Original readme from TheFitzZZ/EKRAN follows below:
You better watch it!
This Discord bot tries to provide an easy platform to manage and announce events. It is made for the game DCS World and will probably get features over time that don't make sense for other games. See the milestone list for features that are planned. Feed free to create issues to get help or request changes & features.
To have the Bot join your Discord server simply click here EDIT cun83: upstream's bot link removed, this fork's bot is not available for public consumption at this time.
If you want to support my work or just leave a little thanks, I'd appreciate a small donation towards my coffee fund :-)
I have the following options:
- Donorbox: https://donorbox.org/dcs-cm (for PayPal and CC)
- Crypto:
- BTC: 1KtsAMGCkJPv3R8fa2zCxznB3PhdSPDf9d
- ETH: 0x4c336e3ea18756bef54d9d022a5788352304dbed
- LTC: LZaWAVX35qsiYyG7VVvpwg7n9browvm3Kw
- DASH: XxZjETznyPVwxM3z1fN315pHioFgqzZ3Gr
- ZEC: t1eZGC319q5HSEPrDQ7Uzr88kxChbfTH1Ke
- DOGE: DDq5ChkLt82pRYimKPRibdeWuYMQShYKdk
- BCH: 1Ci8ZRUXzUbqjyYj2y7m5CdJAtcjF9MF4L
Wanna get into crypto:
- Coinbase to buy cypto (one of the most popular methods)
- Binance is my preferred exchange to trade stuff ... if you wanna dive in :-)
Cheers m8!
After the bot joined your server, create a server role named "Calendar Admin" and add users to it that are supposed to be able to edit every entry created on that server.
Command: !calendar (!cal)
Parameters: none
Examples: !calendar
Description: Gives a compact list of upcoming events for your server.
Command: !event (!cev)
Parameters: eventID
Examples: !event 5
Description: Gives all details about the event given.
Command: !attend
Parameters: eventID
Examples: !aev 3
Description: Put's you on the list of attendees for the event.
Command: !skip
Parameters: eventID
Examples: !sev 3
Description: Removes you from the given event.
Command: !getevents (or !gev)
Parameters: none
Examples: !getevents
Description: Gives a list of all upcoming events for your server.
Command: !newevent (or !nev)
Parameters: "Name" "Date Time"
Examples: !newevent "My Event Name" "2018-12-24 13:37"
Description: Creates a new event with the given name and date+time. If the name has more than one word, it needs to be put in quotation marks. Date and time is entered in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" in the 24h format with quotation marks. There is no timezone conversion (yet), so use UTC or the favorite TZ of your server.
After you create an event, the bot will tell you the assigned ID and send you a DM explaining how you can edit & enhance it with more information.
Command: !editevent (or !eev)
Parameters: several :-)
- Add a max attendee limit: !editev eventid maxattendees 15
- Add a URL to a briefing: !editev eventid briefingurl http://someurl.com/briefing
- Add a URL to a Discord invite: !editev eventid discordurl http://discord.gg/yourinviteid
- Add a short description to the event: !editev eventid description "Description goes here"
- Toggle public flag of the event: !editev eventid public"
- Edit the event name: !editev eventid name "My Eventname"
- Edit the event date: !editev eventid date "2018-12-24 13:37"
To state the obvious: replace eventid with the actual id!
Examples: See list above.
Description: Allows you to edit several information on the event with the given ID. Only the creator of the event can edit it.
Command: !deleteevent (or !dev)
Parameters: eventID
Examples: !dev 3
Description: Deletes the event with the given ID. You can only delete an event that you created.