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Daniel Larraz edited this page Jan 25, 2025 · 65 revisions

Contributing to cvc5

Contributors to cvc5 are expected to create their own fork of the cvc5 repository. All changes that should be merged into main should be submitted and reviewed via pull requests. The only exception to that rule are very minor changes (e.g., typos in comments) by developers with write access which may be pushed directly onto main after all GitHub Actions builds succeeded.

Pull Requests

How to Submit a Pull Request

  1. All changes to be merged should reside on a branch of your fork of cvc5.

    • GitHub Actions workers on the main cvc5 repository are shared by everyone and should primarily be used for testing pull requests and main. You get separate GitHub Actions workers for testing branches on your fork, so it is highly encouraged that you use this to not congenst the queue of the main repository.

    • If you made major changes, break down your changes into small chunks and submit a pull request for each chunk in order to make reviewing less painful.

    • Do not commit work in progress. You should always create pull requests for self-contained finished chunks. New features that are too big for one pull request should be split into smaller (self-contained) pull requests.

    • If your pull request implements a new feature or major change, it should also update the NEWS file.

  2. Create a pull request via GitHub.

  3. If you are a member of the cvc5 organization select at least one reviewer and label your pull request.
    If you are an external contributor, a team member will assign reviewers and labels for you.
    Label pull requests with respect to their complexity (simple, moderate, complex) and priority (normal, minor, major).

    • The level of complexity indicates the complexity of the code changes (and as a consequence, the reviewing task), and based on the complexity, one or two approving code reviews are required:

      • simple and moderate: Require one approving code review.

      • complex: Require two approving code reviews.

    • The level of priority indicates how urgently the changes of a pull request need to get into main:

      • major: Urgent changes/fixes that take precedence over pull requests marked as normal.

      • minor: Not urgent, normal pull requests take precedence over minor.

  4. You need approval for your pull request from one (simple, moderate) or two (complex) reviewers before you can merge your pull request.

  5. Commits pushed to the pull request should only contain fixes and changes related to reviewer comments.

    • We require that pull requests are up-to-date with main before they can be merged. You can either update your branch on the GitHub page of your pull request or you can (while you are on the branch of your pull request) merge the current main using git pull origin main (this creates a merge commit that can be squashed when merging the pull request) and then git push to update the pull request.

  6. If reviewers make non-trivial code suggestions, you might want to consider to acknowledge them for that by adding a Co-authored-by: REVIEWER_NAME <REVIEWER EMAIL> to the description of the PR. This line will then be included in the description of the commit when it is merged back to main.

  7. Merging pull requests to main.
    This step can be done on the GitHub page of your pull request.

    • Merging is only possible after GitHub Actions has succeeded.

    • Authors of a pull request are expected to perform the merge if they have write access to the repository (reviewers should not merge pull requests of developers that have privileges to do that themselves).

    • Creating merge commits for pull requests is not allowed (we prefer a linear history) and therefore disabled via the GitHub interface.

    • Squash commits are preferred over rebase commits. If the intermediate commits are not of general interest, do a squash commit

    • In most cases, GitHub should automatically add the pull request number (#<number>) to the title of the commit. Do not remove the number and add it if it is missing (useful for debugging/documentation purposes).

Merging Pull Requests

  • Use the pull request description as commit message if the description is more detailed than the commit message. Do not use the automatically generated commit message for squashed commits that contain all commit titles (this is not descriptive at all).

  • External Contributors: Make sure that the signed-off line is part of the commit message. We require external contributors to squash all commits and sign-off the commit. These PRs should be usually ready to merge without modifying any commit message.

  • GitHub automatically adds a Co-authored by: …​ line to the commit message as soon as anyone other than the original author committed to the PR. This also includes branch updates from main. Only include the Co-authored by: …​ lines if the co-author contributed to the PR via suggestions or commits, but not via updating the branch.

  • Make sure to include Co-authored by: …​ lines that have been included in the description of the PR by the PR author to acknowledge contributions from reviewers.

  • When clearing the queue of approved PRs

    • Do not merge PRs labeled as do not merge, even if they are approved. Typically, this label is added when there’s minor fixes that need to be applied by the author before the PR is ready to merge. The author is responsible for indicating that everything has been addressed by removing this label.

    • Merge in order of submission, oldest first.

    • PRs labeled as major take precedence over ones labeled as normal and minor.

How to Break Up Large Code Reviews

It is the developer’s responsibility to make a PR easy to review.

To quote from the second article above:

First things first. It’s the author’s responsibility to make the code
review easy. The reviewers can’t spend as much time as you did digging
into the context of the problem. Therefore, you need to present the
code changes in a friendly form. Delivering your PR in small portions
is one of the ways to do it, but doesn’t exhaust the list.

New Features or Functionality

  1. First, develop the code using your own working copy. Don’t worry much about code review size at this stage - just worry about getting a coherent chunk of code implemented and working.

