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Upgradeability Checks

Dan Guido edited this page Sep 7, 2020 · 21 revisions

Upgradeability Checks

slither-check-upgradeability helps review contracts that use the delegatecall proxy pattern.


Num Check What it Detects Impact Proxy Contract V2
1 became-constant Variables that should not be constant High X
2 function-id-collision Functions ids collision High X
3 function-shadowing Functions shadowing High X
4 missing-calls Missing calls to init functions High
5 missing-init-modifier initializer() is not called High
6 multiple-calls Init functions called multiple times High
7 order-vars-contracts Incorrect vars order with the v2 High X
8 order-vars-proxy Incorrect vars order with the proxy High X
9 variables-initialized State variables with an initial value High
10 were-constant Variables that should be constant High X
11 extra-vars-proxy Extra vars in the proxy Medium X
12 missing-variables Variable missing in the v2 Medium X
13 extra-vars-v2 Extra vars in the v2 Informational X
14 init-inherited Initializable is not inherited Informational
15 init-missing Initializable is missing Informational
16 initialize-target Initialize function that must be called Informational
17 initializer-missing initializer() is missing Informational


slither-check-upgradeability project ContractName
  • project can be a Solidity file, or a platform (truffle/embark/..) directory

Contract V2

If you want to check the contract and its update, use:

  • --new-contract-name ContractName
  • --new-contract-filename contract_project

--new-contract-filename is not needed if the new contract is in the same codebase than the original one.


If you want to check also the proxy, use:

  • --proxy-name ProxyName
  • --proxy-filename proxy_project

--proxy-filename is not needed if the proxy is in the same codebase than the targeted contract.


If you use zos, you will have the proxy and the contract in different directories.

Likely, you will use one of the proxy from Clone the zos, and install the dependencies:

git clone
cd zos/packages/lib
npm install
rm contracts/mocks/WithConstructorImplementation.sol

Note: contracts/mocks/WithConstructorImplementation.sol must be removed as it contains a name clash collision with contracts/mocks/Invalid.sol

Then from your project directory:

slither-check-upgradeability . ContractName --proxy-filename /path/to/zos/packages/lib/ --proxy-name UpgradeabilityProxy 

According to your setup, you might choose another proxy name than UpgradeabilityProxy.

Checks Description

Variables that should not be constant


  • Check: became-constant
  • Severity: High


Detect state variables that should not be constant̀.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    uint variable1;
    uint variable2;
    uint variable3;

contract ContractV2{
    uint variable1;
    uint constant variable2;
    uint variable3;

Because variable2 is now a constant, the storage location of variable3 will be different. As a result, ContractV2 will have a corrupted storage layout.


Do not make an existing state variable constant.

Functions ids collisions


  • Check: function-id-collision
  • Severity: High


Detect function id collision between the contract and the proxy.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    function gsf() public {
        // ...

contract Proxy{
    function tgeo() public {
        // ...

Proxy.tgeo() and Contract.gsf() have the same function id (0x67e43e43). As a result, Proxy.tgeo() will shadow Contract.gsf()`.


Rename the function. Avoid public functions in the proxy.

Functions shadowing


  • Check: function-shadowing
  • Severity: High


Detect function shadowing between the contract and the proxy.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    function get() public {
        // ...

contract Proxy{
    function get() public {
        // ...

Proxy.get will shadow any call to get(). As a result get() is never executed in the logic contract and cannot be updated.


Rename the function. Avoid public functions in the proxy.

Initialize functions are not called


  • Check: missing-calls
  • Severity: High


Detect missing calls to initialize functions.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Base{
    function initialize() public{
contract Derived is Base{
    function initialize() public{

Derived.initialize does not call Base.initialize leading the contract to not be correctly initialized.


Ensure all the initialize functions are reached by the most derived initialize function.

initializer() is not called


  • Check: missing-init-modifier
  • Severity: High


Detect if Initializable.initializer() is called.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    function initialize() public{

initialize should have the initializer modifier to prevent someone from initializing the contract multiple times.


