Cordova plugin for using Star micronics printers from a cordova, phonegap or Ionic application.
React Native Version ➜ here
Note: This is based on the work from the guys at InteractiveObject
This plugin defines global starprnt object.
Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the deviceready event.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
Ionic 1 example app:
Ionic 2/3 example app:
Cordova: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-starprnt
Github: cordova plugin add
Warning: when updating you should run first ionic cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-starprnt
and then install again
starprnt.portDiscovery('All', function(result) {
Success Log Example: console[{modelName: "TSP700II", macAddress: "00:00:00:00", portName: "TCP:"}]
SMPort opens the connection to the printer and closes it after the commands are successfully sent.
printObj = {
text:"Star Clothing Boutique\n123 Star Road\nCity, State 12345\n\n",
openCashDrawer: "true"
starprnt.printRawText("TCP:","StarLine", printObj, function(result){
function(error) {
StarIOExtManager Allows you to connect to the printer and listen for hardware events, you will need to manually open and close the connection.
starprnt.connect("TCP:","StarLine", function(err,res) {});
printObj = {
text:"Star Clothing Boutique\n123 Star Road\nCity, State 12345\n\n",
openCashDrawer: "true"
/*Send null to use a printer connected via StarIOExtManager using the connect() function*/
starprnt.printRawText(null, "StarLine", printObj, function (result) {
To print special characters using the print() function, select the correct Encoding, CodePageType and International then send the bytes using the appendBytes command.
var commands = [];
commands.push({appendInternational: 'UK'});
starprnt.print("TCP:","StarLine", commands, function(result) {
var commands = [];
commands.push({appendInternational: 'Spain'});
starprnt.print("TCP:","StarLine", commands, function(result) {
}, function(error) {
- portDiscovery(type, success, error)
- checkStatus(port, emulation, success, error)
- printRawText(port, emulation, printObj, success, error)
- printRasterReceipt(port, emulation, rasterObj, success, error)
- printImage(port, emulation, imageObj, success, error)
- printBase64Image(port, emulation, imageObj, success, error)
- print(port, emulation, commandArray, success, error)
- connect(port, emulation, hasBarcodeReader, callback)
- disconnect(success, error)
- openCashDrawer(port, emulation, success, error)
List of commands available through the print() function
- InternationalType
- FontStyleType
- CutPaperAction
- BlackMarkType
- LogoSize
- AlignmentPosition
- BarcodeSymbology
- BarcodeWidth
- QrCodeModel
- QrCodeLevel
- BitmapConverterRotation
Almost all the methods take success an error functions as parameters, these are callback functions to execute in either case. They are not listed in the parameters for simplicity.
Note: asterisk (*) indicates a required parameter
The portDiscovery(type, success, error)
Find available printers
Paremeter | Description | Type/Example |
type* | Port types are: 'All', 'Bluetooth', 'USB', 'LAN' | String |
The checkStatus(port, emulation, success, error)
returns the current status of the printer, as well as model number and firmware information. Checking status of a printer while connected to that printer can produce unexpected results.
