Run vagrant up in same directory as this README file.
Phpmyadmin is available at
Site is available at
Seed the database manually.
├── /application/Controller # Contains main app logic that retrieves data from the Model
├── /application/Model # Contains .SQL files that implement our Model methods. You may find all of our SQL queries here
├── /application/view # UI template files and implementation
├── /public # Contains public image assets, and necessary CSS and JS files
└── seed.sql # Database seeds
When you pull any changes off the repo, be sure to update your database with what is defined in seed.sql
seed.sql should contain the following:
- Dropping existing tables
- Adding tables
- Seeding tables with values
As we are currently creating new components and assembling them together, the schema is incomplete. A TODO will be to add the foreign key requirements and updates to the schema so that it concisely represents our requirements.
You can use some of these in-built HTML elements / CSS classes to style your
components. Documentation located in the HTML files at /public/flat-ui-bootstrap-template/docs
Credits to Flat-UI - made by Designmodo.
Work off your own branch, and merge to master as you see fit.