This provider implements a set of methodologies for naming convention implementation including the default Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure recommendations as per
You can simply consume the provider from the Terraform registry from the following URL:, then add it in your provider declaration as follow:
terraform {
required_providers {
azurecaf = {
source = "aztfmod/azurecaf"
version = "1.1.3"
The azurecaf_name resource allows you to:
- Clean inputs to make sure they remain compliant with the allowed patterns for each Azure resource
- Generate random characters to append at the end of the resource name
- Handle prefix, suffixes (either manual or as per the Azure cloud adoption framework resource conventions)
- Allow passthrough mode (simply validate the output)
This example outputs one name, the result of the naming convention query. The result attribute returns the name based on the convention and parameters input.
The example generates a 23 characters name compatible with the specification for an Azure Resource Group dev-aztfmod-001
resource "azurecaf_name" "rg_example" {
name = "demogroup"
resource_type = "azurerm_resource_group"
prefixes = ["a", "b"]
suffixes = ["y", "z"]
random_length = 5
clean_input = true
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "demo" {
name = azurecaf_name.rg_example.result
location = "southeastasia"
The provider generates a name using the input parameters and automatically appends a prefix (if defined), a caf prefix (resource type) and postfix (if defined) in addition to a generated padding string based on the selected naming convention.
The example above would generate a name using the pattern [prefix]-[cafprefix]-[name]-[postfix]-[5_random_chars]:
The following arguments are supported:
- name - (optional) the basename of the resource to create, the basename will be sanitized as per supported characters set for each Azure resources.
- prefixes (optional) - a list of prefix to append as the first characters of the generated name - prefixes will be separated by the separator character
- suffixes (optional) - a list of additional suffix added after the basename, this is can be used to append resource index (eg. vm-001). Suffixes are separated by the separator character
- random_length (optional) - default to
: configure additional characters to append to the generated resource name. Random characters will remain compliant with the set of allowed characters per resources and will be appended after the suffixes - random_seed (optional) - default to
: Define the seed to be used for random generator. 0 will not be respected and will generate a seed based in the unix time of the generation. - resource_type (optional) - describes the type of azure resource you are requesting a name from (eg. azure container registry: azurerm_container_registry). See the Resource Type section
- resource_types (optional) - a list of additional resource type should you want to use the same settings for a set of resources
- separator (optional) - defaults to
. The separator character to use between prefixes, resource type, name, suffixes, random character - clean_input (optional) - defaults to
. remove any noncompliant character from the name, suffix or prefix. - passthrough (optional) - defaults to
. Enables the passthrough mode - in that case only the clean input option is considered and the prefixes, suffixes, random, and are ignored. The resource prefixe is not added either to the resulting string - use_slug (optional) - defaults to
. If a slug should be added to the name - If you put false no slug (the few letters that identify the resource type) will be added to the name.
The following attributes are exported:
- id - The id of the naming convention object
- result - The generated named for an Azure Resource based on the input parameter and the selected naming convention
- results - The generated name for the Azure resources based in the resource_types list
We define resource types as per naming-and-tagging The comprehensive list of resource type can be found here
Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/; cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
Enter the provider directory and build the provider
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make build
If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (version 1.13+ is required). You'll also need to correctly setup a GOPATH, as well as adding $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH.
To compile the provider, run make build. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin directory.
$ make build
$ $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-azurecaf
Running the acceptance test suite requires does not require an Azure subscription.
to run the unit test:
make unittest
to run the integration test
make test
Repo | Description |
caf-terraform-landingzones | landing zones repo with sample and core documentations |
rover | devops toolset for operating landing zones |
azure_caf_provider | custom provider for naming conventions |
module | official CAF module available in the Terraform registry |
Feel free to open an issue for feature or bug, or to submit a PR.
In case you have any question, you can reach out to tf-landingzones at microsoft dot com.
