The Cybercommons framework is a Django Rest Framework API. The API leverages MongoDB to provide a Catalog and Data Store for storing metadata and data within a JSON document database. The API also includes Celery which is an asynchronous task queue/jobs based on distributed message passing.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
pip install docker-compose
- GNU Make or equivalent
Edit values within dc_config/cybercom_config.env
Copy secrets_template.env into secrets.env under the same folder and add required credentials into it.
Initialize database and generate internal SSL certs
make init
Build and Deploy on local system.
make build make superuser make run
Make Django's static content available. This only needs to be ran once or after changing versions of Django.
make collectstatic
API running http://localhost
- Admin credentials set from above
make superuser
- Admin credentials set from above
Shutdown cybercommons
make stop
Edit values within dc_config/cybercom_config.env[NGINX_HOST,NOTIFY_EMAIL,NGINX_TEMPLATE(These values must be set).
Copy secrets_template.env into secrets.env under the same folder and add required credentials into it.
Initialize database and generate internal SSL certs
make init
Initialize and Get TLS certificates from LetsEncrypt
make init_certbot
Build and Deploy on local system.
make build make superuser make run
Make Django's static content available. This only needs to be ran once or after changing versions of Django.
make collectstatic
API running https://{domain-name-of-server}
- Admin credentials set from above
make superuser
- Admin credentials set from above
Shutdown cybercommons
make stop
- Integration with Kubernetes