Dronk is a react native app, fully functional on iOS and Android, designed with the goal of making a night out safer and more responsible. Our app takes 2 different approaches to achieve this. A common mistake university students make with drinking is losing track of how much they’ve had and as a result, often consuming more than their limit. Using a simple one-click feature, users can easily input their drink count for the night to track their drinking habits and determine their limits. Using a Django REST API, Dronk has a built-in buddy system which allows its users to form a group for an event then alert group members when someone has strayed away, or remind them if they are leaving a friend behind. Losing a friend at a party is one of the most stressful things that can happen on a night out, so a simple alert to text or call your friends will go a long way in making the night safer and more enjoyable for everyone.
Make sure you have node.js git clone the respository and run
npm install
expo start
cd into getHomeSafeAPI Change the IP address to your hosting machine
pipenv install
pipenv run manage.py runserver<port of your choice>
We used react-native for the front end user interface. The application is available on both ios and android.
The backend we django-restful framework to host the apis. We used both a digital ocean virtual machine and rasberry pi to host our apis