Generates a Hozokit theme to use with Wordpress.
This generator scaffolds a Wordpress site using Hozokit as a starter theme.
The hozokit:app
generator can:
- Creates a directory for your project.
- Download and install the latest release of Wordpress.
- Download and install the latest release of Hozokit in the themes folder with your chosen project name.
- Generates a theme header and README using the given parameters.
- Generates a starter
file. - Installs required dependencies.
The hozokit:component
generator can:
- Generates a twig component with starter syntax if a valid project is found.
First, install Yeoman and generator-hozokit using npm. A NodeJS installation is required, see the specific version you should install before proceeding.
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-hozokit
Then generate your new project:
yo hozokit
Twig components can also be generated by changing directory into the project:
yo hozokit:component
After running the generator you might need to follow afew additional steps. For more details, checkout Hozokit's setup guide and documentation available at
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- Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.
GPL-3.0 © Cristiano Almeida