The Tiny C Compiler
use TinyCC *;
tcc.define(NAME => '"cygx"');
int puts(const char *);
int main(void) {
puts("Hello, " NAME "!");
return 0;
use TinyCC;'42.exe');
int main(void) { return 42; }
use TinyCC::Eval;
use TinyCC::Types;
my $out = cval(uint64);
EVAL q:to/__END__/, :lang<C>, init => { .define: N => 42; .declare: :$out };
extern unsigned long long out;
static unsigned long long fib(unsigned n) {
return n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
int main(void) {
out = fib(N);
return 0;
say $out.deref;
use TinyCC::CFunc;
sub forty-two(--> int) is cfunc('return 42;') {*}
sub plus(int \a, int \b --> int) is cfunc({ q:to/__END__/ }) {*}
return a + b;
say plus(1, forty-two);
use TinyCC::CCall;
sub abort is ccall {*}
The TinyCC C codebase can be found in this repository. A properly
installed compiler should be recognized out of the box. If you want to use
the compiler without installation, set the environment vars LIBTCC
appropriately or configure these at runtime via
use TinyCC {
.load: <candidate/path/one/to/libtcc candidate/path/two/to/libtcc>;
.setroot: 'path/to/tcc/build/dir';
As the author is notoriously bad at writing documentation, for now you have to look at the tests or even the module source to see what is or is not implemented.
Rakudo's NativeCall
interacts badly with precompilation, so the module's
bytecode size and startup time leave something to be desired.
Passing a block to the use
statement is nice in principle, but
problematic in practice: Any named argument occurring within gets silently
adjusted to a positional one. You can work around this by either promoting
the block to a sub (@_) { ... }
or by adding list interpolation to any
named argument, ie use |:arg
instead of plain :arg
Development happens at GitHub. If you found a bug or have a feature request, use the issue tracker over there.
Copyright (C) 2015 by
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0