  2. The key idea is to separate step 1 from the code review process. Once you have a chunk of code you are happy with, you’ll need to split it into several code review chunks. Ideally, no chunk is more than 100 lines of code. 50 is even better. This also gives you a chance now to focus on making sure your code is well-documented and well-tested as you check it in.

  3. First, check in any support code needed for your new code: new files; changes to makefiles; new options, etc. At this point, the files don’t contain code (or maybe contain just stubs) and the options aren’t used anywhere in the code.

  4. Second, check in .h files with interfaces and documentation. The .cpp files contain stubs - they still don’t do anything

  5. Now, for each method in the .h file, add an implementation. It’s OK to implement more than one method in a single PR, but only if the number of lines is still 50-100. Now is the time to also IMPORTANT add unit tests for each new method.

  6. Finally, once all of the methods are implemented, you can “turn on” the new code by adding calls to it in the existing code.

Note that by following this process, a single logical "chunk" of code from the point of view of your work might be broken up into many small pull requests. It takes more effort for the developer of course, but the result is code that is better documented, better tested, and better reviewed.


Now, let’s say you’re refactoring something and it touches lots of code. How do you break this up? Here are some ideas.

  1. First, focus on the method or methods that need to be refactored, i.e., the code where the main functionality change occurs. It’s OK to make a temporary, separate version of these methods so that they can be tested and reviewed before they are integrated with the main code.

  2. Make sure you update the unit tests and documentation for the refactored methods. At this point, you still have both the old and the refactored methods in the code base.

  3. Submit a PR that switches from the old code to the refactored code. It’s OK if this touches tons of files, because conceptually it’s just a search and replace, so this PR can be big - but it should not do anything besides switching over.

  4. Finally, remove the old code and tests.

Guidelines for Reviewing Pull Requests

  1. PRs labeled as major should be reviewed ASAP (= within 2 days, ideally).

  2. PRs should not sit around unattended for months — start working on it incrementally and submit review chunks.

  3. PRs that are huge and can not be split up easily can be reviewed file by file. GitHub supports this quite well already, you can mark files as viewed and such.

  4. Try to split up huge PRs if possible — it will speed up the reviewing process.

  5. Feel free to bug people regularly if you’re waiting for reviews, but don’t forget that all of us only have so much time to dedicate to reviews per day (this also relates to item 4, the smaller the PRs, the faster the turnaround).

  6. Review as thoroughly as possible and reasonable — it is not required that you understand every piece of code you review (semantically, not syntactically). it is great if you do, but if it takes you weeks to achieve that it might be not worth it.


You can find notes on the architecture of cvc5 at

Formatting with clang-format

To set-up the git clang-format plugin, follow these steps:

  • Install Clang version >= 9.0.0

  • Download the git-clang-format script

  • Make it executable (chmod +x git-clang-format)

  • Put it somewhere in your path

  • Check that git clang-format -h works (notice there’s no dash after git)

Before committing, you can run:

git add --update         # Stage your changes
git clang-format HEAD    # Format the changed lines

If you want to format changes from multiple commits, e.g. the last ten commits, do:

git clang-format HEAD~10 # Format the changes in the last ten commits

For (neo)vim there is the vim-clang-format plugin for formatting files and blocks of code. For emacs there is the analogous clang-format.el.

Clang-format uses a configuration file that describes the formatting style. Make sure that you use the .clang-format file in the cvc5 repository (this should happen automatically with git clang-format).

Clean up includes with include-what-you-use (iwyu)

iwyu is a tool based on llvm/clang that analyzes your code and recommends changes to which other files are included. In particular, it detects types that can be forward declared allowing includes to be removed from header files. This can be one way to significantly reduce compilation time.

iwyu is a bit tricky to compile, as it is tied to a specific llvm/clang version. If you can, simply use a packaged version (e.g., ubuntu, arch, homebrew). While iwyu can be integrated with cmake, this is hard to get right as well. What is usually much more reliable is using iwyu with the compilation database that cmake generates.

Use iwyu with the compilation database

This approach allows to run iwyu on a single source file, and iwyu will print suggestions for this source file and the header file of the same name. First figure out the location of the C++ standard library shipped with clang, for example /usr/lib/llvm-10/lib/clang/10.0.0/include (this is probably not necessary on MacOS) and select a source file to analyze, for example src/expr/node.cpp. Then use iwyu_tool as follows:

iwyu_tool -p <build-dir> <source-file> -- -Xiwyu --cxx17ns -I<stdlib-dir>
Assuming your current working directory is the build directory (i.e., build-dir=.) you can use it as follows:
iwyu_tool -p . ../src/expr/node.cpp -- -Xiwyu --cxx17ns -I/usr/lib/llvm-10/lib/clang/10.0.0/include/
Both iwyu_tool and iwyu itself have some options, for example -Xiwyu --cxx17ns instructs iwyu to use the new notation for nested namespaces when suggesting forward declarations. Other interesting options: --check-also allows to check for includes in other header files as well; --keep should ignore certain includes, though it seems to be broken.

