted <- ppTests campaign
gasInfoPrinted <- ppGasInfo campaign
let coveragePrinted = ppCoverage campaign._coverage
corpusPrinted = "\n" <> ppCorpus campaign._corpus
seedPrinted = "\nSeed: " <> show campaign._genDict.defSeed
let coveragePrinted = ppCoverage campaign.coverage
corpusPrinted = "\n" <> ppCorpus campaign.corpus
seedPrinted = "\nSeed: " <> show campaign.genDict.defSeed
pure $
<> gasInfoPrinted
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ ppCorpus c = "Corpus size: " <> show (corpusSize c)

-- | Pretty-print the gas usage information a 'Campaign' has obtained.
ppGasInfo :: MonadReader EConfig m => Campaign -> m String
ppGasInfo Campaign { _gasInfo } | _gasInfo == mempty = pure ""
ppGasInfo Campaign { _gasInfo } = do
items <- mapM ppGasOne $ sortOn (\(_, (n, _)) -> n) $ toList _gasInfo
ppGasInfo Campaign { gasInfo } | gasInfo == mempty = pure ""
ppGasInfo Campaign { gasInfo } = do
items <- mapM ppGasOne $ sortOn (\(_, (n, _)) -> n) $ toList gasInfo
pure $ intercalate "" items

-- | Pretty-print the gas usage for a function.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ ppOptimized b es xs = do

-- | Pretty-print the status of all 'SolTest's in a 'Campaign'.
ppTests :: MonadReader EConfig m => Campaign -> m String
ppTests Campaign { _tests = ts } = unlines . catMaybes <$> mapM pp ts
ppTests Campaign { tests } = unlines . catMaybes <$> mapM pp tests
pp t =
case t.testType of
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions lib/Echidna/UI/Widgets.hs
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Expand Up @@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ campaignStatus uiState = do
pure $ mainbox (padLeft (Pad 1) $
withAttr (attrName "failure") $ strBreak $ formatCrashReport e) emptyWidget
(Timedout, _) ->
mainbox <$> testsWidget uiState.campaign._tests
mainbox <$> testsWidget uiState.campaign.tests
<*> pure (finalStatus "Timed out, C-c or esc to exit")
(_, True) ->
mainbox <$> testsWidget uiState.campaign._tests
mainbox <$> testsWidget uiState.campaign.tests
<*> pure (finalStatus "Campaign complete, C-c or esc to exit")
_ ->
mainbox <$> testsWidget uiState.campaign._tests
mainbox <$> testsWidget uiState.campaign.tests
<*> pure emptyWidget
mainbox :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ summaryWidget uiState =
leftSide =
let c = uiState.campaign in
padLeft (Pad 1) $
vLimit 1 (str "Tests found: " <+> str (show (length c._tests)) <+> fill ' ')
vLimit 1 (str "Tests found: " <+> str (show (length c.tests)) <+> fill ' ')
str ("Seed: " ++ show c._genDict.defSeed)
str ("Seed: " ++ show c.genDict.defSeed)
str (ppCoverage c._coverage)
str (ppCoverage c.coverage)
str (ppCorpus c._corpus)
str (ppCorpus c.corpus)
rightSide = fetchCacheWidget uiState.fetchedContracts uiState.fetchedSlots

Expand Down

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