and track social media analytics.
View the project live at
or run locally from the source directory by typing npm start
Steve Lacerda Chris Schuhmacher
The back-end was developed using a Node and Express framework.
The front-end was developed using React.
Before starting this project, the team at The Last Mile Works had to gain an understanding
of OAuth process and how the different social media sites used authorization codes
and access tokens to authenticate requests. To simulate the oauth flow and test
during the development process, our team built mock authorization servers for Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. This gave us the confidence that our app would
work once we deployed the dashboard live on the internet.
Steve was responsible for building the back-end using Node and Express. He used Mongo to store the client app's authentication information, as well as the social media count data over time.
Chris built the front-end using React and the D3 library for line chart data visualizations.
He also made great use of React's component, router, and webpack capabilities.