Paremeter | Description | Type/Example |
port* | Printer port name i.e BT:StarMicronics | String: "TCP:" |
emulation* | Emulation type depending on the printer model | String: Emulation |
The printRawText(port, emulation, printObj, success, error)
Prints plain text and command
Paremeter | Description | Type/Example |
port* | Printer port name i.e BT:StarMicronics. Send null to use a printer connected via StarIOExtManager using the connect() function | String: "TCP:" |
emulation* | Emulation type depending on the printer model | String: Emulation |
printObj* | Object containing the text and printer options | Object: Example Below |
var printObj = {
text:"Star Clothing Boutique\n123 Star Road\nCity, State 12345\n\n",
cutReceipt:true, // optional - Defaults to true
openCashDrawer:true // optional -Defaults to true
The printRasterReceipt(port, emulation, rasterObj, success, error)
Converts the text into a bitmap image and sends it to the printer
Paremeter | Description | Type/Example |
port* | Printer port name i.e BT:StarMicronics. Send null to use a printer connected via StarIOExtManager using the connect() function | String: "TCP:" |
emulation* | Emulation type depending on the printer model | String: Emulation |
rasterObj* | Object containing the text and printer options | Object: Example Below |
var rasterObj = {
text : " Star Clothing Boutique\n" +
" 123 Star Road\n" +
" City, State 12345\n" +
"\n" +
"Date:MM/DD/YYYY Time:HH:MM PM\n" +
"--------------------------------------\n" +
"SALE\n" +
"SKU Description Total\n" +
"300678566 PLAIN T-SHIRT 10.99\n" +
"300692003 BLACK DENIM 29.99\n" +
"300651148 BLUE DENIM 29.99\n" +
"300642980 STRIPED DRESS 49.99\n" +
"30063847 BLACK BOOTS 35.99\n" +
"\n" +
"Subtotal 156.95\n" +
"Tax 0.00\n" +
"--------------------------------------\n" +
"Total $156.95\n" +
"--------------------------------------\n" +
"\n" +
"Charge\n" +
"156.95\n" +
"Visa XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0123\n" +
"Refunds and Exchanges\n" +
"Within 30 days with receipt\n" +
"And tags attached\n",
fontSize: 25, //Defaults to 25
paperWidth: 576, // options: 384 = 2", 576 = 3", 832 = 4"
cutReceipt:true, // Defaults to true
openCashDrawer:true // Defaults to true
The printImage(port, emulation, imageObj, success, error)
prints a picture from the photo library or camera, Gets an image from a string URI and converts it to bitmap to send it to the printer.
Paremeter | Description | Type/Example |
port* | Printer port name i.e BT:StarMicronics. Send null to use a printer connected via StarIOExtManager using the connect() function | String: "TCP:" |
emulation* | Emulation type depending on the printer model | String: Emulation |
imageObj* | Object containing the URI and printer options | Object: Example Below |
var imageObj = {
uri: 'file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1B4B8C4C-6487-45AB-B950-0AC3633542F5/tmp/cdv_photo_002.jpg',
width: 576 // options: 384 = 2", 576 = 3", 832 = 4"
cutReceipt:true, // Defaults to true
openCashDrawer:true // Defaults to true
Note: The base64 option was originally left out because of performance concerns. The preferred option is using images stored in the phone's memory. The base64 option should only be used if strictly necessary or when performance is not a concern.
The printBase64Image(port, emulation, imageObj, success, error)
prints an image from a base64 string. The base64 string is converted to a bitmap and sent to the printer. This can be useful if you would like to print an image directly from an HTML element, HTML canvas or a database. Here is an example for converting an html element to a base64 string using the html2canvas library (
getBase64Image = () => {
const imageElement = document.getElementById('receiptpaper');
var base64Image;
(imageElement).then(function(canvas) {
var data = canvas.toDataURL();
return base6Image;
After you have a base64Image string you can then insert it as described below.
Paremeter | Description | Type/Example |
port* | Printer port name i.e BT:StarMicronics. Send null to use a printer connected via StarIOExtManager using the connect() function | String: "TCP:" |
emulation* | Emulation type depending on the printer model | String: Emulation |
imageObj* | Object containing the URI and printer options | Object: Example Below |
var imageObj = {
base64Image: 'put base64 image string here',
width: 576 // options: 384 = 2", 576 = 3", 832 = 4"
cutReceipt:true, // Defaults to true
openCashDrawer:true // Defaults to true
The print(port, emulation, CommandsArray, success, error)
Sends an Array of commands to the command buffer using the Android ICommandBuilderInterface or iOS ISCBBuilderInterface
Paremeter | Description | Type/Example |
port* | Printer port name i.e BT:StarMicronics. Send null to use a printer connected via StarIOExtManager using the connect() function | String: "TCP:" |
emulation* | Emulation type depending on the printer model | String: Emulation |
CommandsArray* | Each command in the array should be an instance of the PrintCommand Object | Array: [{append:"text"}, {"openCashDrawer: 1"}] |
var commandsArray = [];
commandsArray.push({appendInternational: 'UK'});
appendLogo:1, //Logo number configured using Star Print utility
commandsArray.push({append: "Star Clothing Boutique\n"});
The connect(printerPort, emulation, hasBarcodeReader, function(err,res){})
function allows to 'connect' to the peripheral, to keep alive the connection between the device and the peripheral.
