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Request #19 (add): in-progress: Partial implementation of serializer/…
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…deserializer, with sample serializable class (TestProto.fs).

Todo: add dehydrate functions for signed types & floats.

Todo: figure out how to support repeated fields (non-packed).  Should be able to add a helper that composes with the existing hydrate and dehydrate methods.

Todo: Add unit tests for all serialization & deserialization code.  Consider using binary files encoded with stock protobuf code.
  • Loading branch information
jhugard committed Feb 17, 2016
1 parent 8a43f9c commit 6dac741
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Showing 8 changed files with 548 additions and 88 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions Core/EncodingTypes.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
namespace Froto.Core.Encoding

open System

type FieldNum = int32

type RawField =
| Varint of FieldNum * uint64
| Fixed32 of FieldNum * uint32
| Fixed64 of FieldNum * uint64
| LengthDelimited of FieldNum * ArraySegment<byte>
// | Group of FieldNum * WireType (deprecated)
member x.FieldNum =
match x with
| Varint(n,_) -> n
| Fixed32(n,_) -> n
| Fixed64(n,_) -> n
| LengthDelimited(n,_) -> n
// Need a place to hang this, because it cannot go on Tag:
// a type alias cannot have methods or properties.
static member MaxTag = (2<<<28) - 1

type RawMessage = RawField list
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Core/Froto.Core.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
<Compile Include="Exceptions.fs" />
<Compile Include="ZeroCopyBuffer.fs" />
<Compile Include="EncodingTypes.fs" />
<Compile Include="WireFormat.fs" />
<Compile Include="Serializer.fs" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\FSharp\Microsoft.FSharp.Targets" />
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions Core/Serializer.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
namespace Froto.Core.Encoding

open System
open Froto.Core
open Froto.Core.WireFormat

module Utility =

let zigZag32 (n:int32) = (n <<< 1) ^^^ (n >>> 31)
let zigZag64 (n:int64) = (n <<< 1) ^^^ (n >>> 63)
let zagZig32 (n:int32) = int32(uint32 n >>> 1) ^^^ (if n&&&1 = 0 then 0 else -1 )
let zagZig64 (n:int64) = int64(uint64 n >>> 1) ^^^ (if n&&&1L = 0L then 0L else -1L)

let varIntLen (v:uint64) =
let rec loop acc len =
let bMore = acc > 0x7FUL
if bMore
then loop (acc >>> 7) (len+1)
else len
loop v 1

let tagLen (t:int32) =
varIntLen (uint64 t) <<< 3

module Serializer =

let internal toBool (u:uint64) = not (u=0UL)

let internal raiseMismatch expected actual =
let extractNumAndType = function
| RawField.Varint (n,_) -> n, "VarInt"
| RawField.Fixed32 (n,_) -> n, "Fixed32"
| RawField.Fixed64 (n,_) -> n, "Fixed64"
| RawField.LengthDelimited (n,_) -> n, "LengthDelimited"
let (n, found) = actual |> extractNumAndType
let s = sprintf "Deserialize failure: wiretype mismatch for field %d: expected %s, found %s" n expected found
raise <| ProtobufWireFormatException(s)

(* Deserialize from VarInt *)
let helper_vi f fld = function
| RawField.Varint (n, v) ->
fld := f v
| raw ->
raiseMismatch "VarInt" raw

let hydrateInt32 = helper_vi int32
let hydrateInt64 = helper_vi int64
let hydrateUInt32 = helper_vi uint32
let hydrateUInt64 = helper_vi uint64
let hydrateSInt32 = helper_vi (int32 >> Utility.zagZig32)
let hydrateSInt64 = helper_vi (int64 >> Utility.zagZig64)
let hydrateBool = helper_vi toBool
let inline hydrateEnum x = helper_vi (int32 >> enum) x

