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Polr Self Hosted API Documentation

Chaoyi Zha edited this page Mar 23, 2016 · 5 revisions

Docs for legacy 1.x only -- for documentation regarding Polr 2.x, see

API Endpoints

All API calls should be directed to /api.php.

API keys

You will need to insert into the table api with values apikey (the api key value), email (help you keep track of who the key was assigned to), valid (1 for valid, 0 for invalid). Once you have one, send it as the GET or POST variable apikey. This is required for every API call. If the API key is not sent, or is invalid, the API will return with the status code 401 (Unauthorized).


Actions are passed in the GET or POST variable action. There are currently two actions implemented:

  • shorten - shortens a URL
  • lookup - looks up the destination of a shortened URL

Actions take arguments, which are passed as GET or POST parameters.


The shorten action takes a single argument: url. This is the URL to shorten. The API will return with a plain text response containing a shortened URL.

Example: GET

Remember that the url argument must be urlencoded (unless it is passed as a POST parameter).


The lookup action takes a single argument: url. This is the URL to lookup. If it exists, the API will return with the destination of that URL. If it does not exist, the API will return with the status code 404 (Not Found).

Example: GET

Remember that the url argument must be urlencoded (unless it is passed as a POST parameter).


The API will respond in plain text. For lookup and shorten, it will reply with a URL, e.g or .

Code Examples


$shortenedurl = file_get_contents('http://PATHTOPOLR/api.php?apikey=key&action=shorten&url=');
echo "The shortened version of is $shortenedurl";


import requests
res = requests.get('http://PATHTOPOLR/api.php?apikey=key&action=shorten&url=')
shortened_url = res.text