Parameter | Description | Type/Example |
port | Printer port name i.e BT:StarMicronics | String: "BT:StarMicronics" |
emulation | Printer emulation | StarPRNT, StarLine, etc... (see Emulation section below) |
hasBarcodeReader | If device has an attached barcode reader | true or false (mPOP device has a barcode reader) |
callback* | A callback function | function(err, res){} |
starprnt.connect("BT:StarMicronics", 'EscPosMobile', false, function(err,res){});
- You need to connect before printing if using StarIOExtManager
- You should call this function on app resume event if you have disconnected on pause event
- After connecting the window event starPrntData stars firing with the printer status
The disconnect(success, error)
function allows to disconnect (i.e. close the connection to the peripherals), this is useful to avoid keeping alive a connection when not in the app to save device battery (or energy consumption).
- You should call this function on app pause event or when the app is closed
The openCashDrawer(port, emulation, success, error)
sends an appendPeripheral command to the printer for channels No1 and No2
Paremeter | Description | Type/Example |
port* | Printer port name i.e BT:StarMicronics. Send null to use a printer connected via StarIOExtManager using the connect() function | String: "TCP:" |
emulation* | Emulation type depending on the printer model | String: Emulation |
Listen to printer events as cases of the starPrntData event, cases are:
- Printer cover open: printerCoverOpen
- Printer cover close: printerCoverClose
- Printer impossible: printerImpossible
- Printer online: printerOnline
- Printer offline: printerOffline
- Printer paper empty: printerPaperEmpty
- Printer paper near empty: printerPaperNearEmpty
- Printer paper ready: printerPaperReady
- Barcode reader impossible: barcodeReaderImpossible
- Barcode reader connect: barcodeReaderConnect
- Barcode reader disconnect: barcodeReaderDisconnect
- Barcode data receive: barcodeDataReceive
- Cash drawer open: cashDrawerOpen
- Cash drawer close: cashDrawerClose
window.addEventListener('starPrntData', function (e) {
switch (e.dataType) {
case 'printerCoverOpen':
Property (Command) | Description |
appendEncoding: string | Characther encoding is used to getByte data from all subsequent commands. Default 'US-ASCII' Choose the format of the return value Defined in Encoding Example: {appendEncoding:'US-ASCII'} |
appendCodePage: string | Select command of the code page is generated and added to the commands property.Choose the format of the return value Defined in CodePageType Example: {appendCodePage:'CP858'} |
appendBytes: Array | Data (Command) is added to the command buffer. Takes an array of bytes. Example: {appendBytes:[0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x57, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x2e]} |
appendRawBytes: Array | Data (Command) is added to the command buffer. Takes an array of bytes. Example: {appendRawBytes:[0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x57, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x2e]} |
append: string | Data (Text) is added to the command buffer. Example: {append:"Star Clothing Boutique\n123 Star Road\nCity, State 12345\n\n"} |
appendRaw: string | Data (Text) is added to the command buffer. Example: {appendRaw:"Star Clothing Boutique\n123 Star Road\nCity, State 12345\n\n"} |
appendCharacterSpace: number | Set command of the character space is generated and added to the command buffer. Character Spacs (Unit: Dots) Example: {appendCharacterSpace: 4} |
appendEmphasis: string | Select command of the emphasis mode is generated and added to the command buffer. Example: {appendEmphasis:"SALE\n"} |
enableEmphasis: boolean | Enable emphasis mode is generated and added to the command buffer. Example: {enableEmphasis:true} |
