We provide the application binaries used in ScopeAdvice for generating results in Table 2.
We evaluated ScopeAdvice on the below hardware and software specification:
- SM compute capability: sm_86 (NVIDIA RTX 3090)
- Host CPU: AMD Ryzen 5950x
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 with linux v 5.4.0-42-generic
- GCC version : 9.4.0
- CUDA version: cuda_11.2.r11.2
- CUDA driver version: 470.256.02
The following are the steps required to reproduce the results. The commands should be run in this folder.
The following command runs two variants of applications to demonstrate performance improvement. It runs (1) the original program, i.e., with over-synchronization, and (2) the modified program, i.e., without over-synchronization. Each subfolder in this folder is dedicated to each application used in the evaluation.
Run the following command in the current folder:
The outputs of this experiment are parsed to measure the performance improvement, and also provide the peformance counter values (stalls due to fence operations). The scripts responsible for parsing can be found in table-2, called process-table-2.py.
Raw outputs for this experiment will be contained in table-2/ABC/og.out, table-2/ABC/opt.out, table-2/ABC/og-nsight.out and table-2/ABC/opt-nsight.out where ABC is the application name (e.g., CU for cuML). The file og.out will contain the execution time of application with over-synchronization, and opt.out will contain the execution time of the application after eliminating over-synchronization. The files og-nsight.out and opt-nsight.out have the stalls the application faced due to fence instructions with and without over-synchronization respectively.
Final parsed results will be outputted in the terminal and are also contained at table-2/result.csv in comma-separated format.