You can also reach us on Gitter
information about contributing can be found at
This is the current compreheensive status of the implemented resources in the provider comparing with the current list of resources in the azurerm terraform provider.
resource | status |
azurerm_advanced_threat_protection | ❌ |
azurerm_advisor_recommendations | ❌ |
azurerm_analysis_services_server | ✔ |
azurerm_api_management | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_api | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_api_diagnostic | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_api_operation | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_api_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_api_schema | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_api_version_set | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_authorization_server | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_backend | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_certificate | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_custom_domain | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_diagnostic | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_group | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_group_user | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_aad | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_facebook | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_google | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_microsoft | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_twitter | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_logger | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_named_value | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_openid_connect_provider | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_product | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_product_api | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_product_group | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_product_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_property | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_subscription | ❌ |
azurerm_api_management_user | ❌ |
azurerm_app_configuration | ✔ |
azurerm_app_service | ✔ |
azurerm_app_service_active_slot | ❌ |
azurerm_app_service_certificate | ❌ |
azurerm_app_service_certificate_order | ❌ |
azurerm_app_service_custom_hostname_binding | ❌ |
azurerm_app_service_environment | ✔ |
azurerm_app_service_hybrid_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_app_service_plan | ✔ |
azurerm_app_service_slot | ❌ |
azurerm_app_service_slot_virtual_network_swift_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_app_service_source_control_token | ❌ |
azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_application_gateway | ✔ |
azurerm_application_insights | ✔ |
azurerm_application_insights_analytics_item | ❌ |
azurerm_application_insights_api_key | ❌ |
azurerm_application_insights_web_test | ❌ |
azurerm_application_security_group | ✔ |
azurerm_attestation | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_account | ✔ |
azurerm_automation_certificate | ✔ |
azurerm_automation_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_connection_certificate | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_connection_classic_certificate | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_connection_service_principal | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_credential | ✔ |
azurerm_automation_dsc_configuration | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_dsc_nodeconfiguration | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_job_schedule | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_module | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_runbook | ✔ |
azurerm_automation_schedule | ✔ |
azurerm_automation_variable_bool | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_variable_datetime | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_variable_int | ❌ |
azurerm_automation_variable_string | ❌ |
azurerm_availability_set | ✔ |
azurerm_backup_container_storage_account | ❌ |
azurerm_backup_policy_file_share | ❌ |
azurerm_backup_policy_vm | ❌ |
azurerm_backup_protected_file_share | ❌ |
azurerm_backup_protected_vm | ❌ |
azurerm_bastion_host | ✔ |
azurerm_batch_account | ✔ |
azurerm_batch_application | ✔ |
azurerm_batch_certificate | ✔ |
azurerm_batch_pool | ✔ |
azurerm_blueprint_assignment | ❌ |
azurerm_blueprint_definition | ❌ |
azurerm_blueprint_published_version | ❌ |
azurerm_bot_channel_directline | ✔ |
azurerm_bot_channel_email | ❌ |
azurerm_bot_channel_ms_teams | ✔ |
azurerm_bot_channel_slack | ✔ |
azurerm_bot_channels_registration | ✔ |
azurerm_bot_connection | ✔ |
azurerm_bot_web_app | ✔ |
azurerm_cdn_endpoint | ✔ |
azurerm_cdn_profile | ✔ |
azurerm_client_config | ❌ |
azurerm_cognitive_account | ✔ |
azurerm_container_group | ❌ |
azurerm_container_registry | ✔ |