appendInvert: string | Select command of the invert mode is generated and added to the command buffer. Example: {appendInvert:"Refunds and Exchanges\n"} |
enableInvert: boolean | Enable invert mode is generated and added to the command buffer. Example: {enableInvert:true} |
appendUnderline: string | Select command of the under line mode is generated and added to the command buffer. Example: {appendUnderline:"30 days"} |
enableUnderline: boolean | Enable under line mode is generated and added to the command buffer. Example: {enableUnderline:true} |
appendInternational: string | Select command of the international character mode is generated and added to the command buffer.Choose the format of the return value Defined in InternationalType Example {appendInternational:'UK'} |
appendLineFeed: number | Line feed command is generated and added to the command buffer. Paper feed units (Units: Lines) Example: {appendLineFeed:2} |
appendUnitFeed: number | Unit feed command is generated and added to the command buffer. Paper feed units (Units: Dots) Example: {appendUnitFeed:64} |
appendLineSpace: number | Set command of the line space is generated and added to the command buffer. Line spaces (Units: Dots) Example: {appendLineSpace:32} |
appendFontStyle: string | Select command of the font style is generated and added to the command buffer. Choose the format of the return value defined in FontStyleType. Example: {appendFontStyle: 'A'} |
appendCutPaper: string | Paper cut command is generated and added to the command buffer. Choose the format of the return value defined CutPaperAction. Example: {appendCutPaper:'PartialCutWithFeed'} |
appendBlackMark: string | Black mark command is generated and added to the command buffer. Choose the format of the return value defined in BlackMarkType. Example: {appendBlackMark: 'Valid'} |
appendAbsolutePosition: number | Absolute position command is generated and added to the command buffer. (Unit: Dots). Send in conjunction with the data property to append absolute position just to that string. Example1: Append data with Absolute position {appendAbsolutePosition:40, data: "Text with absolute position"} . Example2: Append absolute position to subsequent commands: {appendAbsolutePosition:40} |
appendAlignment: string | Alignment command is generated and added to the command buffer. Send in conjunction with the data property to append alignment position just to that string. Choose the format of the return value defined in AlignmentPosition. Example1 Append data with Alignment position: {appendAlignment:AlignmentPosition.Center, data: "Text with centered position"} . Example2 Append absolute position to subsequent commands: {appendAlignment:'Center'} |
appendHorizontalTabPosition: Array | Horizontal tab set/clear command is generated and added to the command buffer. (Only works for certain printer models, check the starSDK documentation for details). Array of horizontal tab positions (Units: ANK character pitch). Specifying empty array deletes all currently set horizontal tab positions. Example: {appendHorizontalTabPosition:[15, 35]} . Delete positions Example: {appendHorizontalTabPosition:[]} |
appendLogo: number | Print command of the logo is generated and added to the command buffer. The logo has to be uploaded to the printer using the Star Print utility. Send in conjuction with the logoSize property to set the logo size LogoSize. Example: {appendLogo:1} Example with LogoSize: {appendLogo:1, logoSize:'DoubleWidthDoubleHeight'} |
logoSize: string | Property to be used with the appendLogo command. Choose the format of the return value defined in LogoSize. Example: {appendLogo:1, logoSize:'DoubleWidthDoubleHeight'} |
