This plugin is based on This is a gradle plugin of mybatisGeneratorPlugin(mbg). This plugin has all the features of mybatisGeneratorPlugin(mbg), but the plugin realization of groovy from gradle3.3.
Build script snippet for use in all Gradle versions:buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath ""
apply plugin: "com.cuisongliu.plugin.mybatis-generator"
Build script snippet for new, incubating, plugin mechanism introduced in Gradle 2.1:
plugins {
id "com.cuisongliu.plugin.mybatis-generator" version "0.9.6"
mbg {
overwrite = false
consoleable = true
driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
url = "jdbc:mysql://[ip]:[port]/[dbname]?useSSL=false"
username = "username"
password = "password"
resourcesProject = "src/main/java"
mapperPlugin = tk.mybatis.mapper.generator.MapperPlugin.class
mapperMapper = "com.cuisongliu.springboot.core.mapper.MyMapper"
mapperPackage= "com.cuisongliu.mapper"
modelPackage = "com.cuisongliu.entity"
xmlPackage = "com.cuisongliu.mapper"
tableName ="s_system"
objectName ="System"
mapperSuffix ="Mapper"
If no settings are provided, the plugin tries to use sensible defaults.
Setting Name | Type | Description | Default | |
overwrite |
boolean |
Specifies whether the mojo overwrites existing files. Default is true. | true |
generatorFile |
String |
Location of the configuration file. | generatorConfig.xml |
sqlScript |
String |
Location of a SQL script file to run before generating code. | null |
consoleable |
boolean |
Specifies whether progress messages to the console. | false |
skip |
boolean |
Skip generator. | false |
contexts |
String |
Comma delimited list of contexts to generate. | null |
tableNames |
String |
Comma delimited list of table names to generate. | null |
Setting Name | Type | Description | Default | |
jdbc |
driver |
String |
JDBC Driver name.Not Null | null |
url |
String |
JDBC URL.Not Null | null |
username |
String |
JDBC user name.Not Null | root |
password |
String |
JDBC password.Not Null | null |
xml |
javaProject |
String |
Mybatis generator output sources directory. | src/main/java |
resourcesProject |
String |
Mybatis generator output resources directory. | src/main/resources |
mapperPackage |
String |
Mybatis generator output javaClient package.Not Null | null |
modelPackage |
String |
Mybatis generator output javaModel package.Not Null | null |
xmlPackage |
String |
Mybatis generator output sqlMapper package.Not Null | null |
mapperPlugin |
Class |
Mybatis generator plugin class.Not Null |
mapperMapper |
String |
Mybatis generator javaClient extends class.Not Null |
tableName |
String |
Mybatis generator db table name.Not Null |
objectName |
String |
Mybatis generator object class name.Not Null |
mapperSuffix |
String |
Mybatis generator javaClient mapper suffix. |
- Add generatorConfig.xml to your execution module.Set the variable in the table information.
- In the build.gradle file append Specify settings
- In the build.gradle directory execute
gradle mbg
- The default support for mysql.If you use oracle or other database need to add the following additional configuration to Specify settings.
def baseUrl = ""
def nexusUrl = "$baseUrl/content/groups/public/"
repositories {
maven { url "$nexusUrl" }
dependencies {
classpath ""
Add buildscript before using the plugin,configure the classpath driver depends on the jar package (where the maven address changes as the case may be)