A Confluence plug-in for managing the competences in the organization, in LinkedIn style with tag clouds.
Humans over square-shaped pegs measured in CV-project-month-kilograms. Generalism over specialism.
This project was born out of a goal to shift weight in evaluating competences and development goals of software teams from CV-based project-month Excels of specialists towards human-shaped, peer-reviewed word clouds of people's competences and interests. This shows a more organic and realistic image of people and teams at a glance better than cumulative months in Excels.
Atlassian tools are de facto in the industry and it is a small hassle for the people to fill up and update their word clouds on Confluence, as opposed to a yet another enterprise tool. Endorsing colleagues boosts workplace communication and spirit.
This is work-in-progress. When complete, this will have:
- Management of teams, automatic generation of tag clouds per team and for the whole company.
- Navigating between tags and people, clicking a tag gives the list of people with that competence.
- Endorsement and suggestions of competence tags for colleagues.
- Competence tags are enforced to be Wikipedia article names, and have links to Wikipedia.
To get the initial content for the tag autocomplete, run the: ./getWikipediaArticles.sh
Also run: cd src/main/resources/js; npm install
Install Atlassian SDK: https://developer.atlassian.com/docs/getting-started/set-up-the-atlassian-plugin-sdk-and-build-a-project
Create Eclipse project files with: atlas-mvn eclipse:eclipse
Run with: atlas-run
(If you get weird errors about required plugin missing, you can try
Take your browser to: http://localhost:1990/confluence
If it asks you to get an evaluation license, the build failed for some weird reason. Do atlas-clean
and try again.
The credentials are: admin/admin
See also: TODO.md