A script that watches Smugglers' Notch Resort for "powder days", sends alerts when more than 4" of snow has fallen in 24 hours.
The best feeling in the world! Floating on a cloud of deep, white fluff, surfing the mountain, huge flakes falling down, sprays of snow on every turn. It's what skiers and snowboarders dream of. And you want to get it first, before every one else does.
This script will text you if it's a powder day as soon as a snow report is released.
Some of the things you need to install (included in the requirements.txt file):
- Twilio - Twilio offers a free trial that gives you one text-able phone number
- Beautiful Soup - Beautiful Soup for web scraping
You must download this repository to your own machine, adjust the Twilio API credentials to match your own account's, adjust the phone number to match your own, and then create a Cron job for the powder.py script.
Smugglers' Notch releases their snow report every day (during the open season) between 6am - 8am. Lifts open at 8:30am. I run the script everyday at 7:30am because it takes me an hour to get to the mountain. Setting up a Cron job may vary depending on your operating system.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Thank you to the powder gods who give us snow on Madonna and Sterling mountain.