Window Maker dockapp for displaying cellular automata
You will need libdockapp to build wmcellauto.
If building from git (not necessary if using a tarball):
autoreconf -fvi
Then the usual
sudo make install
wmcellauto [OPTIONS]
-h, --help show this help text and exit
-v, --version show program version and exit
-w, --windowed run the application in windowed mode
-a, --alivecolor <string> color of live cells (default: light sea green)
-d, --deadcolor <string> color of dead cells (default: black)
-t, --time <number> time in ms between generations (default: 250)
-b, --birth <string> custom ruleset - specify number of adjacent
cells required for birth (default: 3)
-s, --survival <string> custom ruleset - specify number of adjacent
cells required for survival (default: 23)
-r, --ruleset <string> select ruleset (life (default), 2x2, day &
night, flock, fredkin, highlife, life without
death, live free or die, maze, mazectric, move,
replicator, seeds)
--density <number> percentage of live cells in initial random grid
(default: 50)
-R, --reset <integer> number of generations until grid resets
(default: -1, i.e., don't reset)
Please report bugs and feature requests at the issues page.
Copyright (C) 2017 Doug Torrance
License: GPL-2+