This repository contains PyTorch implementation of our paper Say As You Wish: Fine-grained Control of Image Caption Generation with Abstract Scene Graphs (CVPR 2020).
Python 3 and PyTorch 1.3.
# clone the repository
git clone
cd asg2cap
# clone caption evaluation codes
git clone
cd controlimcap/driver
# support caption models: [node, node.role,
# rgcn, rgcn.flow, rgcn.memory, rgcn.flow.memory]
# see our paper for details
# setup config files
# you should modify data paths in configs/prepare_*
python configs/ $mtype
resdir='' # copy the output string of the previous step
# training
python $resdir/model.json $resdir/path.json $mtype --eval_loss --is_train --num_workers 8
# inference
python $resdir/model.json $resdir/path.json $mtype --eval_set tst --num_workers 8
Annotations for MSCOCO and VisualGenome datasets can be download from GoogleDrive.
- (Image, ASG, Caption) annotations: regionfiles/image_id.json
JSON Format:
"region_id": {
"object_id": int,
"name": str,
"attributes": [str],
"x": int,
"y": int,
"w": int,
"h": int
"relationships": [
"relationship_id": int,
"subject_id": int,
"object_id": int,
"name": str
"phrase": str,
vocabularies int2word.npy: [word] word2int.json: {word: int}
data splits: public_split directory trn_names.npy, val_names.npy, tst_names.npy
Features for MSCOCO and VisualGenome datasets are available at BaiduNetdisk (code: 6q32).
We also provide pretrained models and codes to extract features for new images.
- Global Image Feature: the last mean pooling feature of ResNet101 pretrained on ImageNet
format: npy array, shape=(num_fts, dim_ft) corresponding to the order in data_split names
- Region Image Feature: fc7 layer of Faster-RCNN pretrained on VisualGenome
format: hdf5 files, "image_id".jpg.hdf5
key: 'image_id'.jpg
attrs: {"image_w": int, "image_h": int, "boxes": 4d array (x1, y1, x2, y2)}
If you use this code as part of any published research, we'd really appreciate it if you could cite the following paper:
title={Say As You Wish: Fine-grained Control of Image Caption Generation with Abstract Scene Graphs},
author={Chen, Shizhe and Jin, Qin and Wang, Peng and Wu, Qi},
MIT License