appendBarcode: string | Print command of the barcode is generated and added to the command buffer. Additional Properties: BarcodeSymbology, BarcodeWidth, height, hri, absolutePosition, alignment. Example: {appendBarcode:"{BStar", BarcodeSymbology:BarcodeSymbology.Code128, BarcodeWidth:BarcodeWidth.Mode2, height:40, hri:true } . Example with absolutePosition: {appendBarcode:"{BStar", BarcodeSymbology:BarcodeSymbology.Code128, BarcodeWidth:BarcodeWidth.Mode2, height:40, hri:true, absolutePosition:40 } . Example with alignment: {appendBarcode:"{BStar", BarcodeSymbology:BarcodeSymbology.Code128, BarcodeWidth:BarcodeWidth.Mode2, height:40, hri:true, alignment:AlignmentPosition.Center } |
BarcodeSymbology: string | Property to be used with the appendBarcode command. Choose the format of the return value defined in BarcodeSymbology. Example: {appendBarcode:'{BStar', BarcodeSymbology:'Code128'} |
BarcodeWidth: string; | Property to be used with the appendBarcode command. Choose the format of the return value defined in BarcodeWidth. Example: {appendBarcode:'{BStar', BarcodeWidth:'Mode2'} |
hri: boolean | Property to be used with the appendBarcode command. Under-bar characters. true = Valid, false = Invalid. Example: {appendBarcode:'{BStar', hri:true} |
height: number | Property to be used with the appendBarcode command or the appendMultiple command (Units:Dots) appendBarcode Example: {appendBarcode:'{BStar', height:40} appendMultiple Example: {appendMultiple:'text to print', height:40} |
width: number | Property to be used with the appendBitmap command or the appendMultiple command (Units:Dots). appendBitmap Example: {appendBitmap:uri, width:576} . appendMultiple Example: {appendMultiple:'text to print', width:40} |
absolutePosition: number | Property to be used with the appendBitmap command, the appendBarcode command, or the appendQrCode command (Units:Dots). appendBitmap Example: {appendBitmap:uri, absolutePosition:40} . appendBarcode Example: {appendBarcode:'{BStar', absolutePosition:40} . appendQrCode Example: {appendQrCode:'{BStar', absolutePosition:40} |
alignment: string | Property to be used with the appendBitmap command, the appendBarcode command, or the appendQrCode command (Units:Dots). Choose the format of the return value defined in AlignmentPosition. appendBitmap Example: {appendBitmap:uri, alignment:'Center'} .appendBarcode Example: {appendBarcode:'{BStar', alignment:'Center'} . appendQrCode Example: {appendQrCode:'{BStar', alignment:'Center'} |
appendMultiple: string | Select command of the multiple mode is generated and added to the command buffer. Additional properties: width:number, height:number. Example: {appendMultiple:" $156.95\n", width:2, height:2} |
enableMultiple: boolean | Enable multiple mode is generated and added to the command buffer. Additional properties: width:number, height:number. Example: {enableMultiple:true, width:2, height:2} Disable Example: {enableMultiple:false} |
appendQrCode: string | Print command of the QR code is generated and added to the command buffer. Additional Properties: QrCodeModel, QrCodeLevel, cell, absolutePosition, alignment. Example: {appendQrCode:"{BStar", QrCodeModel:"No2", QrCodeLevel:"L", cell: 8} Example with absolutePosition: {appendQrCode:"{BStar", QrCodeModel:"No2", QrCodeLevel:"L", cell: 8, absolutePosition: 40 } Example with alignment: {appendQrCode:"{BStar", QrCodeModel:"No2", QrCodeLevel:"L", cell: 8, alignment:"Center" } |
QrCodeModel: string | Property to be used with the appendQrCode command. Choose the format of the return value defined in QrCodeModel. Example: {appendQrCode:'{BStar', QrCodeModel:'No1'} |
QrCodeLevel: string | Property to be used with the appendQrCode command. Choose the format of the return value defined in QrCodeLevel Example: {appendQrCode:'{BStar', QrCodeLevel:'H'} |
cell: number | Property to be used with the appendQrCode command. QRCode Cell size. Default 4. Example: {appendQrCode:'{BStar', cell:8} |
