- Introduction
- How it works?
- Quick Start
- How to generate the jar?
- Supported ASA Queries
- Dependencies
- Troubleshooting
- Few helpful docker commands
- Example
ASASpark is a POC to make ASA query engine work with Apache Spark. Queries are written in ASA Query Language.
A Spark SQL Job running on a Spark Cluster in Databricks uses ASASpark-x.x.x.jar as a library to interpret query written in ASA query language and run it on Spark dataset. Before you write your own query do check out the Supported ASA Queries section.
Get the ASA-x.x.x.jar by following any one of the following steps:
a. Using source code: Follow steps mentioned in How to generate the jar? section (Only for Microsoft users)
b. Download prebuilt jar from [here](Todo: add link)
Configure Azure Databricks and Spark Cluster:
a. Create Azure Databricks workspace
b. Create a Spark cluster in Databricks
c. Once the cluster is deployed, upload the ASA-x.x.x.jar as a library:
- Click on
<cluster_name> -> Libraries -> Install New
to open a modal/pop up. - Select
Library Source
,Library Type
and click onDrop JAR here
to select the jar from your local filesystem. - Once uploaded, click on the button
to close the modal/pop up and verify that thestatus
- Click on
Run example using Example Section
- Clone the repo
$ git clone https://msdata.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Azure%20Stream%20Analytics/_git/ASASpark
Install Docker
a. For Linux (Ubuntu) on Windows installed from Microsoft Store
At the root of the repository build docker image which will contain the required jar
$ docker build -t asa-spark:3.1-bionic .
Note: Open URL in a browser and enter the code when prompted for auth by Azure Artifact Credential Provider
- Start a docker container from the recently built docker image
$ docker run --name asa-spark -d -it asa-spark:3.1-bionic
- Copy the required jar from the container to the local filesystem
$ docker cp asa-spark:/repos/ASASpark/java/target/ASA-0.0.1.jar .
- Cleanup: stop the running container, remove it and delete the image
$ docker stop asa-spark
$ docker rm asa-spark
$ docker rmi asa-spark:3.1-bionic
All other queries are supported except:
- Nested data types: Array and Record are not yet supported out of the the complete list of Data Types supported in ASA. Unsupported data type exception will be thrown on encountering any input or output of these data types.
- Join Query (multiple inputs) is not yet supported.
Docker is the only dependency for the developer. Docker takes care of all other dependencies listed below:
- g++
- Java 8
a. cmake uses
which is deprecated in Java 9 onwards b. Debian 10 discontinued Java 8 support on official repository while Bionic did not. Bionic is being used as docker base OS. - cmake
- maven
- dotnet
- Azure Artifact Credential Provider to exchange credentials to download private artifacts
- sbt
- Build docker image in debug mode. This will configure the environment for development activity and not attempt to create the jar
$ docker build --build-arg mode=debug -t asa-spark-debug:3.1-bionic .
- Start the container from the debug image and connect to it to open a bash shell
docker run --name asa-spark-debug -it asa-spark-debug:3.1-bionic /bin/bash
- Now, you are inside the docker container at the repository root location. Develop/debug/troubleshoot and when you are ready, run
to generate a new jar to verify. - Follow steps in Quick Start to run this jar on Azure Databricks.
# Build docker image using dockerfile present at the current location and tag it as asa-spark:3.1-bionic $ docker build -t asa-spark:3.1-bionic . # List docker images $ docker images # Start a new container(asa-spark) using an existing docker image(asa-spark:3.1-bionic) and detach $ docker run --name asa-spark -d -it asa-spark:3.1-bionic # Copy a file from a running container named asa-spark to the current directory on localsystem $ docker cp asa-spark:/repos/ASASpark/java/target/ASA-0.0.1.jar . # Connect to already running container named asa-spark and open a bash shell $ docker exec -it asa-spark bash # Stop a running container named asa-spark $ docker stop asa-spark # Remove a container named asa-spark $ docker rm asa-spark # Delete docker image with tag asa-spark:3.1-bionic $ docker rmi asa-spark:3.1-bionic
Notebook Code demonstrating how to call ASASpark-x.x.x.jar APIs to run a query. The code uses a csv file containing a dataset after uploading it to filestore.
Upload dataset
a. Go to Azure Databricks, click on
Data -> Databases -> default -> Add Data
.b. Select
Data source
asUpload Files
, click onDrop files to upload
and select thescala/test/resources/dataset1.csv
file from this repo. Wait for the upload to complete. -
Create a notebook
a. Create a new Notebook by clicking on
Azure Databricks -> New Notebook
b. Give
, selectLanguage
as created in step 2 (ii) -
Add the following scala code to the above created notebook and click
Run all
import org.scalatest._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import scala.collection.Map
import com.microsoft.AzureStreamAnalytics
var spark = SparkSession.builder()
.master("local[2]") // 2 ... number of threads
.config("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", value = 1)
.config("spark.ui.enabled", value = false)
.config("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled", value = true)
val df = spark.sqlContext
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.option("timestampFormat", "MM-dd-yyyy hh mm ss")
.select(col("ts").cast(LongType), col("category"), col("value"))
val newDf = AzureStreamAnalytics.execute(
"SELECT category, System.Timestamp AS ts, COUNT(*) AS n FROM input TIMESTAMP BY DATEADD(second, ts, '2019-11-20T00:00:00Z') GROUP BY TumblingWindow(second, 2), category",