C++ bindings for the CSDMS Basic Model Interface.
The C++ BMI bindings can be built on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Instructions are given below.
- A C++ compiler
- CMake
Alternately, conda binaries have been built for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Install the C++ BMI bindings (no build needed) into an Anaconda distribution with
conda install bmi-cxx -c conda-forge
To install the C++ BMI bindings from source with cmake, run
mkdir _build && cd _build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-installation>
make install
where <path-to-installation>
is the base directory
in which to install the bindings (/usr/local
is the default).
When using a conda environment,
environment variable.
The installation will look like:
|-- include
| `-- bmi.hxx
`-- lib
`-- pkgconfig
`-- bmicxx.pc
An additional prerequisite is needed for Windows:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 or Microsoft Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017
To configure and install the C++ BMI bindings from source with cmake, run the following in a Developer Command Prompt
mkdir _build && cd _build
cmake .. ^
-G "NMake Makefiles" ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-installation> ^
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
where <path-to-installation>
is the base directory in which to install the bindings.
The default is "C:\Program Files (x86)"
Note that quotes and an absolute path are needed.
When using a conda environment, use "%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library"
To write a BMI for a model,
include the bmi.hxx
header and implement all the BMI functions
included in the interface defined therein.
BMI functions that aren't used
(e.g., get_grid_x
for a uniform rectilinear grid)
can simply return the BMI_FAILURE status code.
A sample implementation is given in the