Original grammar. Left-recursive, no operator precedence:
x is a variable
i is an integer
Op.java PlusOp.java MinusOp.java LessThanOp.java EqualsOp.java
op ::= + | - | < | ==
Exp.java VariableExp.java IntegerExp.java OpExp.java
exp ::= x | i | exp op exp
Stmt.java IfStmt.java BlockStmt.java
stmt ::= if (exp) stmt else stmt | { stmt* } // statements are separated with ;
program ::= stmt
New grammar. No longer left-recursive, and handles operator precedence:
x is a variable
i is an integer
primary_exp ::= x | i | `(` exp `)`
additive_op ::= + | -
additive_exp ::= primary_exp (additive_op primary_exp)*
less_than_exp ::= additive_exp (`<` additive_exp)*
equals_exp ::= less_than_exp (`==` less_than_exp)*
exp ::= equals_exp
stmt ::= if (exp) stmt else stmt | { stmt* } | println(exp);
program ::= stmt
- Base case for
Example additive_exp
2 + 3
2 + 3 + 4
2 < 3 == 4
(2 < 3) == 4
2 < (3 == 4)
Key idea: separate out expressions into priority levels. Highest to lowest precedence:
x < y < z
Mathematically, equivalent to:
x < y && y < z
Valid expression in C. Does NOT mean what the math says.
(x < y) < z
- If
x < y
: 1 - If NOT
x < y
: 0
- If
- PlusToken
- MinusToken
- LessThanToken
- EqualsToken
- IfToken
- ElseToken
- VariableToken(name)
- IntegerToken(integer_value)
- LeftParenToken
- RightParenToken
- LeftCurlyToken
- RightCurlyToken
- SemicolonToken
Abstract syntax tree (AST) nodes:
- Variable
- Integers
- Plus
- Minus
- LessThan
- Equals
Internal nodes
- Binary operations
- If
- Blocks
- Leaves
- Variable
- Integers
- Internal nodes
- Binary operations
- Leaves
- Internal nodes
- If
- Blocks
- Internal nodes