Note that iwyu is not perfect: it may suggest to remove headers that can not be removed; it may suggest to forward declare types where this is not possible; it may suggest to replace includes by others where it does not make sense. You should thus check every change manually!

Profiling Code

Code Coverage Reports

Configure cvc5 with

./ debug --coverage
cd build

Before using cvc5, first reset the code coverage counters to zero with

make coverage-reset

After using cvc5 you can generate a coverage report for all cvc5 executions since the last coverage-reset with

make coverage

You will find the coverage report in build/coverage.

Code Coverage of Unit/System/Regression Tests

For testing C++ tests only, configure cvc5 with

./ debug --coverage
For testing test for all bindings (which is what should generally be done by default), including finite field tests (which require the cocoa library):
./ debug --coverage --auto-download --cocoa --all-bindings
Then build cvc5 and all tests with
cd build
make build-tests
Then reset coverage and run the commands to test. To run all, e.g., all unit tests:
make coverage-reset
ctest -R unit/api/<lang>/ --output-on-failure  # for <lang> = {cpp, c, java, python}
make coverage-json
To generate the list of uncovered API functions, we use the following script:

Nightly coverage reports are available on our website.

Profiling with perf

Configure cvc5 with

./ debug

and execute with

perf record -g path/to/cvc5 ...

perf generates a file in the current working directory. You can generate the report with

perf report

Communicating with the User

All output should go through Debug, Warning, Notice, Chat, and Trace.


#include "util/output.h"
cvc5::Debug("arith") << "foo!";                                                      // prints "foo!" if arith debugging is on
cvc5::Warning() << "Equivalence classes didn't get merged.";                         // prints unless user gave -q or in SMT-COMP mode
cvc5::Notice() << "Hi, so you don't get bored, here are some statistics: " << stats; // if user gives -v
cvc5::Chat() << "I feel like doing some theory propagation.";                        // if user gives -vv
cvc5::Trace("arith") << "<ralph>I'm now calling a function!</ralph>";                // if user gives -vvv

For non-debug/tracing builds, cvc5::Debug/Trace are a no-op respectively and everything will be inlined away.


Use assertions for pre- and postconditions, invariants and any other assumption you require to hold true for a given piece of code. Use plenty, but in a meaningful way.

Assertions are by default enabled in debug builds. You can additionally turn them on with --assertions and off with --no-assertions at configure time.

cvc5 provides the following special macros for assertions:

  • Assert
    Use as you would use assert from <cassert>. Aborts if the asserted condition fails. When assertions are turned off, this is a no-op and everything is optimized away.

     #include "util/assert.h"
     cvc5::Assert(condition); // asserts that condition is true
     cvc5::Assert(condition) << "error message on fail"; // asserts that condition is true with custom error message
  • AlwaysAssert
    Use for strong assertions that will always be checked, even when assertions are disabled. Use very sparingly, and only if the performance overhead is negligible. Aborts if the asserted condition fails (same as Assert()).

     #include "util/assert.h"
     cvc5::AlwaysAssert(condition) << "error message";
  • Unreachable
    Use to indicate that code is intended to be unreachable. This macro is always checked, even when assertions are disabled. This macro aborts when executed.

     #include "util/assert.h"
     cvc5::Unreachable(); // flags (supposedly) unreachable code; fails even under --no-assertions
     cvc5::Unreachable() << "error message"; // custom error message
  • Unhandled
    Use to indicate that a particular case is unhandled, e.g., in a switch statement that was designed to handle all cases. This macro is always checked, even when assertions are disabled. Ideally, we don’t want any occurrences of this macro. If used, then only in combination with a corresponding issue that addresses this unhandled case. This macro aborts when executed.

     #include "util/assert.h"
     cvc5::Unhandled(); // flags an unhandled case; fails even under --disable-assertions
     cvc5::Unhandled() << "error message"; // custom error message

Dealing with expressions (Nodes and TNodes)


  1. Use Node to store nodes in containers or member variables.

  2. Make functions take TNode and return Node.

Expressions (or nodes) in cvc5 are generally represented by Node or TNode objects. They both reference NodeValue that is actually stored in a NodeManager, but differ in that Node maintains a reference count while TNode does not. In standard C++ terms, we conceptually have Node = std::shared_ptr<NodeValue> and TNode = std::weak_ptr<NodeValue>.

Why the separation between Node, TNode, and NodeValue?

The NodeValue type is not to be used by anyone except Node, TNode and NodeManager. While nodes are conceptually immutable (and Node and TNode enforce this), NodeValue is mutable and thus not suited to be used directly, even internally within the cvc5 library. Furthermore, Node and TNode both implement a minimum of sanity checking (at least in assertions-enabled builds) to ensure that they are used correctly: never referencing a NodeValue with zero reference count, for example.

