This repository contains the group project for ETM555 Design Of Information Systems class.
One can read the report from here.
- Solidity ^0.0.7
- Truffle v5.1.65
- Node v15.4.0
truffle npm
npm i -g truffle
@openzeppelin/contracts npm
npm i @openzeppelin/contracts@solc-0.7 -s
Go to project root folder:
Install dependencies via npm:
npm i
- Start the truffle development server (which is a test-rpc a.k.a ganache-cli anyways)
truffle develop
And start playing around with the contracts after migration, how to interact with your contracts is here
Alternatively one can start the truffle console (for which you have to configure a development server in ./truffle-config.js)
truffle console
- More details for quick start on truffle