- Contents
TB-Net is a knowledge graph based explainable recommender system.
Paper: Shendi Wang, Haoyang Li, Xiao-Hui Li, Caleb Chen Cao, Lei Chen. Tower Bridge Net (TB-Net): Bidirectional Knowledge Graph Aware Embedding Propagation for Explainable Recommender Systems
TB-Net constructs subgraphs in knowledge graph based on the interaction between users and items as well as the feature of items, and then calculates paths in the graphs using bidirectional conduction algorithm. Finally we can obtain explainable recommendation results.
Interaction of users and games, and the games' feature data on the game platform Steam are public on Kaggle.
Dataset directory: ./data/{DATASET}/
, e.g. ./data/steam/
- train: train.csv, evaluation: test.csv
Each line indicates a <user>, an <item>, the user-item <rating> (1 or 0), and PER_ITEM_NUM_PATHS paths between the item and the user's <hist_item> (<hist_item> is the item whose the user-item <rating> in historical data is 1).
#format:user,item,rating,relation1,entity,relation2,hist_item,relation1,entity,relation2,hist_item,...,relation1,entity,relation2,hist_item # module [relation1,entity,relation2,hist_item] repeats PER_ITEM_NUM_PATHS times
- infer and explain: infer.csv
Each line indicates the <user> and <item> to be inferred, <rating>, and PER_ITEM_NUM_PATHS paths between the item and the user's <hist_item> (<hist_item> is the item whose the user-item <rating> in historical data is 1). Note that the <item> needs to traverse candidate items (all items by default) in the dataset. <rating> can be randomly assigned (all values are assigned to 0 by default) and is not used in the inference and explanation phases.
#format:user,item,rating,relation1,entity,relation2,hist_item,relation1,entity,relation2,hist_item,...,relation1,entity,relation2,hist_item # module [relation1,entity,relation2,hist_item] repeats PER_ITEM_NUM_PATHS times
We have to download the data package and put it underneath the current project path。
wget https://mindspore-website.obs.myhuaweicloud.com/notebook/datasets/xai/tbnet_data.tar.gz
tar -xf tbnet_data.tar.gz
- Hardware(GPU)
- Prepare hardware environment with GPU processor.
- Framework
- For more information, please check the resources below:
After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start training and evaluation as follows:
- Data preprocessing
Download the data package(e.g. 'steam' dataset) and put it underneath the current project path.
wget https://mindspore-website.obs.myhuaweicloud.com/notebook/datasets/xai/tbnet_data.tar.gz
tar -xf tbnet_data.tar.gz
cd scripts
and then run code as follows.
- Training
bash run_train.sh [DATA_NAME] [DEVICE_ID] [DEVICE_TARGET]
bash run_train.sh steam 0 Ascend
- Evaluation
Evaluation model on test dataset.
is required.
bash run_eval.sh 19 steam 0 Ascend
- Inference and Explanation
Recommende items to user acrodding to user
, the number of items is determined by items
python infer.py \
--dataset [DATASET] \
--checkpoint_id [CHECKPOINT_ID] \
--user [USER] \
--items [ITEMS] \
--explanations [EXPLANATIONS] \
--csv [CSV]
Arguments --checkpoint_id
and --user
are required.