Under the hood, one template type (the NodeTemplate<>) implements both Node and TNode (Node and TNode are typedefs to instantiations of the NodeTemplate<> template with reference-counting turned on and off). Thus, Node and TNode provide the same interface and can be exchanged easily without compiler troubles (if it is safe to do so, of course).

The Node type maintains reference counts, and thus ensures proper lifetimes for all nodes. When a Node object is created pointing to a NodeValue, it increases the reference count on that NodeValue. When the Node is destructed (or points away), it decrements the reference count. As soon as the reference count is zero, the respective NodeValue is eligible for reclamation by the NodeManager: it will soon be deallocated and can no longer be used.

The TNode does not maintain reference counts, which avoid some overhead which can be significant in certain scenarios. However, it is also prone to issues when the underlying NodeValue is deallocated while a TNode is still being used.

When should one use Node and when should one use TNode?

Most importantly: If in doubt, use Node. Using Node is always safe, using TNode instead can provide some performance benefits. Hence, the question actually is: When is it safe to use TNode?

Whether a TNode can be used depends on some Node keeping the underlying NodeValue alive. As long as this is ensured, using TNode is safe. Some typical examples for safe and unsafe usage of TNode are listed below.

Function calls

One main use case for TNode are function arguments. Most of the time, it is safe to pass a Node to a function that expects a TNode argument. As the Node n lives in a scope above the function f, it outlives the function scope of f and thus can be safely referred to by a TNode tn.

Node f(TNode tn) { return tn.notNode(); }
void foo() {
  Node n = ...;
  Node not_n = f(n);

Note that this reasoning is not universal: if f can modify n (directly or indirectly), the TNode tn may not be safe to use. This can be the case if n lives in some container that is passed to f as well, or f is a member function with access to the member variable n.

Node f(TNode tn, std::vector<Node>& v) { v.clear(); return tn.notNode(); }
void foo() {
  std::vector<Node> vn = ...;
  Node not_n = f(vn[0], vn);
class A {
  Node f(TNode tn) { n = ...; return tn.notNode(); }
  void foo() {
    Node not_n = f(n);
  Node n;
It may be tempting to reuse the argument tn, as the variable "is already there", for example to do some preprocessing on the argument. However, preprocess most likely returns a Node which has no remaining reference once it is stored in a TNode. Instead, the result of preprocess should be stored in a new Node variable and used from there.
Node f(TNode tn) {
  tn = preprocess(tn);
  return tn.notNode();
void foo() {
  Node n = ...;
  Node not_n = f(n);

Data structures (containers or class members)

As soon as we store nodes in data structures that have a long lifetime, it becomes difficult to argue with scopes. Thus, TNode should generally not be used to store nodes in data structures. In the following example, nodes stored in v may not be safe as n goes out of scope as soon as f returns and whether there is another Node pointing to the same node is not clear. We should thus use std::vector<Node> instead.

class A {
  void f(Node n) { v.emplace_back(n); }
  std::vector<TNode> v;
TNode can be used in containers if another container (controlled by the same entity) ensures the existence of Node objects for all TNode instances. This is the case, for example, for certain additional caches and lookups: all holds references for all nodes passed to A by add. The additional containers processed and simplified only hold a subset of these and thus TNode is sufficient. Note that we need Node again for the key type of simplified as we store new nodes there.
class A {
  void add(TNode tn) { all.emplace_back(tn); }
  void process() {
    for (const auto& n: all) {
      if (processed.find(n) != processed.end()) {
        Node s = simplify(n);
        if (s != n) {
          simplified.emplace(n, s);
  std::vector<Node> all;
  std::set<TNode> processed;
  std::map<TNode,Node> simplified;

Node re-construction

Several properties, in particular relative ordering as per standard comparison operators, of nodes depend on their id, which is dynamically chosen upon node construction. Hence, if a node is deallocated and then reconstructed, it is not necessarily the same. Similarly, TNode objects do not become "safe again" when a node is re-constructed. Note that in reality, a re-created node oftentimes does have the same underlying NodeValue, since zero-reference-count nodes are not immediately reclaimed (they are in the so-called zombie state, and they are reclaimed in bulk when there are enough zombies). But because they are immediately eligible for reclamation, you cannot rely on this. This also implies that it is not sufficient that "a corresponding Node exists every time a TNode is used", but we need to ensure that "a corresponding Node exists continuously as long as a TNode is used".

Node references as function arguments

A common practice is to take function arguments as const& to avoid (oftentimes expensive copy operations). Albeit not being trivially copyable (in the strict standard C++ sense of std::is_trivially_copyable), copying a TNode is almost certainly simplified to a single register assignment when compiler optimization is enabled. Using a reference (which copies a pointer to the referenced node internally) can thus not be expected to be any faster, but may instead pose problems for caching: while accessing a function argument TNode tn only accesses the current stack frame (where tn lives) and the NodeValue in the NodeManager, when using references we may need to additionally access the place where the referenced TNode lives.

