A CALayer layout, animating, mutating and updating manager. Currently supports exit, plus, circle, and checkmark shapes.
To use this manager pass the CGRect of the the container that you want to add shapes to. You can then use on of the various create methods to instantiate and add paths to a CALayer instance. Once created you can use one of the various animate methods to animate and mutate a SVNShapeMetaData instance.
Add Carthage files to your .gitignore
Check your Carthage Version to make sure Carthage is installed locally:
Carthage version
Create a CartFile to manage your dependencies:
Touch CartFile
Open the Cartfile and add this as a dependency. (in OGDL):
github "sevenapps/PathToRepo*" "master"
Update your project to include the framework:
Carthage update --platform iOS
Add the framework to 'Embedded Binaries' in the Xcode Project by dragging and dropping the framework created in
Add this run Script to your xcodeproj
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
Add this input file to the run script:
If Xcode has issues finding your framework Add
To 'Framework Search Paths' in Build Settings