To run the script use the following command:
bash <(curl -L
This script has been tested on debian distribution, but it should also work with Ubuntu. I'm working on a compatibility with CentOS and other distribution.
- rockyou.txt
- common.txt
- subdomains.txt
- directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
- password.lst
- nmap.lst
- Sublime Text
- Obsidian
- Chrome (+Extension: Dark Reader, FoxyProxy, WappAnalyser, Hack-Tools, Bitwarden)
- Terminator
- PWNcat
- Chisel
- Nuclei
- sshuttle
- linPeas
- winPeas
- LinEnum
- linux-exploit-suggester
- mimikatz
- nmap
- Python server file in pentools folder (command:
) - Open Sublime-Text (command:
) -> To open Sublime-Text in current folder :sublime .
- OpenVPN (command:
vpn [file.ovpn]
) - Pwncat (command:
pwncat [port]
- SSH keygen
To participate in the project, you can propose new implementations of tools/binary/software/... via issues or merge request.