Move semantics

While move semantics (&&, std::move) can be greatly beneficial, their benefit depends on the possibility to make a move more efficient than a copy. Given that the special "null value" (Node()) is reference counted as well, every new Node requires increasing some reference count. Using Node(Node&& n) instead of Node(const Node& n) could merely change which reference counts are changed when, but not change their overall number. We thus do not offer move semantics and thereby keep the interface (slightly) simpler.


In this section, we explain the three different types of tests we do in cvc5: regression tests, unit tests and system tests. Information on how to run the different types of tests can be found in the INSTALL guide.

Regression Tests

Regression tests consist of input files and expected outcomes, so they perform end-to-end testing of the cvc5 binary. All the regression tests are located in test/regression/. See the README in the corresponding directory for details on the format, the organization, and how to add new regressions.

Unit Tests

Unit tests a small portion (a unit) of the code base. We use CxxTest to implement the unit tests. To run the unit tests, CxxTest needs to be installed on the machine.

All the unit tests are located in test/unit/. For instructions on how to run the unit tests, refer to the INSTALL guide.

Types of Unit Tests

There are three kinds of unit tests:

  • white-box tests test the system from a white-box point of view: they have access to the private functionality of classes (that is, usual C++ access restrictions do not apply), and they are written (typically by the author of the tested class) to test the internal functions and invariants of a class implementation. If the implementation details of a class change, one or more tests will likely change too.

    • By convention, white tests are named *_white.h. For example, for the Node class, which is in the cvc5::expr namespace, the test is under the expr/ directory in node_white.h.

  • black-box tests test the system from a black-box point of view: they have access only to the public functionality of classes (that is, usual C++ access restrictions do apply), and they are written (typically not by the author of the tested class) to test the external interface and invariants of a class. If the implementation details of a class change, the tests do not change; if the external interface of a class change, the test should be updated.

    • By convention, black tests are named *_black.h. For example, for the Node class, which is in the cvc5::expr namespace, the test is under the expr/ directory in node_black.h.

    • a subcategory of black tests are API tests; these test the system from a public point of view: they have access only the public API of the cvc5 libraries---the exported symbols of various libraries. Usual C++ access restrictions apply, as do the usual linking procedures against the library. Essentially, these public tests are black tests that test the public functionality of a public class. It is useful to separate them from the black tests in order to test that the exported symbols of a library are adequate (TODO: not currently enforced). API tests are in the test/unit/api folder.

Adding Unit Tests

To add a new test, create a test header file under test/unit (in a the subdirectory of the corresponding cvc5 module) and add it to the CMakeLists.txt file in the corresponding subdirectory. If your test is a white-box test (it calls private functionality of the tested class directly and was written knowing the implementation details), its name should include White, e.g., NodeWhite, and it should be in a file like test/unit/expr/node_white.h, and you should add it using cvc5_add_unit_test_white in test/unit/expr/CMakeLists.txt. If your test is a black-box test (it calls only the public functionality of the tested class and was written knowing the interface only), its name should include Black, e.g., NodeBlack, and it should be in a file like test/unit/expr/node_black.h, and you should add it using cvc5_add_unit_test_black in test/unit/expr/CMakeLists.txt. If your test is an API test (it calls only the public functionality of the tested class, which is exported in the public-facing interface of the library), its name should be in the test/unit/api folder, e.g., ExprPublic, and it should be in a file like test/unit/api/solver_black.h, and you should add it using cvc5_add_unit_test_black in test/unit/api/CMakeLists.txt.

If you add your test using cvc5_add_unit_test_black or cvc5_add_unit_test_white to the CMakeLists.txt file in the same directory as the unit test and you’re using the GNU C++ compiler, it will be compiled and linked correctly: that is, if it’s a white-box test, the compiler will ignore access restrictions; if it’s a black-box test, it can still access hidden symbols; and if it’s a public test, it must only access the public-facing, exported symbols of the appropriate library.

Test Implementations

Your test methods are named test*, e.g., testNull(). They return void and take no arguments.

There are numerous testing assertions you can make inside your testing code. For example:

TS_ASSERT(1 + 1 > 1);

There’s also a TS_FAIL() that fails unconditionally:

void testSomething()
  TS_FAIL("I don't know how to test this!");

…​and a TS_WARN():

void testSomething()
  TS_WARN("TODO: This test still needs to be written!");

Debugging Unit Tests

In order to run, CxxTest takes a header file, generates from that a new cpp file, and then then compiles the cpp file into a binary. The binaries for the unit tests live in the builds directory. If a unit test had the path


then the binary will have the path <build dir>/test/unit/foo/bar and the CxxTest cpp file will have the path <build dir>/src/test/unit/foo/bar.cpp.