python infer.py \
--dataset steam \
--checkpoint_id 19 \
--user 2 \
--items 1 \
--explanations 3 \
--csv test.csv
├── scripts
├─run_infer_310.sh # Ascend310 inference script
├─run_train.sh # training script
└─run_eval.sh # evaluation script
├─config.json # data and training parameter configuration
├─infer.csv # inference and explanation dataset
├─test.csv # evaluation dataset
├─train.csv # training dataset
└─trainslate.json # explanation configuration
├─aggregator.py # inference result aggregation
├─config.py # parsing parameter configuration
├─dataset.py # generate dataset
├─embedding.py # 3-dim embedding matrix initialization
├─metrics.py # model metrics
├─steam.py # 'steam' dataset text explainer
└─tbnet.py # TB-Net model
├─export.py # export mindir script
├─preprocess_dataset.py # dataset preprocess script
├─preprocess.py # inference data preprocess script
├─postprocess.py # inference result calculation script
├─eval.py # evaluation
├─infer.py # inference and explanation
└─train.py # training
- preprocess.py parameters
--dataset 'steam' dataset is supported currently
--device_target run code on GPU or Ascend NPU
--same_relation only generate paths that relation1 is same as relation2
- train.py parameters
--dataset 'steam' dataset is supported currently
--train_csv the train csv datafile inside the dataset folder
--test_csv the test csv datafile inside the dataset folder
--device_id device id
--epochs number of training epochs
--device_target run code on GPU or Ascend NPU
--run_mode run code by GRAPH mode or PYNATIVE mode
- eval.py parameters
--dataset 'steam' dataset is supported currently
--csv the csv datafile inside the dataset folder (e.g. test.csv)
--checkpoint_id use which checkpoint(.ckpt) file to eval
--device_id device id
--device_target run code on GPU or Ascend NPU
--run_mode run code by GRAPH mode or PYNATIVE mode
- infer.py parameters
--dataset 'steam' dataset is supported currently
--csv the csv datafile inside the dataset folder (e.g. infer.csv)
--checkpoint_id use which checkpoint(.ckpt) file to infer
--user id of the user to be recommended to
--items no. of items to be recommended
--reasons no. of recommendation reasons to be shown
--device_id device id
--device_target run code on GPU or Ascend NPU
--run_mode run code by GRAPH mode or PYNATIVE mode
python export.py --config_path [CONFIG_PATH] --checkpoint_path [CKPT_PATH] --device_target [DEVICE] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT]
parameter is required.CONFIG_PATH
file, data and training parameter configuration.DEVICE
should be in ['Ascend', 'GPU'].FILE_FORMAT
should be in ['MINDIR', 'AIR'].
python export.py \
--config_path ./data/steam/config.json \
--checkpoint_path ./checkpoints/tbnet_epoch19.ckpt \
--device_target Ascend \
--file_name model \
--file_format MINDIR
Before performing inference, the mindir file must be exported by export.py
script. We only provide an example of inference using MINDIR model.
# Ascend310 inference
bash run_infer_310.sh [MINDIR_PATH] [DATA_PATH] [DEVICE_ID]
specifies path of used "MINDIR" model.DATA_PATH
specifies path of test.csv.DEVICE_ID
is optional, default value is 0.
bash run_infer_310.sh ../model.mindir ../data/steam/test.csv 0
Inference result is saved in current path, you can find result like this in acc.log file.
auc: 0.8251359368836292
Parameters | GPU | Ascend NPU |
Model Version | TB-Net | TB-Net |
Resource | Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB | Ascend 910 |
Uploaded Date | 2021-08-01 | 2022-06-30 |
MindSpore Version | 1.3.0 | 1.5.1 |
Dataset | steam | steam |
Training Parameter | epoch=20, batch_size=1024, lr=0.001 | epoch=20, batch_size=1024, lr=0.001 |
Optimizer | Adam | Adam |
Loss Function | Sigmoid Cross Entropy | Sigmoid Cross Entropy |
Outputs | AUC=0.8596,Accuracy=0.7761 | AUC=0.8592,准确率=0.7741 |
Loss | 0.57 | 0.59 |
Speed | 1pc: 90ms/step | 单卡:80毫秒/步 |
Total Time | 1pc: 297s | 单卡:336秒 |
Checkpoint for Fine Tuning | 104.66M (.ckpt file) | 671K (.ckpt 文件) |
Scripts | TB-Net scripts |
Parameters | GPU | Ascend NPU |
Model Version | TB-Net | TB-Net |
Resource | Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB | Ascend 910 |
Uploaded Date | 2021-08-01 | 2022-06-30 |
MindSpore Version | 1.3.0 | 1.5.1 |
Dataset | steam | steam |
Batch Size | 1024 | 1024 |
Outputs | AUC=0.8252,Accuracy=0.7503 | AUC=0.8486,Accuracy=0.7704 |
Total Time | 1pc: 5.7s | 1pc: 1.1秒 |
Parameters | GPU |
Model Version | TB-Net |
Resource | Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB |
Uploaded Date | 2021-08-01 |
MindSpore Version | 1.3.0 |
Dataset | steam |
Outputs | Recommendation Result and Explanation |
Total Time | 1pc: 3.66s |
- Initialization of embedding matrix in
Please check the official homepage.