Elixir workbook generator.
To generate Workbook templates simply implement the ExWorkerbook
and workerbook/1
callback function to return your Workerbook configuration.
Workerbook Template configuration is a keyword list of options that describes
how to generate each Elixlsx.Sheet
via ExWorkerbook.Builder
Here's an example:
name: "Our First Page",
jobs: [
arg: %{
"Name" => "John",
"Age" => 19,
"Location" => "USA"
identifier: :horizontal,
actions: %{},
options: []
This configuration will create our first page and render a map to the
sheet in a horizontal layout. With the workerbook/1
callback function
you can describe the layout for your workbooks and supply the params at
Here's an example:
defmodule ExWorkerbook.ExampleTemplate do
@behaviour ExWorkerbook
@impl ExWorkerbook
def workerbook(attrs) do
sheet("1", attrs),
sheet("2", attrs)
defp sheet("1", attrs) do
name: "Our First Page",
identifier: :horizontal, # global identifier
jobs: [
arg: %{
"Name" => attrs.name,
"Age" => 19,
"Location" => "USA"
actions: %{},
options: []
defp sheet("2", attrs) do
name: "Second Page",
jobs: [
arg: ["role", attrs.role],
identifier: :horizontal,
actions: %{},
options: [
all: [bg_color: "#000000"],
values: [underline: true]
Now you can create a new excel workbook file with params:
ExWorkerbook.write("example.xlsx", ExWorkerbook.ExampleTemplate, %{name: "john", role: "manager"})
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ex_workerbook
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_workerbook, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/ex_workerbook.