Collection of information in support of the selection of driving Global Climate Models from CMIP6 for CORDEX. There are two main components:
- An automatic search for data availability in the ESGF (CMIP6_for_CORDEX_availability_ESGF.csv), plus a manual collection of boundaries available directly from the producers (CMIP6_for_CORDEX_availability_non_ESGF.csv)
- A manual collection of published results (CMIP6_studies) regarding the plausibility, spread of future outcomes and independence of the CMIP6 models.
Parse ESGF metadata to discover CMIP6 model runs meeting the criteria for downscaling. In table CMIP6_for_CORDEX_availability_ESGF.csv, each model run and scenario is tagged according to the availability of enough variables to drive a Regional Climate Model (RCM), to provide typical predictors for Empirical-Statistical Downscaling (ESD) or for Basic analyses (currenly meaning that daily precipitation and near-surface mean temperature are available)
Does the search and builds a csv table (CMIP6_for_CORDEX_availability_ESGF.csv) tagging each simulation depending on the variables available in ESGF.
These are collected as YAML files under CMIP6_studies and summarized e.g. in The information from all sources is merged in the CMIP6_studies_table_EUR.csv, which are rendered as HTML in