Sketch for Arduino Nano allows you to generate a PPM signal. It uses hardware sixteen bit timer. The pulse duration is adjusted with an accuracy of 0.0625 microseconds.
# | Mode | Size (bytes) | Description |
0 | R | 2 | Clock ticks per 1 microsecond |
1 | R | 2 | Maximum channels count |
2 | RW | 2 | State 0 - Off / 1 - On / 2 - On inverted |
3 | RW | 2 | Channels count |
4 | RW | 2 | Pause length in the clock ticks |
5,6 | RW | 4 | Synchro pulse length in the clock ticks |
7 | RW | 2 | Channel #1 duration in the clock ticks |
... | ... | ... | ... |
n+7 | RW | 2 | Channel #n duration in the clock ticks |