WindowRails is a plugin for Rails that provides easy to use AJAXy windows. It is based completely on jQueryUI with helpers for Rails to make it easy to use from a Rails app.
WindowRails is now happily compatible with Rails 2 and Rails 3 (and now 3.1).
jQuery-UI with Dialog widget enabled
Add window_rails to your application Gemfile:
gem 'window_rails'
# view <%= link_to_remote('Link', :url => my_route_path) %> # controller def action respond_to do |format| format.html format.js do render :update do |page| page.open_window( {:partial => 'action_partial'}, :width => 400, :height => 500, :title => 'My Window', :window => 'unique_window_name' ) end end end end # or via JS template: # app/views/my_resources/action.js.erb <%= open_window( {:partial => 'action_partial'}, :width => 400, :height => 500, :title => 'My Window', :window => 'unique_window_name' ) %>
Examples are shown using the old generator style. For rails 3.1 and beyond, the methods should be defined within the JS views
def open_my_window respond_to do |format| format.html format.js do render :update do |page| page.open_window({:partial => 'my_partial'}, :width => 400, :height => 200, :window => 'my_window') end end end end
def update_my_window respond_to do |format| format.html format.js do render :update do |page| page.update_window({:partial => 'new_partial'}, :window => 'my_window') end end end end
def close_my_window respond_to do |format| format.html format.js do render :update do |page| page.close_window(:window => 'my_window') end end end end
WindowRails is released under an MIT license