If you have compiled cvc5 in debug mode, then the unit tests binaries can be run in gdb.

Tests are executed in the order that they appear in the header file. Moving a broken test to the top of the class definition (temporarily) makes it execute before the other tests. This is a useful trick for making debugging with gdb easier.

To recompile all of the tests, you can run make check. If you just run make after changing the source of cvc5 or a unit test, the test will not be recompiled.

Compile-time errors in unit tests

The most common errors with unit tests are duplicating method names, improper copy-'n'-paste between tests, etc.

If you get strange errors, make sure you called your test class something unique (e.g., ExprBlack for black-box tests on Expr). If you get an error that looks like this:

expr/expr_black.cpp:20: error: expected initializer before ‘suite_ExprBlack’
expr/expr_black.cpp:23: error: ‘suite_ExprBlack’ was not declared in this scope
expr/expr_black.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void TestDescription_ExprBlack_testDefaultCtor::runTest()’:
expr/expr_black.cpp:28: error: ‘suite_ExprBlack’ was not declared in this scope
expr/expr_black.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void TestDescription_ExprBlack_testCtors::runTest()’:
expr/expr_black.cpp:34: error: ‘suite_ExprBlack’ was not declared in this scope

…​then you’re missing a closing semicolon at the end of your test class definition. (They’re easy to forget.)

Note: Commenting out unit tests may not work as expected.

Test rebuilding

As our unit-test database is growing the time to compile all the tests is getting increasingly unbearable, specially as every change in the source spawns recompilation of all tests. I know it might be impossible, but I would be wonderful if we could get around this somehow.

Fortunately, the answer is yes, this rebuilding can be avoided.

But it must be stressed that before any commit, you should always let the build tree rebuild, relink, and rerun all tests!

To rebuild a single unit test, use make <unit test>, e.g. make map_util_black and then run it either by calling the binary of the test or using ctest.

System Tests

System, or API, testing is a form of regression testing on cvc5 libraries rather than the driver. Rather than .cvc and .smt2 instances as input, a system test is a source file that is built and linked against the cvc5 libraries and uses its API, bypassing the usual cvc5 driver. These tests are located under test/system/.

Coverage Testing

Every non-exceptional line of code should be covered by our tests. To generate code coverage information using gcov, configure cvc5 with --coverage. For more detailed instructions about coverage testing, see[how to generate code coverage reports]. , compile the project, then run make coverage. This generates an HTML report of the coverage information in <build_dir>/coverage. For more details on how to generate coverage reports and test for uncovered functions, see profiling code.

Source Code Tree

  • cmake CMake configurations and finder modules for building cvc5.

  • contrib Maintainer scripts and other things that aren’t directly part of cvc5.

  • docs Files to generate API documentation.

  • examples Examples on how to use cvc5’s API in different languages.

  • licenses Additional licenses of cvc5’s dependencies.

  • proofs/signatures cvc5’s LFSC signatures.

  • src

    • api Public API.

    • base Assertion/check macros and other base utilities.

    • bindings Language bindings.

    • context Context-dependent data structures.

    • decision Decision engine and decision strategies.

    • expr Expression and node manager module.

    • include Systemwide includes.

    • lib Replacement functions for some library functions not available on all platforms.

    • main Source for the main cvc5 binary.

    • options Options module.

    • parser Parsers for supported cvc5 input formats.

    • preprocessing Preprocessing passes.

    • printer Printers for supported cvc5 output formats.

    • proof Proof manager and related data structures.

    • prop Propositional engine and SAT solvers.

    • smt SMT engine, model, and commands.

    • smt_util SMT specific utility classes.

    • theory Theory engine and all theory solvers.

    • util Utility classes.

  • test

cvc5 Build System

cvc5’s build system uses CMake and provides the following pre-defined build profiles:

  • competition Maximally optimized, assertions and tracing disabled, muzzled.

  • debug Unoptimized, debug symbols, assertions, and tracing enabled.

  • production (default) Optimized, assertions and tracing disabled.

  • testing Optimized debug build.

  • safe-mode Like production except --safe-options is set to true

The default build profile is production, which you will get if you just run ./ To choose a different build profile use:

./ <profile>

You can customize a build with the options provided via ./ -h. For example, to compile a debug build with profiling support enabled use:

./ debug --profiling

Working with Multiple Build Profiles

You can configure multiple cvc5 builds to be built in separate build directories. By default ./ creates a directory build, with ./ --name=<build-directory> you can create a build directory with name <build-directory>.

Determining the Build Type from a Binary

You can determine the build type of a cvc5 binary with the --show-config command-line option. For example, the following command shows the config of a production build.

This is cvc5 version 1.0-prerelease [git master dde3aac0]
compiled with GCC version 10.2.0
on May  5 2021 14:07:39

Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors and their institutional
affiliations listed at

cvc5 is open-source and is covered by the BSD license (modified).


cvc5 incorporates code from ANTLR3 (
See licenses/antlr3-LICENSE for copyright and licensing information.

