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🌐 emqtt-sn is a light-weight MQTT-SN client. It is both client library and command line tools implemented in Erlang that supports MQTT-SN v1.2.

🚗 Enjoy your tour of MQTT-SN communication!

What emqtt-sn support

  • ⏳ Automatic response and timeout control

  • ⭐⭐ all operations are supported used as a lib

  • subscribe and publish when used as a client

  • 🛏️ sleeping feature

  • ➡️ QoS -1, 0, 1, 2 support

What emqtt-sn cannot do

  • ❌ Forwarder Encapsulation (no plan to support)

  • ❌ Zigbee support (no plan to support)

  • ❌ Define Radius of SEARCHGW and GWINFO (see current difficulties)

  • ❌ Received GWINFO with arbitrary port (see current difficulties)

document | coverage report

How to use

As a Dynamic Library

When use as a lib, you can introduce into the rebar.config of your erlang project:

{emqttsn, {git, "", {branch, "main"}}

As a Command Line Tool

When use as a client, run make in project root directory.

Once you've compiled successfully you will get a script called emqttsn in _build/emqttsn/rel/emqttsn/bin. We can see what emqtt can do with --help option:

$ ./emqttsn --help
Usage: emqttsn pub | sub [--help]

emqttsn pub is used to publish a single message on a topic and exit. emqttsn sub is used to subscribe to a topic and print the messages that it receives.


Usage: emqttsn pub [-n [<name>]] [-h [<host>]] [-p [<port>]] [-I <iface>]
                   [-w [<will>]] [-V [<protocol_version>]]
                   [-k [<keepalive>]] [-t [<topic_id_type>]]
                   [-i <topic_id>] [-m <topic_name>] [-q [<qos>]]
                   [-r [<retain>]] [--help <help>]
                   [--will-topic <will_topic>]
                   [--will-message <will_msg>] [--will-qos [<will_qos>]]
                   [--will-retain [<will_retain>]] [--message <message>]

  -n, --name              client name(equal to client_id, unique for each 
                          client) [default: client]
  -h, --host              mqtt-sn server hostname or IP address [default: 
  -p, --port              mqtt-sn server port number [default: 1884]
  -I, --iface             specify the network interface or ip address to 
  -w, --will              whether the client need a will message [default: 
  -V, --protocol-version  mqtt-sn protocol version: v1.2 [default: 2]
  -k, --keepalive         keep alive in seconds [default: 300]
  -t, --topic_id_type     mqtt topic id type(0 - topic id, 1 - predefined 
                          topic id, 2 - short topic name) [default: 1]
  -i, --topic_id          mqtt topic id on which to publish the 
                          message(exclusive with topic_name)
  -m, --topic_name        mqtt topic name on which to publish the 
                          message(exclusive with topic_id)
  -q, --qos               qos level of assurance for delivery of an 
                          application message [default: 0]
  -r, --retain            retain message or not [default: false]
  --help                  Help information
  --will-topic            Topic for will message
  --will-message          Payload in will message
  --will-qos              QoS for will message [default: 0]
  --will-retain           Retain in will message [default: false]
  --message               application message that is being published


Usage: emqttsn sub [-n [<name>]] [-h [<host>]] [-p [<port>]] [-I <iface>]
                   [-w [<will>]] [-V [<protocol_version>]]
                   [-k [<keepalive>]] [-t [<topic_id_type>]]
                   [-i <topic_id>] [-m <topic_name>] [-q [<qos>]]
                   [--help <help>] [--will-topic <will_topic>]
                   [--will-message <will_msg>] [--will-qos [<will_qos>]]
                   [--will-retain [<will_retain>]]

  -n, --name              client name(equal to client_id, unique for each 
                          client) [default: client]
  -h, --host              mqtt-sn server hostname or IP address [default: 
  -p, --port              mqtt-sn server port number [default: 1884]
  -I, --iface             specify the network interface or ip address to 
  -w, --will              whether the client need a will message [default: 
  -V, --protocol-version  mqtt-sn protocol version: v1.2 [default: 2]
  -k, --keepalive         keep alive in seconds [default: 300]
  -t, --topic_id_type     mqtt topic id type(0 - topic id, 1 - predefined 
                          topic id, 2 - short topic name) [default: 1]
  -i, --topic_id          mqtt topic id on which to subscribe to(exclusive 
                          with topic_name)
  -m, --topic_name        mqtt topic name on which to subscribe 
                          to(exclusive with topic_id)
  -q, --qos               maximum qos level at which the server can 
                          receive application messages to the client 
                          [default: 0]
  --help                  Help information
  --will-topic            Topic for will message
  --will-message          Payload in will message
  --will-qos              QoS for will message [default: 0]
  --will-retain           Retain in will message [default: false]

Supported Operations

official operation

This client deployment follows version MQTT-SN protocol v1.2 as here.

Official operation is main API of MQTT-SN communication.

Ops use as lib use as client

unofficial operation

unofficial operations are not mentioned in MQTT-SN protocol document, but useful for development and communication. They are only available when use as a lib.

Ops description
start_link start a emqttsn client
add_host Manually add a gateway host
get_state Get state data of the client
get_state_name Get state name of the client
reset_config Set new config of the client
stop Only Stop the state machine client, but not disconnect
finalize Stop and disconnect the client
wait_until_state_name Block until client reach target state


While using this client, you need to deploy a MQTT-SN protocol gateway first.

We recommend to use EMQX as it has been tested for compatibility.

When use as a lib, we can build a simple MQTT-SN client like this:

-define(HOST, {127, 0, 0, 1}).
-define(PORT, 1884).

% Id of MQTT-SN gateway
GateWayId = 1,
Retain = false,
TopicName = "tn",
Message = "Message",
Qos = ?QOS_0,
Block = true,

% start a MQTT-SN client
{ok, Client, _} = emqttsn:start_link("client", []),

% add gateway host manually(you can also let it from ADVERTISE or GWINFO)
emqttsn:add_host(Client, ?HOST, ?PORT, GateWayId),

% connect of target gateway
emqttsn:connect(Client, GateWayId, Block),

% register a topic name
emqttsn:register(Client, TopicName, Block),
% subscribe to some topic name
emqttsn:subscribe(Client, TopicIdType, TopicName, Qos, Block),

% publish a message to some topic name
emqttsn:publish(Client, Retain, TopicIdType, TopicName, Message, Block),

more examples can be found here.

current difficulties

About Radius

There is no radius in Local Area Network (LAN), which means broadcast radius . There is a similar concept as Time To Live (TTL), but a broadcast packet will nearly always be dropped by route as it is the default setting. It seems in vain to make radius to TTL.

In emqttsn, user can set radius, but they will have no effect at all. The radius of received packet will be extracted correctly parsed, but they will also not be used anywhere.

About GWInfo port

For GWInfo packet from other client, it will be like:

Length MsgType GwId GwAdd
(octet 0) (1) (2) (3:n)

For consistency of definition, we only make GwAdd for gateway host (Address, like, but without port.

If a client receive such packet, it will set default port (1884) for gateway!

Be cautious to pick any non-standard port for gateway!


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  • Erlang 99.7%
  • Makefile 0.3%