This package makes managing cvmfs repository replication onto stratum 1s easy. It can discover when new repositories show up at their sources and automatically replicate them.
For documentation see the comments in manage-replicas.conf.
rpm distributions of this package for CentOS/RHEL are available in cvmfs-contrib.
To invoke from cron, use the additional script manage-replicas-log which
allows $MAXPARALLELMANAGE replicas to happen in parallel and combines
their output in /var/log/cvmfs/manage-replicas.log
. Here's an example
cron entry to put into /etc/cron.d/cvmfs-manage-replicas
if using the
default add-repository
and remove-repository
*/5 * * * * root PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/cvmfs-manage-replicas manage-replicas-log -c -f /etc/cvmfs/manage-replicas.conf
One simple way to use this package is as a way to rebuild a cvmfs
stratum 1 from scratch, taking fresh snapshots of all the repositories
off an old one called
Assuming you have an add-repository
script as used by default for the
addcmd (you could use the package's default by putting
in the PATH), then
would look like this:
remcmd true
keysource cvmfs-contrib/config-repo/master/etc/cvmfs/keys
repos *
The source stratum 1 needs to have an empty .cvmfs_master_replica
file in each repository copied, which can be manually created since
normally those files are only on stratum 0 repositories.
Then run manage-replicas-log
4 times with nohup in the background, and
possibly also from cron in case some of the snaphots fail and it needs
to be run again.
You may want to set MAXPARALLELMANAGE a little higher, perhaps to 8 in
order to get it to rebuild faster, depending on how heavily loaded your
machines are.
On a big stratum 1 it will likely take several days or even a week,
depending on the speed of the disk hardware and network.
If your add-repository
script accepts continue
as an option in place
of the stratum one URL (as the provided script does), then run
with the -c
option to enable restarting a big
initial snapshot if it fails for some reason.
This option implies remcmd true
because otherwise a failure to add a
repository causes it to be immediately removed.
The keysource
option will result in automatically downloading missing
repository keys from github.
The output while each process is running goes to
, and when each process finishes
it appends its output to /var/log/cvmfs/manage-replicas.log
It will likely need to be nursed along, especially if source files have
disappeared or gotten corrupted on the stratum 1 being copied.
With the huge numbers of files involved, that is pretty typical.
The files can be re-downloaded from some other stratum1 by hand.
After completion of the copy you'll need to edit
to change the CVMFS_STRATUM0 setting
on each repository from your original machine to the upstream stratum 0.
Alternatively, if you continue to manage all your repositories via
manage-replicas.conf, then when you copy manage-replicas.conf from your
original machine the CVMFS_STRATUM0 settings will be automatically
updated the next time manage-replicas runs.