This version of cvc5 is linked against the following non-(L)GPL'ed
third party libraries.

  CaDiCaL - Simplified Satisfiability Solver
  See for copyright information.

  SymFPU - The Symbolic Floating Point Unit
  See for copyright information.

This version of cvc5 is linked against the following third party
libraries covered by the LGPLv3 license.
See licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt for more information.

  GMP - Gnu Multi Precision Arithmetic Library
  See for copyright information.

  LibPoly polynomial library
  See for copyright and
  licensing information.

cvc5 is statically linked against these libraries. To recompile
this version of cvc5 with different versions of these libraries
follow the instructions on

See the file COPYING (distributed with the source code, and with
all binaries) for the full cvc5 copyright, licensing, and (lack of)
warranty information.

version       : 1.0-prerelease
scm           : git [master dde3aac0]

library       : 1.0.0

debug code    : no
statistics    : yes
tracing       : no
dumping       : yes
muzzled       : no
assertions    : no
coverage      : no
profiling     : no
asan          : no
ubsan         : no
tsan          : no
competition   : no

abc           : no
cln           : no
glpk          : no
cadical       : yes
cryptominisat : no
gmp           : yes
kissat        : no
poly          : yes
editline      : no
symfpu        : yes

Shared vs. Statically Linked Binaries

To see if the binary is statically linked, or not, use the ldd command:

$ ldd bin/cvc5 (0x00007ffd4c5ae000) => /home/cvc5/git/cvc5/build/src/parser/ (0x00007f377ad28000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f377ac6c000) => /home/cvc5/git/cvc5/build/src/ (0x00007f3779309000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f377912c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f3778fe7000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f3778fcd000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f3778dfe000)
        /lib64/ => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f377afc4000)

The above output is from a dynamically linked cvc5 binary, which is dynamically linked against the cvc5 libraries and This is the default behavior of the build system.

If the cvc5 libraries are missing from the list, the binary was statically linked against the cvc5 libraries and dynamically linked against system libraries. This can be achieved by configuring with ./ --static --no-static-binary.

$ ldd bin/cvc5 (0x00007ffd4c5ae000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f377ac6c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f377912c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f3778fe7000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f3778fcd000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f3778dfe000)
        /lib64/ => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f377afc4000)

If you want a fully static binary, which is also statically link against system libraries use: ./ --static.

$ ldd bin/cvc5
        not a dynamic executable

Note that on some platforms compiling a fully static binary may be difficult or not possible. In these cases use the --no-static-binary configure option.

Adding Source and Header Files

When you create new source and header files make sure to add them via git add …​ and add them to the corresponding CMakeLists.txt file. If the file you create is in a directory with a CMakeLists.txt add it to this file, otherwise in most of the cases you want to add it to src/CMakeLists.txt.

Exporting Library Symbols

If supported by the compiler, libcvc5 hides all symbols by default (with -fvisibility-hidden). This permits more aggressive optimization of the library. Those symbols intended to be the public interface to cvc5, however, must be explicitly exported. Public symbols are marked with CVC5_EXPORT, e.g.,

 class CVC5_EXPORT Sort

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Sort& s) CVC5_EXPORT;

See for more information on visibility.

Creating Releases

  1. Update copyright headers

    Run contrib/, which will update directories src/, examples/ and test/.

  2. Update files which refer to the version

    • Update copyright year in Configuration::copyright()

    • Update "cvc5 prerelease version 1.x" to "cvc5 release version 1.x" in

      Note that after release it must be updated again to "cvc5 prerelease version 1.(x+1)"

    • Update NEWS

  3. Update file library version

  4. Update AUTHORS and THANKS files

  5. Check list of publications on the website for completeness

  6. Publish sources and binary on the webpage

    Note that the commands below should run on barrett1, which has all required libraries are installed.

    • Run nightly script to create release binaries

      ./ -b "win64-opt x86_64-linux-static-opt" -j 16 -e no -f -r 0 dest pub

      Flags such that it generates no email, only windows and linux build, only regress 0.

      • Note that you must use -r 0 only if nightlies passed and TRIVIAL changes were made.

      • Also note that the nightly script will only work if you are authorized to use docker (necessary for the windows build).

    • Go to, create release tag.

      • win64 and x86_64-linux binaries should be added as assets for the release

      • Add "changes since" from NEWS to the description of the release

    • Copy x86_64-linux binary to /afs/<version>-x86_64-linux-opt

    • Copy win64 binary to /afs/<version>-win64-opt.exe

Working with Contexts

Contexts are a particularly complicated part of the machinery of cvc5, and much of cvc5’s work hinges on them.