(* hydrate from Fixed32 *)
let internal helper_fx32 f fld = function
| RawField.Fixed32 (_, v) ->
fld := f v
| raw ->
raiseMismatch "Fixed32" raw

let hydrateFixed32 = helper_fx32 int32
let hydrateSFixed32 = helper_fx32 (int32 >> Utility.zagZig32)
let hydrateFloat =
let aux (u:uint32) =
// TODO: eliminate the Array allocation,
// perhaps using CIL (MSIL) to load float from a register
let bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(u)
if not BitConverter.IsLittleEndian then Array.Reverse bytes
helper_fx32 aux

(* hydrate from Fixed64 *)
let internal helper_fx64 f fld = function
| RawField.Fixed64 (_, v) ->
fld := f v
| raw ->
raiseMismatch "Fixed64" raw

let hydrateFixed64 = helper_fx64 int64
let hydrateSFixed64 = helper_fx64 (int64 >> Utility.zagZig64)
let hydrateDouble =
let aux (u:uint64) =
// TODO: eliminate the Array allocation,
// perhaps using CIL (MSIL) to load float from a register
let bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(u)
if not BitConverter.IsLittleEndian then Array.Reverse bytes
helper_fx64 aux

(* hydrate from LengthDelimited *)
let internal helper_bytes f fld = function
| RawField.LengthDelimited (_, v) ->
fld := f v
| raw ->
raiseMismatch "LengthDelimited" raw

let internal toString (a:System.ArraySegment<byte>) =
let utf8 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
utf8.GetString(a.Array, a.Offset, a.Count)

let internal toByteArray (a:System.ArraySegment<byte>) =
a.Array.[ a.Offset .. a.Offset + a.Count]

let hydrateString = helper_bytes toString
let hydrateBytes = helper_bytes toByteArray
// TODO: Can the following be made type safe?
let hydrateMessage messageCtor = helper_bytes messageCtor

(* hydrate Packed Repeated from LengthDelimited *)
let helper_packed f fld = function
| RawField.LengthDelimited (_,v) ->
fld :=
seq {
let s = ZeroCopyReadBuffer(v)
while not s.IsEof do
yield (f s)
|> Array.ofSeq
| raw ->
raiseMismatch "LengthDelimited" raw

let hydratePackedInt32 = helper_packed (decodeVarint >> int32)
let hydratePackedInt64 = helper_packed (decodeVarint >> int64)
let hydratePackedUInt32 = helper_packed (decodeVarint >> uint32)
let hydratePackedUInt64 = helper_packed (decodeVarint >> uint64)
let hydratePackedSInt32 = helper_packed (decodeVarint >> int32 >> Utility.zagZig32)
let hydratePackedSInt64 = helper_packed (decodeVarint >> int64 >> Utility.zagZig64)
let hydratePackedBool = helper_packed (decodeVarint >> toBool)
let inline hydratePackedEnum x = helper_packed (decodeVarint >> int32 >> enum) x
let hydratePackedFixed32 = helper_packed decodeFixed32
let hydratePackedFixed64 = helper_packed decodeFixed64
let hydratePackedSFixed32 = helper_packed (decodeFixed32 >> int32 >> Utility.zagZig32)
let hydratePackedSFixed64 = helper_packed (decodeFixed64 >> int64 >> Utility.zagZig64)
let hydratePackedSingle = helper_packed decodeSingle
let hydratePackedDouble = helper_packed decodeDouble

(* Dehydrate Varint *)
let inline dehydrateVarint fieldNum i =
WireFormat.encodeFieldVarint fieldNum (uint64 i)

(* Dehydrate Bool *)
let dehydrateBool fieldNum b =
let bul = if b then 1UL else 0UL
dehydrateVarint fieldNum bul

(* Dehydrate String *)
let dehydrateString fieldNum s =
WireFormat.encodeFieldString fieldNum s

