What's Changed
- Fixed a bug where name collisions between folios of different documents in variorum mode were causing some folios not to be indexed correctly.
- Improved navigation flow in variorum mode; navigating back to the grid from a folio now automatically shows the grid for the associated document.
- Improved touch screen functionality: resizing panes can now be done either by clicking with a mouse or using a touch screen.
- Added the ability to manage the component configuration props (document title, manifest URL, etc) from outside the component without having the whole viewer crash whenever the values update; it now updates to the new values and reloads the data seamlessly.
- Improved error handling in the case that URL parameters supply a nonexistent folio ID; now defaults to the grid view in such a case.
See PR #117 for details, or view the full change log here: v1.0.1...v1.0.2