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Developer Installation Notes

mvl22 edited this page Mar 5, 2012 · 2 revisions

PHP, MySQL and Apache on Lion: though we don't need PHP or MySQL.

Xcode (to get gcc compilers) App Store

Install git sudo apt-get git or on Mac it is built-in.

DON'T USE apt-get because it gives you out-of-date stuff. Instead use RVM. RVM: Follow - gets a bootstrap installer file. Do a Single user install, by getting and executing the script, adding it to the path for convenience, then reload the shell. bash < <(curl -s echo [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function' >> ~/.bash_profile source .bash_profile

Ruby comes with the OS. but is the wrong version so instead, use rvm. This is basically the Ruby Version Manager, that just handles adding Ruby. rvm install 1.9.2 # rvm use 1.9.2 # gem install rails (was done earlier; not using sudo) gem install rails -v=3.1 [Both and Simon got "file lib not found" but only at the end of the documentation stage, not the gems themselves.] gem install bundler NB This will install bundler into the path (NB this path install feature only became available in ruby-1.9.2) bundle install Note that in the Gemfile doesn't say which version of Ruby you need!!! (mad!)

Go into project directory and add a .rvmrc file to avoid having to type "rvm use 1.9.2" the time; but you do need to be in that directory. cd ~/rails/toolkit/ echo "rvm 1.9.2" > .rvmrc # Note that the .gitignore file in the repository has .rvmrc added so that it won't end up in the repository. This means that next time you do "cd ~/rails/toolkit/" it will come up with a confirmation asking whether you want to read the file. Answer y to accept. This answer will be cached until such time as .rvmrc is changed. This works by rvm hooking into the shell in .bash_profile.

Bundler uses the 'Gemfile' and the command for this is 'bundle'

Two ways of running rails applications:

  1. Quick, getting started way: go into the application, and do 'rails server', and that gives you If more than needed, then rails server -p 3001 instead, and that will be a different port.

  2. Proper runtime way: Passenger. Passenger is basically "mod_rails" i.e. equivalent of mod_php. The DOCUMENT_ROOT basically is what Apache serves directly and takes precedence. If a file doesn't match, then Passenger takes over, uses its magic and Rail's magic to translate the path in the /url to the Rails app

To install Passenger:

Use the ruby package manager, gem, to add the gem passenger

gem install passenger

The public/ subdirectory of an application is what it reads directly and will always serve

Passenger (basically mod-rails) - see gem install passenger passenger-install-apache2-module If passenger comes up with instructions to add Apache dependencies, do what it says - the Passenger guys have got it right. sudo pico -w /etc/apache2/other/passenger.conf LoadModule passenger_module /Users/martin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/passenger-3.0.9/ext/apache2/ PassengerRoot /Users/martin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/passenger-3.0.9 PassengerRuby /Users/martin/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.2-p290/ruby Then restart Apache (on OSX this is best done using System Preferences > Sharing > Untick web sharing, then tick websharing. So now we have Rails available within Apache as a module. rvmsudo passenger-status lets you see the current status The passenger apache module will still see Ruby processes being spawned - it's not fully embedded in Apache like mod_php is.

We now need a virtualhost for the site, which will include rails. Easiest way to add virtual hosts is to get Passenger Prefpane for Lion OSX. That will create the vhost in a new directory passenger_pane_vhosts/ . Go into the Prefpane and untick the lock and create a new entry and save. (This has the benefit that it creates a local host name (in practice this doesn't make entry in /etc/hosts but uses a newer architecture called Directory Services)) (However the Passenger Prefpane seems to have a bug that it doesn't include/passenger_pane_vhosts/* into the main httpd.conf. So I have added: Include /private/etc/apache2/passenger_pane_vhosts/*.conf

Note that the vhost had "RailsEnv Development" which tells the application to run in that context.

[We might want to add an example ghost in the README.]

For Github, you need to create a private key. Go to GitHub profile, click SSH Keys. Click on the help on the right. Ignore step 2 which is dodgy. ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" Is sensible to create a new key for each machine, so that they can be rescinded. less ~/.ssh/ ssh-rsa [long string] Paste that in at ssh -T Enter the password

Now we need to get PostgreSQL, the database system we are using.

On Mac Lion 10.7: The best way to get Postgres etc is using 'homebrew', another package manager, to install it. Installing homebrew: Installation details at /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Now install Postgres and Postgis. Note that homebrew doesn't allow you to specify a version, but Postgres' development path is much more stable than Ruby/Rails, so the latest version should hopefully work OK. Note also that the command is 'brew', not 'homebrew'! brew install postgres postgis # NB We got a download failed, but re-running the same command worked fine (seems like the host was momentarily down) - rerunning the brew command is safe. We got Error: "Failed executing: make install". This is because on OSX Lion the newer compiler LLVM is the default, but not all the software has been tested with it yet, hence the failure; hopefully this will change soon. Therefore we did brew list to show what had been installed fine, then did "brew remove ossp-uuid postgresql proj readline" to remove that list of packages so we were back to a clean state. Then compiled with GCC instead. brew install postgres postgis --use-gcc

On Linux: Ubuntu: Use the standard package manager to get postgresql. We used , which said to add ppa:pitti/postgresql to your system's Software Sources. Postgis is also needed; for this we used pap:ubuntigis/ubuntugis-unstable. [Ask Andy Allan what he recommends.]

Start up postgres "brew info postgres" will give some info. It says: initdb /usr/local/var/postgres Add it to startup AND start now: mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents cp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.4/org.postgresql.postgres.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.postgresql.postgres.plist

Worth getting pgAdmin, for visualising Postgres. This is a native (i.e. not a web-app) DBA tool for postgres, just click the icon to install. has standard GUI installer files.

We now have all the server-side software and the ability to get things from GitHub under our username. We now have a developer machine.

[MLS already had an application called 'abstracts' which would run at ]

Now we can start work, so we now get the git repo from !

cd ~/rails/ # i.e. go into our working area git clone cd toolkit bundle install

We can do this at any time:

git pull bundle install

[We got: "Could not find devise-1.4.4 in any of the sources". See so Shaun has updated the repo.] will now give a result!

Now we need to add a database config for our setup. cd ~/rails/toolkit/config cp -pr database.example.yml database.yml pico -w database.yml

Edit that file to add a password. Make sure that the localhost line is not commented

If any change to config/ gemfile/ and sometimes lib/ , you will need to do touch tmp/restart.txt

Create the user and database in Postgres: createuser cyclekit -s -P -h localhost # Create a database and a user who has access to it at the same time createdb -E UTF8 -O cyclekit cyclekit_development -h localhost # Also create a database for testing purposes createdb -E UTF8 -O cyclekit cyclekit_test -h localhost

Now update the database rake db:migrate

i.e. could use convenience one-liner, if you don't have any local changes: cd ~/rails/toolkit/ && git pull && bundle install && touch tmp/restart.txt && rake db:migrate

rake db:seed seeds a user. This is in db/seeds.rb and log in as / changeme

To run the tests: rake spec At first this will state permission denied; the database.yml needs to be added. This runs in the 'test' context (rather than development, which is how Apache is set up). Running rake spec will recreate the database; therefore if you get a permission denied error, you probably have pgAdmin or another progress connected to it.