(* Dehydrate Fixed *)
let inline flip f a b = f b a

let dehydratePackedFixed32 fieldNum xs =
let xslen = (xs |> Array.length) * 4 |> uint64
WireFormat.encodeTag fieldNum WireType.LengthDelimited
>> WireFormat.encodeVarint xslen
>> flip (Array.fold (fun buf x -> buf |> WireFormat.encodeFixed32 x )) xs

let dehydratePackedFixed64 fieldNum xs =
let xslen = (xs |> Array.length) * 8 |> uint64
WireFormat.encodeTag fieldNum WireType.LengthDelimited
>> WireFormat.encodeVarint xslen
>> flip (Array.fold (fun buf x -> buf |> WireFormat.encodeFixed64 x )) xs

(* Dehydrate Message *)
let inline dehydrateMessage fieldNum (o:^msg when ^msg : (member SerializeLengthDelimited : ZeroCopyWriteBuffer -> ZeroCopyWriteBuffer)) =
let serializeMsg zcb = (^msg : (member SerializeLengthDelimited : ZeroCopyWriteBuffer -> ZeroCopyWriteBuffer) (o,zcb))
WireFormat.encodeTag fieldNum WireType.LengthDelimited
>> serializeMsg

type MessageBase () =

let mutable m_unknownFields = List.empty

let asArraySegment (zcb:ZeroCopyWriteBuffer) =

abstract DecoderRing : Map<int,(RawField->unit)>
abstract EncoderRing : (ZeroCopyWriteBuffer -> ZeroCopyWriteBuffer) list

member x.Deserialize (buf:System.ArraySegment<byte>) =
let zcb = ZeroCopyReadBuffer(buf)
seq {
while not zcb.IsEof do
yield WireFormat.decodeField zcb
|> Seq.iter x.DeserializeField

member x.DeserializeLengthDelimited (buf:System.ArraySegment<byte>) =
let zcb = ZeroCopyReadBuffer(buf)
let len = zcb |> WireFormat.decodeVarint |> uint32
x.Deserialize( zcb.Remainder )

member x.Serialize (zcb:ZeroCopyWriteBuffer) =
for fn in x.EncoderRing do
fn zcb |> ignore
x.SerializeUnknownFields zcb

member x.Serialize (buf:System.ArraySegment<byte>) =
|> x.Serialize
|> asArraySegment

member x.SerializedLength =
let ncb = NullWriteBuffer()
ncb |> x.Serialize |> ignore

member x.Serialize() =
Array.zeroCreate (int32 x.SerializedLength)
|> ArraySegment
|> x.Serialize

member x.SerializeLengthDelimited (zcb:ZeroCopyWriteBuffer) =
|> WireFormat.encodeVarint (uint64 x.SerializedLength)
|> x.Serialize

member x.SerializeLengthDelimited (buf:System.ArraySegment<byte>) =
|> x.SerializeLengthDelimited
|> asArraySegment

member x.SerializedLengthDelimitedLength =
let len = x.SerializedLength
let lenlen = Utility.varIntLen (uint64 len)
(uint32 lenlen) + len

member x.SerializeLengthDelimited() =
Array.zeroCreate (int32 x.SerializedLengthDelimitedLength)
|> ArraySegment
|> x.SerializeLengthDelimited

member x.UnknownFields = m_unknownFields

member private x.DeserializeField (field:Encoding.RawField) =
let n = field.FieldNum
match x.DecoderRing |> Map.tryFind n with
| Some(deserializeFn) -> deserializeFn field
| None -> m_unknownFields <- field :: m_unknownFields

member private x.SerializeUnknownFields (zcb:ZeroCopyWriteBuffer) =

let inline emplace (src:ArraySegment<byte>) (dst:ArraySegment<byte>) =
Array.Copy(src.Array, src.Offset, dst.Array, dst.Offset, src.Count)

for field in x.UnknownFields do
match field with
| RawField.Varint (n,v) ->
zcb |> WireFormat.encodeFieldVarint n v
| RawField.LengthDelimited (n,v) ->
zcb |> WireFormat.encodeFieldLengthDelimited n (v.Count|>uint32) (emplace v)
| RawField.Fixed32 (n,v) ->
zcb |> WireFormat.encodeFieldFixed32 n v
| RawField.Fixed64 (n,v) ->
zcb |> WireFormat.encodeFieldFixed64 n v
|> ignore

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