Use Initializable.initializer().

Initialize functions are called multiple times


  • Check: multiple-calls
  • Severity: High


Detect multiple calls to a initialize function.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Base{
    function initialize(uint) public{
contract Derived is Base{
    function initialize(uint a, uint b) public{

contract DerivedDerived is Derived{
    function initialize() public{
        initialize(0, 1 );

Base.initialize(uint) is called two times in DerivedDerived.initiliaze execution, leading to a potential corruption.


Call only one time every initialize function.

Incorrect variables with the v2


  • Check: order-vars-contracts
  • Severity: High


Detect variables that are different between the original contract and the updated one.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    uint variable1;

contract ContractV2{
    address variable1;

Contract and ContractV2 do not have the same storage layout. As a result the storage of both contracts can be corrupted.


Respect the variable order of the original contract in the updated contract.

Incorrect variables with the proxy


  • Check: order-vars-proxy
  • Severity: High


Detect variables that are different between the contract and the proxy.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    uint variable1;

contract Proxy{
    address variable1;

Contract and Proxy do not have the same storage layout. As a result the storage of both contracts can be corrupted.


Avoid variables in the proxy. If a variable is in the proxy, ensure it has the same layout than in the contract.

State variable initialized


  • Check: variables-initialized
  • Severity: High


Detect state variables that are initialized.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    uint variable = 10;

Using Contract will the delegatecall proxy pattern will lead variable to be 0 when called through the proxy.


Using initialize functions to write initial values in state variables.

Variables that should be constant


  • Check: were-constant
  • Severity: High


Detect state variables that should be constant̀.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    uint variable1;
    uint constant variable2;
    uint variable3;

contract ContractV2{
    uint variable1;
    uint variable2;
    uint variable3;

Because variable2 is not anymore a constant, the storage location of variable3 will be different. As a result, ContractV2 will have a corrupted storage layout.


Do not remove constant from a state variables during an update.

Extra variables in the proxy


  • Check: extra-vars-proxy
  • Severity: Medium


Detect variables that are in the proxy and not in the contract.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    uint variable1;

contract Proxy{
    uint variable1;
    uint variable2;

Proxy contains additional variables. A future update of Contract is likely to corrupt the proxy.


Avoid variables in the proxy. If a variable is in the proxy, ensure it has the same layout than in the contract.

Missing variables


  • Check: missing-variables
  • Severity: Medium


Detect variables that were present in the original contracts but are not in the updated one.

Exploit Scenario:

contract V1{
    uint variable1;
    uint variable2;

contract V2{
    uint variable1;

The new version, V2 does not contain variable1. If a new variable is added in an update of V2, this variable will hold the latest value of variable2 and will be corrupted.


Do not change the order of the state variables in the updated contract.

Extra variables in the v2


  • Check: extra-vars-v2
  • Severity: Informational


Show new variables in the updated contract.

This finding does not have an immediate security impact and is informative.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    uint variable1;

contract Proxy{
    uint variable1;
    uint variable2;

Proxy contains additional variables. A future update of Contract is likely to corrupt the proxy.


Ensure that all the new variables are expected.

Initializable is not inherited


  • Check: init-inherited
  • Severity: Informational


Detect if Initializable is inherited.


Review manually the contract's initialization. Consider inheriting Initializable.

Initializable is missing


  • Check: init-missing
  • Severity: Informational


Detect if a contract Initializable is present.


Review manually the contract's initialization.. Consider using a Initializable contract to follow standard practice.

Initialize function


  • Check: initialize-target
  • Severity: Informational


Show the function that must be called at deployment.

This finding does not have an immediate security impact and is informative.


Ensure that the function is called at deployment.

initializer() is missing


  • Check: initializer-missing
  • Severity: Informational


Detect the lack of Initializable.initializer() modifier.


Review manually the contract's initialization. Consider inheriting a Initializable.initializer() modifier.

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