- Author: Pedric Kng
- Updated: 02 April 2019
This article describes the steps to capture the SAST findings as part of the Jenkins Pipeline and manage the risk via JIRA.
The Jenkins pipeline is described below;
- Execute SAST scan using Checkmarx plugin with vulnerability threshold enabled
- Post to the scan, the build will be flagged as failure or unstable should the threshold be exceeded
- Inspect the Checkmarx XML report residing in the Jenkins workspace for the vulnerability result count based on severity
- Send a JIRA ticket containing the result count
Note that the sample given is based on Declarative Pipeline but it will work for Scripting Pipeline with slight changes.
- JIRA Pipeline Steps Plugin
The JIRA jenkins plugin supports various pipeline step, 'jiraNewIssue' [4] will be used to push the ticket containing the scan result count - Checkmarx Jenkins plugin
The Checkmarx plugin supports capability to execute scans and fail builds upon exceeding severity vulnerability threshold
- Follow the instructions in [2] to install the plugin in Jenkins
- In Jenkins, add a JIRA site in Manage Jenkins → Configure System → JIRA Steps → JIRA sites
- Name: Jira site name e.g., LOCAL, will be available in the Jenkins environment as 'JIRA_SITE'
- URL: Jira instance URL e.g., http://localhost:8084
- Connection Timeout: (leave default)
- Read Timeout: (leave default)
- Login Type: (credential to login to JIRA instance e.g., username/password or OAuth)
- Please note down the following JIRA fields, these is to be configured in the Jenkins Pipeline script later;
Jira Project Id: Id of Jira project e.g., 10300
JIRA Dashboard → Administration → [project] → project settings → Details
Jira Issuetype Id: Id of Issuetype in JIRA project to create the issue e.g., 10003
JIRA Dashboard → Administration → [project] → project settings → Issue Types → [Issue Type]
- Follow the instructions[1] to install and configure the Checkmarx Jenkins plugin respectively
- In Jenkins, go to Manage Jenkins → Configure System. Under Global Pipeline Libraries, add a library with the following settings:
- Name: pipeline-library-demo
- Default version: Specify a Git reference (branch or commit SHA), e.g. master
- Retrieval method: Modern SCM
- Select the Git type
- Project repository: https://github.com/cx-demo/cx_groovy.git
- Credentials: (leave blank)
The shared library cx_groovy used in this tutorial will parse the Checkmarx XML report and return a Map containing results by severity; High, Medium, Low, Information
- Add your Checkmarx CxSAST credential to the Jenkins credentials manager. In Jenkins, go to Credential → System → Global credentials → Add credentials.
- Kind: Username with password
- Scope: (as required)
- Username: CxSAST login username
- Password: CxSAST login password
- ID: jenkins-checkmarx-cxsast-creds
- Description: (as required)
- Use the Jenkins Pipeline Syntax helper[5] to generate the CxSAST pipeline step, note the following key configurations:
- Enable vulnerability threshold: True
- Build status when results exceed threshold: Unstable
- SAST High severity vulnerabilities threshold: (high severity vulnerability threshold)
- SAST Medium severity vulnerabilities threshold: (medium severity vulnerability threshold)
- SAST Low severity vulnerabilities threshold: (low severity vulnerability threshold)
- Add CxSAST scan step to your pipeline
stage('checkmarx') {
environment {
CX_CREDS = credentials('jenkins-checkmarx-cxsast-creds')
echo "Executing Checkmarx Jenkins Plugin to request a Scan..."
