Thank you for visiting wiki of Single Cell Explorer. Singel Cell Explorer is available open-source under the GNU LGPLv3 license. This web application only run on Linux.
Authors: Di Feng, Dechao Shan
quickest way: run setup shell scripts from
sudo apt-get install -y ssh libssl-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev zip unzip libfftw3-dev libcurl3 openssl
sudo ./mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-4.0.10/bin/mongod --dbpath "./scdb" --port 27017 --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1 --fork --logpath "./log/scdb.log"
--For Data registration: The following items are mandatory. study: The name of the study, which should include all the samples as a collection. species: Human, Mouse, etc tissue: The biological source of the samples (blood, inflamed, uninvolved etc). mapType: Currently, we support tsne, umap, and phate. name: The map name will be used in the single cell explorer map viewer.
The following information is optional, but we encourage you to use. disease: This help to create a collected atlas of normal tissue or disease tissue. source: You can use internal or external to distinguish the data source. author: This indicate the contact person of the data or author who created the map in single cell explorer. subjectid: Subject ID, which represent the each donor in the study, should be unique. Sometime, there are multiple tissue samples could be collected from the same individual or subject ID.
Usage: For a study that collect blood, uninvolved, and involved samples from multiple subjects. We can create the following dictionary. You can also add more meta information in the dictionary.
“study”:”Disease Collection”,
“species”: “Homo sapien”,
“tissue”: “involved”,
“name”:”involved sample”,
“source”:”public data”,
--Multiple Sample Comparison Once you registered all the samples from a study. You can cross-compare gene expression among multiple donor/subjects within that study. You can select 1) the study 2) the right tissue to compare, 3) the cell type 4) the gene of interest for comparison.