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Refactor Echidna.UI to improve readability (#829)
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arcz authored Nov 10, 2022
1 parent 7e64a58 commit d33bb31
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 35 deletions.
72 changes: 37 additions & 35 deletions lib/Echidna/UI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,58 +52,36 @@ makeLenses ''UIConf

data CampaignEvent = CampaignUpdated Campaign | CampaignTimedout Campaign

vtyConfig :: Config
vtyConfig = defaultConfig { inputMap = (Nothing, "\ESC[6;2~", EvKey KPageDown [MShift]) :
(Nothing, "\ESC[5;2~", EvKey KPageUp [MShift]) :
inputMap defaultConfig

-- | Check if we should stop drawing (or updating) the dashboard, then do the right thing.
monitor :: (MonadReader x m, Has CampaignConf x, Has Names x, Has TxConf x)
=> m (App (Campaign, UIState) CampaignEvent ())
monitor = do
let cs :: (CampaignConf, Names, TxConf) -> (Campaign, UIState) -> Widget ()
cs s c = runReader (campaignStatus c) s

se _ (AppEvent (CampaignUpdated c')) = continue (c', Running)
se _ (AppEvent (CampaignTimedout c')) = continue (c', Timedout)
se c (VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc _)) = halt c
se c (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'c') l)) | MCtrl `elem` l = halt c
se c _ = continue c
s <- (,,) <$> view hasLens <*> view hasLens <*> view hasLens
pure $ App (pure . cs s) neverShowCursor se pure (const attrs)

-- | Heuristic check that we're in a sensible terminal (not a pipe)
isTerminal :: MonadIO m => m Bool
isTerminal = liftIO $ (&&) <$> queryTerminal (Fd 0) <*> queryTerminal (Fd 1)

-- | Set up and run an Echidna 'Campaign' and display interactive UI or
-- print non-interactive output in desired format at the end
ui :: ( MonadCatch m, MonadRandom m, MonadReader x m, MonadUnliftIO m
, Has SolConf x, Has TestConf x, Has TxConf x, Has CampaignConf x, Has Names x, Has TxConf x, Has UIConf x, Has DappInfo x)
, Has SolConf x, Has TestConf x, Has TxConf x, Has CampaignConf x
, Has Names x, Has TxConf x, Has UIConf x, Has DappInfo x)
=> VM -- ^ Initial VM state
-> World -- ^ Initial world state
-> [EchidnaTest] -- ^ Tests to evaluate
-> [EchidnaTest] -- ^ Tests to evaluate
-> Maybe GenDict
-> [[Tx]]
-> m Campaign
ui v w ts d txs = do
ui vm world ts d txs = do
campaignConf <- view hasLens
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef defaultCampaign
let updateRef = use hasLens >>= liftIO . atomicWriteIORef ref
secToUsec = (* 1000000)
timeoutUsec <- secToUsec . fromMaybe (-1) <$> view (hasLens . maxTime)
timeoutUsec = secToUsec $ fromMaybe (-1) (campaignConf ^. maxTime)
runCampaign = timeout timeoutUsec (campaign updateRef vm world ts d txs)
terminalPresent <- isTerminal
effectiveMode <- view (hasLens . operationMode) <&> \case
Interactive | not terminalPresent -> NonInteractive Text
other -> other
let effectiveMode = case campaignConf ^. operationMode of
Interactive | not terminalPresent -> NonInteractive Text
other -> other
case effectiveMode of
Interactive -> do
bc <- liftIO $ newBChan 100
let updateUI e = readIORef ref >>= writeBChan bc . e
ticker <- liftIO $ forkIO $ -- run UI update every 100ms
forever $ threadDelay 100000 >> updateUI CampaignUpdated
_ <- forkFinally -- run worker
(void $ timeout timeoutUsec (campaign updateRef v w ts d txs) >>= \case
(void $ runCampaign >>= \case
Nothing -> liftIO $ updateUI CampaignTimedout
Just _ -> liftIO $ updateUI CampaignUpdated
Expand All @@ -117,7 +95,7 @@ ui v w ts d txs = do
pure final

NonInteractive outputFormat -> do
result <- timeout timeoutUsec (campaign updateRef v w ts d txs)
result <- runCampaign
(final, timedout) <- case result of
Nothing -> do
final <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
Expand All @@ -132,5 +110,29 @@ ui v w ts d txs = do
when timedout $ liftIO $ putStrLn "TIMEOUT!"
None ->
pure ()

pure final

vtyConfig :: Config
vtyConfig = defaultConfig { inputMap = (Nothing, "\ESC[6;2~", EvKey KPageDown [MShift]) :
(Nothing, "\ESC[5;2~", EvKey KPageUp [MShift]) :
inputMap defaultConfig

-- | Check if we should stop drawing (or updating) the dashboard, then do the right thing.
monitor :: (MonadReader x m, Has CampaignConf x, Has Names x, Has TxConf x)
=> m (App (Campaign, UIState) CampaignEvent ())
monitor = do
let cs :: (CampaignConf, Names, TxConf) -> (Campaign, UIState) -> Widget ()
cs s c = runReader (campaignStatus c) s

se _ (AppEvent (CampaignUpdated c')) = continue (c', Running)
se _ (AppEvent (CampaignTimedout c')) = continue (c', Timedout)
se c (VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc _)) = halt c
se c (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'c') l)) | MCtrl `elem` l = halt c
se c _ = continue c
s <- (,,) <$> view hasLens <*> view hasLens <*> view hasLens
pure $ App (pure . cs s) neverShowCursor se pure (const attrs)

-- | Heuristic check that we're in a sensible terminal (not a pipe)
isTerminal :: MonadIO m => m Bool
isTerminal = liftIO $ (&&) <$> queryTerminal (Fd 0) <*> queryTerminal (Fd 1)

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