step([$class: 'CxScanBuilder', comment: '', excludeFolders: '', excludeOpenSourceFolders: '', exclusionsSetting: 'job',
filterPattern: '''!**/_cvs/**/*, !**/.svn/**/*, !**/.hg/**/*, !**/.git/**/*, !**/.bzr/**/*, !**/bin/**/*,
!**/obj/**/*, !**/backup/**/*, !**/.idea/**/*, !**/*.DS_Store, !**/*.ipr, !**/*.iws,
!**/*.bak, !**/*.tmp, !**/*.aac, !**/*.aif, !**/*.iff, !**/*.m3u, !**/*.mid, !**/*.mp3,
!**/*.mpa, !**/*.ra, !**/*.wav, !**/*.wma, !**/*.3g2, !**/*.3gp, !**/*.asf, !**/*.asx,
!**/*.avi, !**/*.flv, !**/*.mov, !**/*.mp4, !**/*.mpg, !**/*.rm, !**/*.swf, !**/*.vob,
!**/*.wmv, !**/*.bmp, !**/*.gif, !**/*.jpg, !**/*.png, !**/*.psd, !**/*.tif, !**/*.swf,
!**/*.jar, !**/*.zip, !**/*.rar, !**/*.exe, !**/*.dll, !**/*.pdb, !**/*.7z, !**/*.gz,
!**/*.tar.gz, !**/*.tar, !**/*.gz, !**/*.ahtm, !**/*.ahtml, !**/*.fhtml, !**/*.hdm,
!**/*.hdml, !**/*.hsql, !**/*.ht, !**/*.hta, !**/*.htc, !**/*.htd, !**/*.war, !**/*.ear,
!**/*.htmls, !**/*.ihtml, !**/*.mht, !**/*.mhtm, !**/*.mhtml, !**/*.ssi, !**/*.stm,
!**/*.stml, !**/*.ttml, !**/*.txn, !**/*.xhtm, !**/*.class, !**/*.iml, !Checkmarx/Reports/*.*''',
fullScanCycle: 10,
fullScansScheduled: true,
generatePdfReport: true,
groupId: '00000000-1111-1111-b111-989c9070eb11',
includeOpenSourceFolders: '',
osaEnabled: false,
username: "${CX_CREDS_USR}",
password: "${CX_CREDS_PSW}",
preset: '36',
projectName: "${params.CX_PROJECT_NAME}",
serverUrl: "${params.CX_SERVER_URL}",
sourceEncoding: '1',
waitForResultsEnabled: true,
vulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true,
vulnerabilityThresholdResult: 'UNSTABLE',
highThreshold: 1,
lowThreshold: 1,
mediumThreshold: 1,
generatePdfReport: false])
- Add the shared library reference at the top of your pipeline
- Add a post 'unstable' step after the CxSAST as follows
Note: the following fields should be changed accordingly in the script.
- Jira Site - See withEnv:JIRA_SITE
- ProjectId - See fields:project:id
- IssueTypeId - See fields:issuetype:id
echo "Executing Checkmarx Jenkins Plugin to request a Scan..."
step([$class: 'CxScanBuilder',..
unstable {
script {
echo "This will always run"
echo "Current build result: ${currentBuild.getCurrentResult()}"
def reportFileUrl = "${env.WORKSPACE}/Checkmarx/Reports/ScanReport.xml";
if ( fileExists(reportFileUrl) ) {
echo 'report exists'
def cxresults = parseXMLReport(reportFileUrl)
echo "highs: ${cxresults.highs}"
echo "mediums: ${cxresults.mediums}"
echo "lows: ${cxresults.lows}"
echo "infos: ${cxresults.infos}"
withEnv(['JIRA_SITE=LOCAL']) {
def testIssue = [fields: [ project: [id: '10300'],
summary: '[UNSTABLE] New CxScan Results exceeded threshold',
description: "Results highs: ${cxresults.highs}, mediums: ${cxresults.mediums}, lows: ${cxresults.lows}, infos: ${cxresults.infos}",
issuetype: [id: '10003']]]
response = jiraNewIssue issue: testIssue
echo response.successful.toString()
echo response.data.toString()
CxSAST Jenkins Plugin [1]
Jenkins Pipeline Jira Steps Plugin [2]
Extending with Shared Libraries [3]
JIRA Steps: Create New Issues [4]
Configuring a CxSAST Scan Action using Jenkins Pipeline [5]