azurerm_container_registry_webhook | ✔ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_account | ✔ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_keyspace | ❌ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_database | ❌ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_graph | ❌ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection | ❌ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_database | ❌ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container | ❌ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_database | ❌ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_stored_procedure | ❌ |
azurerm_cosmosdb_table | ❌ |
azurerm_cost_management_export_resource_group | ❌ |
azurerm_custom_provider | ✔ |
azurerm_dashboard | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_dataset_azure_blob | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_dataset_cosmosdb_sqlapi | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_dataset_delimited_text | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_dataset_http | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_dataset_json | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_dataset_mysql | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_dataset_postgresql | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_dataset_sql_server_table | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_managed | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_self_hosted | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_blob_storage | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_file_storage | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_function | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_sql_database | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_cosmosdb | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_data_lake_storage_gen2 | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_key_vault | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_mysql | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_postgresql | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_sftp | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_sql_server | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_web | ❌ |
azurerm_data_factory_pipeline | ✔ |
azurerm_data_factory_trigger_schedule | ✔ |
azurerm_data_lake_analytics_account | ✔ |
azurerm_data_lake_analytics_firewall_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_data_lake_store | ✔ |
azurerm_data_lake_store_file | ❌ |
azurerm_data_lake_store_firewall_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_data_share | ❌ |
azurerm_data_share_account | ❌ |
azurerm_data_share_dataset_blob_storage | ❌ |
azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen1 | ❌ |
azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen2 | ❌ |
azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_cluster | ❌ |
azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_database | ❌ |
azurerm_database_migration_project | ✔ |
azurerm_database_migration_service | ✔ |
azurerm_databricks_workspace | ✔ |
azurerm_dedicated_hardware_security_module | ❌ |
azurerm_dedicated_host | ❌ |
azurerm_dedicated_host_group | ❌ |
azurerm_dev_test_global_vm_shutdown_schedule | ❌ |
azurerm_dev_test_lab | ✔ |
azurerm_dev_test_linux_virtual_machine | ✔ |
azurerm_dev_test_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_dev_test_schedule | ❌ |
azurerm_dev_test_virtual_network | ❌ |
azurerm_dev_test_windows_virtual_machine | ✔ |
azurerm_devspace_controller | ❌ |
azurerm_disk_encryption_set | ✔ |
azurerm_dns_a_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_aaaa_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_caa_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_cname_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_mx_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_ns_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_ptr_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_srv_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_txt_record | ❌ |
azurerm_dns_zone | ✔ |
azurerm_eventgrid_domain | ✔ |
azurerm_eventgrid_domain_topic | ✔ |
azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription | ✔ |
azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic | ❌ |
azurerm_eventgrid_topic | ✔ |
azurerm_eventhub | ✔ |
azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_eventhub_cluster | ❌ |
azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group | ✔ |
azurerm_eventhub_namespace | ✔ |
azurerm_eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_eventhub_namespace_disaster_recovery_config | ✔ |
azurerm_express_route_circuit | ✔ |
azurerm_express_route_circuit_authorization | ❌ |
azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering | ❌ |
azurerm_express_route_gateway | ✔ |
azurerm_firewall | ✔ |
azurerm_firewall_application_rule_collection | ❌ |
azurerm_firewall_nat_rule_collection | ❌ |
azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection | ❌ |
azurerm_firewall_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group | ❌ |
azurerm_frontdoor | ✔ |
azurerm_frontdoor_custom_https_configuration | ❌ |
azurerm_frontdoor_firewall_policy | ✔ |
azurerm_function_app | ❌ |
azurerm_function_app_host_keys | ❌ |
azurerm_function_app_slot | ❌ |
azurerm_hdinsight_cluster | ❌ |
azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_hdinsight_hbase_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_hdinsight_ml_services_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_hdinsight_rserver_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_hdinsight_spark_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_hdinsight_storm_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_healthcare_service | ❌ |
azurerm_hpc_cache | ❌ |
azurerm_hpc_cache_blob_target | ❌ |
azurerm_hpc_cache_nfs_target | ❌ |
azurerm_image | ✔ |
azurerm_images | ❌ |
azurerm_integration_service_environment | ✔ |
azurerm_iot_time_series_insights_access_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_iot_time_series_insights_reference_data_set | ❌ |
azurerm_iot_time_series_insights_standard_environment | ❌ |
azurerm_iotcentral_application | ✔ |
azurerm_iothub | ✔ |
azurerm_iothub_consumer_group | ✔ |
azurerm_iothub_dps | ✔ |
azurerm_iothub_dps_certificate | ✔ |
azurerm_iothub_dps_shared_access_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_iothub_endpoint_eventhub | ❌ |
azurerm_iothub_endpoint_servicebus_queue | ❌ |
azurerm_iothub_endpoint_servicebus_topic | ❌ |
azurerm_iothub_endpoint_storage_container | ❌ |
azurerm_iothub_fallback_route | ❌ |
azurerm_iothub_route | ❌ |
azurerm_iothub_shared_access_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_ip_group | ❌ |
azurerm_key_vault | ✔ |
azurerm_key_vault_access_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_key_vault_certificate | ✔ |
azurerm_key_vault_certificate_issuer | ❌ |
azurerm_key_vault_key | ✔ |
azurerm_key_vault_secret | ✔ |
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool | ❌ |
azurerm_kubernetes_service_versions | ❌ |
azurerm_kusto_attached_database_configuration | ❌ |
azurerm_kusto_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_kusto_cluster_customer_managed_key | ❌ |
azurerm_kusto_cluster_principal_assignment | ❌ |
azurerm_kusto_database | ✔ |
azurerm_kusto_database_principal | ❌ |
azurerm_kusto_database_principal_assignment | ❌ |
azurerm_kusto_eventhub_data_connection | ✔ |
azurerm_lb | ✔ |
azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool | ❌ |
azurerm_lb_nat_pool | ❌ |
azurerm_lb_nat_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_lb_outbound_rule | ❌ |
azurerm_lb_probe | ❌ |
azurerm_lb_rule | ❌ |
azurerm_lighthouse_assignment | ❌ |
azurerm_lighthouse_definition | ❌ |
azurerm_linux_virtual_machine | ✔ |
azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set | ✔ |
azurerm_local_network_gateway | ✔ |
azurerm_log_analytics_cluster | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_cluster_customer_managed_key | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_data_export_rule | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_datasource_windows_event | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_datasource_windows_performance_counter | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_linked_service | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_linked_storage_account | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_saved_search | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_solution | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_storage_insights | ❌ |
azurerm_log_analytics_workspace | ✔ |
azurerm_logic_app_action_custom | ❌ |
azurerm_logic_app_action_http | ❌ |
azurerm_logic_app_integration_account | ✔ |
azurerm_logic_app_trigger_custom | ❌ |
azurerm_logic_app_trigger_http_request | ❌ |
azurerm_logic_app_trigger_recurrence | ❌ |
azurerm_logic_app_workflow | ✔ |
azurerm_machine_learning_workspace | ✔ |
azurerm_maintenance_assignment_dedicated_host | ❌ |
azurerm_maintenance_assignment_virtual_machine | ❌ |
azurerm_maintenance_configuration | ❌ |
azurerm_managed_application | ❌ |
azurerm_managed_application_definition | ❌ |
azurerm_managed_disk | ✔ |
azurerm_management_group | ❌ |
azurerm_management_lock | ❌ |
azurerm_maps_account | ✔ |
azurerm_mariadb_configuration | ❌ |
azurerm_mariadb_database | ✔ |
azurerm_mariadb_firewall_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_mariadb_server | ✔ |
azurerm_mariadb_virtual_network_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_marketplace_agreement | ❌ |
azurerm_media_services_account | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_action_group | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_action_rule_action_group | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_action_rule_suppression | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_autoscale_setting | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_categories | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting | ✔ |
