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GradeBetter User Manual: Making a Professor Account

svetly-t edited this page Mar 6, 2022 · 4 revisions
  • To create a professor account, select the button where it says register
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  • From there, click the "professor" button
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  • To register a course, provide a course name, a unique 8 digit UID, and a password greater than 8 characters. If your account is created successfully, it will say success and move you to the professor user interface.
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  • Once you enter the assignment interface, you have many options to create a class, or create an invite.
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  • When creating a class, you can provide its name.
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  • When creating an assignment, you can provide its name, due date, and a path to a Grading Script
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  • Below is an example of the invocation of a well-formatted grading script. is a wrapper that takes the name of the assignment to be tested and the directory in which the assignment code is located. In this case, looks at the output of main.go, which is stored in ., the same directory as The test script shown here is located in
  • Pictured is how to create an invite. You can give a date for the class to expire, and the invite code will be valid until then.
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