Svelte store with a websocket backend
import websocketStore from "svelte-websocket-store";
const initialValue = { };
export const myStore = websocketStore("wss://", initialValue, ['option 1', 'option 2']);
// send JSON to websocket server
$myStore = { content: "to be saved", other_values: "all" };
// receive JSON from server (push)
let response = $myStore;
Create a writable store based on a web-socket. Data is transferred as JSON. Keeps socket open (reopens if closed) as long as there are subscriptions.
string the WebSocket urlinitialValue
any store value used before 1st. response from server is presentsocketOptions
Array<string> transparently passed to the WebSocket constructor
Returns Store
With npm do:
npm install svelte-websocket-store
With yarn do:
yarn add svelte-websocket-store
export BROWSER=safari|chrome|...
npm|yarn test