azurerm_monitor_log_profile | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_metric_alert | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_log | ❌ |
azurerm_monitor_smart_detector_alert_rule | ❌ |
azurerm_mssql_database | ✔ |
azurerm_mssql_database_extended_auditing_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_mssql_database_vulnerability_assessment_rule_baseline | ❌ |
azurerm_mssql_elasticpool | ✔ |
azurerm_mssql_server | ✔ |
azurerm_mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_mssql_server_security_alert_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_mssql_server_vulnerability_assessment | ❌ |
azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine | ❌ |
azurerm_mysql_active_directory_administrator | ❌ |
azurerm_mysql_configuration | ❌ |
azurerm_mysql_database | ✔ |
azurerm_mysql_firewall_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_mysql_server | ✔ |
azurerm_mysql_server_key | ❌ |
azurerm_mysql_virtual_network_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_nat_gateway | ❌ |
azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_association | ❌ |
azurerm_netapp_account | ❌ |
azurerm_netapp_pool | ❌ |
azurerm_netapp_snapshot | ❌ |
azurerm_netapp_volume | ❌ |
azurerm_network_connection_monitor | ❌ |
azurerm_network_ddos_protection_plan | ❌ |
azurerm_network_interface | ✔ |
azurerm_network_interface_application_gateway_backend_address_pool_association | ❌ |
azurerm_network_interface_application_security_group_association | ❌ |
azurerm_network_interface_backend_address_pool_association | ❌ |
azurerm_network_interface_nat_rule_association | ❌ |
azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association | ❌ |
azurerm_network_packet_capture | ❌ |
azurerm_network_profile | ❌ |
azurerm_network_security_group | ✔ |
azurerm_network_security_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_network_service_tags | ❌ |
azurerm_network_watcher | ✔ |
azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log | ❌ |
azurerm_notification_hub | ✔ |
azurerm_notification_hub_authorization_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_notification_hub_namespace | ✔ |
azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set | ❌ |
azurerm_packet_capture | ❌ |
azurerm_platform_image | ❌ |
azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway | ✔ |
azurerm_policy_assignment | ❌ |
azurerm_policy_definition | ❌ |
azurerm_policy_remediation | ❌ |
azurerm_policy_set_definition | ❌ |
azurerm_postgresql_active_directory_administrator | ❌ |
azurerm_postgresql_configuration | ❌ |
azurerm_postgresql_database | ✔ |
azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_postgresql_server | ✔ |
azurerm_postgresql_server_key | ❌ |
azurerm_postgresql_virtual_network_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_powerbi_embedded | ✔ |
azurerm_private_dns_a_record | ❌ |
azurerm_private_dns_aaaa_record | ❌ |
azurerm_private_dns_cname_record | ❌ |
azurerm_private_dns_mx_record | ❌ |
azurerm_private_dns_ptr_record | ❌ |
azurerm_private_dns_srv_record | ❌ |
azurerm_private_dns_txt_record | ❌ |
azurerm_private_dns_zone | ✔ |
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link | ✔ |
azurerm_private_endpoint | ❌ |
azurerm_private_endpoint_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_private_link_service | ❌ |
azurerm_private_link_service_endpoint_connections | ❌ |
azurerm_proximity_placement_group | ❌ |
azurerm_public_ip | ✔ |
azurerm_public_ip_prefix | ✔ |
azurerm_public_ips | ❌ |
azurerm_recovery_services_vault | ✔ |
azurerm_redis_cache | ✔ |
azurerm_redis_firewall_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_redis_linked_server | ❌ |
azurerm_relay_hybrid_connection | ✔ |
azurerm_relay_namespace | ✔ |
azurerm_resource_group | ✔ |
azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment | ❌ |
azurerm_role_assignment | ✔ |
azurerm_role_definition | ✔ |
azurerm_route | ✔ |
azurerm_route_filter | ❌ |
azurerm_route_table | ✔ |
azurerm_search_service | ❌ |
azurerm_security_center_auto_provisioning | ❌ |
azurerm_security_center_automation | ❌ |
azurerm_security_center_contact | ❌ |
azurerm_security_center_setting | ❌ |
azurerm_security_center_subscription_pricing | ❌ |
azurerm_security_center_workspace | ❌ |
azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule | ❌ |
azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_ms_security_incident | ❌ |
azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled | ❌ |
azurerm_service_fabric_cluster | ✔ |
azurerm_service_fabric_mesh_application | ❌ |
azurerm_service_fabric_mesh_local_network | ❌ |
azurerm_service_fabric_mesh_secret | ❌ |
azurerm_service_fabric_mesh_secret_value | ❌ |
azurerm_servicebus_namespace | ✔ |
azurerm_servicebus_namespace_authorization_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_servicebus_namespace_network_rule_set | ❌ |
