Language Name: J2C
Implement a compiler for the designed language, complete with:
Ibtehaz Utsay
Link to Initial Proposal:
Link to Final Documentation:
Target Language: C
var is a variable classname is the name of a class methodname is the name of a method str is a string i is an integertype:: = int | bool | void | Built-in types
classname; includes Object and String
op:: = * | / | + | - | % | < | > | == | != Arithmetic operations
exp:: = var | str | i | Variables, strings, and integers are expressions
this | Refers to my instance
exp op exp | Arithmetic operations
new classname(exp*) | Creates a new instance of a class
exp. methodname(exp*) | Calls a method
(type)exp | Casts an expression as a type/Runtime exception for improper casting
vardec:: = type var | Variable declaration
stmt:: = vardec = exp; | Variable declaration
var = exp; | Assignment
while (exp) stmt | while loops
break; | break
{ stmt* } | block
if (exp) stmt else stmt | if/else
return exp; | return an expression
return; | return Void
println(exp) | Prints something to the terminal
exp. methodname(exp*) | Calls a method
access ::= public | private | protected
methoddef ::= access type methodname(vardec*) stmt vardecs are comma-separated
instancedec ::= access vardec; instance variable declaration classdef ::= class classname extends classname {
constructor(vardec*) stmt vardecs are comma-separated
program ::= classdef* exp exp is the entry point
var is a variable
classname is the name of a class
methodname is the name of a method
str is a string
i is an integer
type:: = int | bool | str | classname
primary_exp ::= var | str | int | true | false
multiplicative_op ::= * | /
multiplicative_exp ::= primary_exp(multiplicative_op primary_exp)*
additive_op ::= + | /
additive_exp ::= multiplicative_exp (additive_op multiplicative_exp)*
comparison_op ::= < | > | == | !=
comparsion_exp ::= additive_exp | additive_exp comparison_op additive_exp
exp ::= var.methodname(exp*) | new classname(exp*) | comparison_exp
new classname(exp*) | Creates a new instance of a class
exp. methodname(exp*) | Calls a method
(type)exp | Casts an expression as a type/Runtime exception for improper casting
vardec:: = type var | Variable declaration
stmt:: = vardec = exp; | Variable declaration
var = exp; | Assignment
while (exp) stmt | while loops
break; | break
{ stmt* } | block
if (exp) stmt else stmt | if/else
return exp; | return an expression
return; | return Void
println(exp) | Prints something to the terminal
exp. methodname(exp*) | Calls a method
access ::= public | private | protected
methoddef ::= access type methodname(vardec*) stmt vardecs are comma-separated
instancedec ::= access vardec; instance variable declaration classdef ::= class classname extends classname {
constructor(vardec*) stmt vardecs are comma-separated
Computation Abstraction Non-Trivial Feature: Class based inheritance + Methods
Non-Trivial Feature #2: Subtyping
Non-Trivial Feature #3: Method Overloading
Work Planned for Custom Component: Access Modifiers
To run the tests:
mvn compile
mvn test
To view reports:
mvn jacoco: report
open target/site/jacoco/index.html