The class "Context" is an abstraction for a rollback-able memory. One can create a Context:

Context c;

and some objects in it (use the CDO<> wrapper to make a simple, rollback-able object, using a pointer to the Context as the constructor argument):

CDO<int> i(&c);
CDO<int> j(&c);
i = 4;
j = 3;

One then "pushes a scope" on the Context:


Further edits to i and j are then rolled back with pop():

i = 10000;
j = -5;
assert(i == 10000 && j == -5); // succeeds


assert(i == 4 && j == 3); // also succeeds

Types wrapped by CDO<> simply employ a copy-on-write policy if the current scope is greater than that in which the object was last updated. Rollbacks are eager (when pop() is called). CDO<> just uses the underlying type’s copy constructor. Sometimes you want something more involved, in which case you write your own class that extends the class ContextObj and provides save and restore functionality. Make sure to read the invariants in context.h carefully!


Here are some important gotchas to keep in mind:

  1. Your ContextObj subclass must call destroy() from its destructor. This ensures that, if prematurely destructed (that is, before the Context goes away), your object is properly unregistered from the Context.

  2. Be careful if you allocate in an alternative memory manager (see below).

  3. FIXME add more gotchas

Using ContextObj That Aren’t Allocated in Usual Heap Memory

You need to be careful; even at a high scope level, all objects registered for backtracking with a Context are inserted at scope zero. This means your program will crash if you delete the associated memory too soon. Now re-read that sentence. If you create a CDO<int> (with new) at scope level 10, and delete it upon backtracking to scope level 9, the CDO<int> destructor properly unregisters itself from the Context. However, if you allocate it in a memory manager (such as the ContextMemoryManager) that doesn’t guarantee that the destructor is called, your program will crash (perhaps much later), because the object is still registered at scope level 0 (and thus a bad pointer appears on a list). You may prefer to create a CDO<int*> rather than a CDO<int>*, which solves the issue (you can prematurely delete the int* without incident). But that may leak memory, so there are additional constructors in ContextObj and CDO<> (those starting with a bool argument) that specifically "register" the object at the current scope level. They aren’t registered at scope level 0, so the problem doesn’t occur. However, you have to be careful.

But why allocate ContextObj instances with the ContextMemoryManager if it’s so complicated? There’s a big advantage: you don’t have to track the lifetime of the ContextObj. The object simply ceases to exist when the Context is popped. Thus you can create an object in context memory, and if you stow pointers to it only in context memory as well, all is cleaned up for you when the scope pops. Here’s a list of gotchas:

  1. For data structures intended solely to be allocated in context memory, privately declare (but don’t define) an operator new(size_t) and destructor (as currently in the Link class).

  2. For data structures that may or may not be allocated in context memory, and are designed to be that way (especially if they contain ContextObj instances), they should be heavily documented---especially the destructor, since it may or may not be called.

  3. There’s also an issue for generic code---some class Foo<T> might be allocated in context memory, and that might normally be fine, but if T is a ContextObj this requires certain care.

  4. Note that certain care is required for ContextObj inside of data structures. If the (enclosing) data structure can be allocated in ContextMemoryManager ("CMM"), that means the (enclosed) ContextObj can be, even if it was not designed to be allocated in that way. In many instances, it may be required that data structures enclosing ContextObj be parameterized with a similar bool allocatedInCMM argument as the special constructor in this class (and pass it on to all ContextObj instances).

Options in cvc5

Options code in cvc5 is automatically generated by source .toml files where they are textually defined. Options are divided to several .toml file, for example according to the relevant theory. More details can be found in:


The documentation at is generated from the docs folder and covers the usage of cvc5 via one of its APIs or the command line. As this documentation is accumulated from APIs in different languages with different toolchains, you should always be aware of which toolchain is processing the particular piece of documentation you are writing.

Core documentation (Sphinx)

All documentation that lives in the docs folder is written in *.rst files in the reStructuredText format and directly processed by Sphinx. See for general information. The different APIs are made available via language-specific toolchains and can be linked via "domains", e.g. :cpp:class: for a C++ class. We have a few custom Sphinx extensions:

  • examples is used for the examples. For a particular example, it renders one tab per language the example is available in and provides syntax highlighting. It heavily relies on the sphinx_tabs extension.

  • include_build_file allows to include rst files from the build folder, i.e., documentation sources that has been automatically generated by the build system, e.g., for command line options. This is necessary as Sphinx does not support multiple source folders.

C++ API (doxygen / breathe)

The C++ API sources are parsed with doxygen, which is configured to only produce xml output. This xml output is then used by the Sphinx extension breathe. Typically, we have one rst file for an API class (and associated helper classes) that uses .. doxygenclass:: to render the class documentation.

When writing documentation in the C++ API, be aware that these comments are processed by doxygen, not by Sphinx!

Python API (Sphinx / autodoc)

Sphinx supports python natively (via the autodoc extension). autodoc requires the python library to be built and then generates the documentation from the docstrings exposed by the library.

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