Add jACH to your project. for maven projects just add this dependency:
Using jACH you can work with ACH documents such as:
- Read textual ACH documents to java domain model
- Write java ACH domain model back to textual ACH format
- Supported ACH formats are ARC, BOC, CBR, CCD, CIE, CTX, IAT, POP, POS, PPD, RCK, TEL, WEB
Basically, to use jACH first instantiate the ACH class
import com.afrunt.jach.ACH;
ACH ach = new ACH();
To parse the ACH document you simply need to pass the document's InputStream to read() method
import com.afrunt.jach.document.ACHDocument;
InputStream is = ...;
ACHDocument document =;
To convert the java object model back to ACH document just pass the instance of ACHDocument to the write() method
String out = ach.write(document);
OutputStream os = ...;
ach.write(document, os);
If you need to use specific character set, then you need to pass it as last parameter:
Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
ACHDocument document =, charset);
ach.write(document, os, charset);