appendBitmap: string; | Print command of the bitmap is generated and added to the command buffer. Takes a string image URI. This can be obtained via the camera or photo library or as a static resource saved on the phone memory. Additional Properties: diffusion, width, bothScale, rotation, absolutePosition, alignment. Example: {appendBitmap:uri, diffusion: true, width:576, bothScale: true} Example with absolutePosition: {appendBitmap:uri, diffusion: true, width:576, bothScale: true, absolutePosition: 40 } Example with alignment: {appendBitmap:uri, diffusion: true, width:576, bothScale: true, alignment:"Center" } |
diffusion: boolean | Property to be used with the appendBitmap command. Random dither: true = Valid, false = Invalid. Default true. Example: {appendBitmap:uri, diffusion: false } |
bothScale: boolean | Property to be used with the appendBitmap command. Height is changed according to the conversion rate of the width property. true = Valid, false = Invalid. Default true. Example: {appendBitmap:uri, bothScale: true } |
rotation: string | Property to be used with the appendBitmap command. Choose the format of the return value defined in BitmapConverterRotation Example: {appendBitmap:uri, rotation:'Left90'} |
openCashDrawer: number; | Sends a appendPeripheral command to the printer for channel number: Example: {openCashDrawer:1} |
Values for the PrintCommand properties. (Case and type sensitive)
Encoding | Languages |
'US-ASCII' | English |
'Windows-1252' | French, German, Portuguese, Spanish |
'Shift-JIS' | Japanese |
'Windows-1251' | Russian |
'GB2312' | Simplified Chinese |
'Big5' | Traditional Chinese |
'UTF-8' | UFT8 |
CP737 = 'CP737',
CP772 = 'CP772',
CP774 = 'CP774',
CP851 = 'CP851',
CP852 = 'CP852',
CP855 = 'CP855',
CP857 = 'CP857',
CP858 = 'CP858',
CP860 = 'CP860',
CP861 = 'CP861',
CP862 = 'CP862',
CP863 = 'CP863',
CP864 = 'CP864',
CP865 = 'CP865',
CP869 = 'CP869',
CP874 = 'CP874',
CP928 = 'CP928',
CP932 = 'CP932',
CP999 = 'CP999',
CP1001 = 'CP1001',
CP1250 = 'CP1250',
CP1251 = 'CP1251',
CP1252 = 'CP1252',
CP2001 = 'CP2001',
CP3001 = 'CP3001',
CP3002 = 'CP3002',
CP3011 = 'CP3011',
CP3012 = 'CP3012',
CP3021 = 'CP3021',
CP3041 = 'CP3041',
CP3840 = 'CP3840',
CP3841 = 'CP3841',
CP3843 = 'CP3843',
CP3845 = 'CP3845',
CP3846 = 'CP3846',
CP3847 = 'CP3847',
CP3848 = 'CP3848',
UTF8 = 'UTF8',
Blank = 'Blank'
UK = 'UK',
USA = 'USA',
France = 'France',
Germany = 'Germany',
Denmark = 'Denmark',
Sweden = 'Sweden',
Italy = 'Italy',
Spain = 'Spain',
Japan = 'Japan',
Norway = 'Norway',
Denmark2 = 'Denmark2',
Spain2 = 'Spain2',
LatinAmerica = 'LatinAmerica',
Korea = 'Korea',
Ireland = 'Ireland',
Legal = 'Legal'
Font-A (12 x 24 dots) / Specify 7 x 9 font (half dots) = 'A'
Font-B (9 x 24 dots) / Specify 5 x 9 font (2P-1) = 'B'
FullCut = 'FullCut',
FullCutWithFeed = 'FullCutWithFeed',
PartialCut = 'PartialCut',
PartialCutWithFeed = 'PartialCutWithFeed'
Valid = 'Valid',
Invalid = 'Invalid',
ValidWithDetection = 'ValidWithDetection'
Normal = 'Normal',
DoubleWidth = 'DoubleWidth',
DoubleHeight = 'DoubleHeight',
DoubleWidthDoubleHeight = 'DoubleWidthDoubleHeight'
Left = 'Left',
Center = 'Center',
Right = 'Right'
Code128 = 'Code128',
Code39 = 'Code39',
Code93 = 'Code93',
ITF = 'ITF',
JAN8 = 'JAN8',
JAN13 = 'JAN13',
NW7 = 'NW7',
Mode1 = 'Mode1',
Mode2 = 'Mode2',
Mode3 = 'Mode3',
Mode4 = 'Mode4',
Mode5 = 'Mode5',
Mode6 = 'Mode6',
Mode7 = 'Mode7',
Mode8 = 'Mode8',
Mode9 = 'Mode9'
No1 = 'No1',
No2 = 'No2'
H = 'H',
L = 'L',
M = 'M',
Q = 'Q'
Normal = 'Normal',
Left90 = 'Left90',
Right90 = 'Right90',
Rotate180 = 'Rotate180'
Source: Star SDK Documentation
Printer Models | Emulation |
mPOP | StarPRNT |
FVP10 | StarLine |
TSP100 | StarGraphic |
TSP650II | StarLine |
TSP700II | StarLine |
TSP800II | StarLine |
SP700 | StarDotImpact |
SM-S210i | EscPosMobile |
SM-S220i | EscPosMobile |
SM-S230i | EscPosMobile |
SM-T300i/T300 | EscPosMobile |
SM-T400i | EscPosMobile |
SM-L200 | StarPRNT |
SM-L300 | StarPRNT |
BSC10 | EscPos |
SM-S210i StarPRNT | StarPRNT |
SM-S220i StarPRNT | StarPRNT |
SM-S230i StarPRNT | StarPRNT |
SM-T300i/T300 StarPRNT | StarPRNT |
SM-T400i StarPRNT | StarPRNT |