azurerm_servicebus_queue | ✔ |
azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_servicebus_subscription | ✔ |
azurerm_servicebus_subscription_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_servicebus_topic | ✔ |
azurerm_servicebus_topic_authorization_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_shared_image | ✔ |
azurerm_shared_image_gallery | ✔ |
azurerm_shared_image_version | ❌ |
azurerm_shared_image_versions | ❌ |
azurerm_signalr_service | ✔ |
azurerm_site_recovery_fabric | ❌ |
azurerm_site_recovery_network_mapping | ❌ |
azurerm_site_recovery_protection_container | ❌ |
azurerm_site_recovery_protection_container_mapping | ❌ |
azurerm_site_recovery_replicated_vm | ❌ |
azurerm_site_recovery_replication_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_snapshot | ❌ |
azurerm_spatial_anchors_account | ❌ |
azurerm_spring_cloud_app | ❌ |
azurerm_spring_cloud_certificate | ❌ |
azurerm_spring_cloud_service | ❌ |
azurerm_sql_active_directory_administrator | ❌ |
azurerm_sql_database | ❌ |
azurerm_sql_elasticpool | ✔ |
azurerm_sql_failover_group | ✔ |
azurerm_sql_firewall_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_sql_server | ✔ |
azurerm_sql_virtual_network_rule | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_account | ✔ |
azurerm_storage_account_blob_container_sas | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_account_customer_managed_key | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_account_network_rules | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_account_sas | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_blob | ✔ |
azurerm_storage_container | ✔ |
azurerm_storage_data_lake_gen2_filesystem | ✔ |
azurerm_storage_data_lake_gen2_path | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_encryption_scope | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_management_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_queue | ✔ |
azurerm_storage_share | ✔ |
azurerm_storage_share_directory | ✔ |
azurerm_storage_sync | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_sync_group | ❌ |
azurerm_storage_table | ✔ |
azurerm_storage_table_entity | ❌ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_job | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_output_blob | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_output_eventhub | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_output_mssql | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_queue | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_topic | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_reference_input_blob | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_blob | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub | ✔ |
azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub | ✔ |
azurerm_subnet | ✔ |
azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association | ❌ |
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association | ❌ |
azurerm_subnet_route_table_association | ❌ |
azurerm_subscription | ❌ |
azurerm_subscription_template_deployment | ❌ |
azurerm_subscriptions | ❌ |
azurerm_synapse_firewall_rule | ✔ |
azurerm_synapse_role_assignment | ❌ |
azurerm_synapse_spark_pool | ✔ |
azurerm_synapse_sql_pool | ❌ |
azurerm_synapse_workspace | ✔ |
azurerm_template_deployment | ✔ |
azurerm_traffic_manager_endpoint | ❌ |
azurerm_traffic_manager_geographical_location | ❌ |
azurerm_traffic_manager_profile | ✔ |
azurerm_user_assigned_identity | ✔ |
azurerm_virtual_desktop_application_group | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_desktop_host_pool | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_desktop_workspace | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_hub | ✔ |
azurerm_virtual_hub_bgp_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_hub_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_hub_ip | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_hub_route_table | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_hub_security_partner_provider | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_machine | ✔ |
azurerm_virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_machine_extension | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set | ✔ |
azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set_extension | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_network | ✔ |
azurerm_virtual_network_gateway | ✔ |
azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_virtual_network_peering | ✔ |
azurerm_virtual_wan | ✔ |
azurerm_vpn_gateway | ❌ |
azurerm_vpn_gateway_connection | ❌ |
azurerm_vpn_server_configuration | ❌ |
azurerm_vpn_site | ❌ |
azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy | ❌ |
azurerm_windows_virtual_machine | ✔ |
azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set | ✔ |
❌ = Not yet implemented ✔ = Already implemented ⚠ = Will not be implemented